Chocolate Chip Tigo Cookies

I tried something not at all different and made a bunch of chocolate chip cookies. I’ve done cookies before, but these ones are my own recipe. And this time I have pictures. Generic Chocolate Chip Cookies that Medic Made 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup Tigo chocolate milk powder. You can also use something like Cadburies Hot Chocolate powder. Basically any instant hot chocolate mix works. 175g butter, softened 2 small eggs 1 1/2 cup Flour 150g of chocolate of your choice, chopped into pieces Alternatively, use 100g of chocolate, broken into pieces, and 50g of chocolate chips like I… [Continue Reading]

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Kinda Not Really Sugar Free Lemon Yogurt Ice Cream

You need an ice cream maker for this one. “Nothing is truly sugar free” ice cream 700g Greek yogurt (10% fat is nicest but 5% fat works too) 1 large lemon 1 lime 1/2 cup sweetener – what you’d normally use to sweeten tea or coffee. Zest the lemon and the lime, then juice them both. Mix the lemon and lime juice in with the yogurt and mix well. Add the sweetener and continue to mix. Throw in the zest, keep on mixing, then pour into your ice cream maker. It is worth tasting the mixture before making it into… [Continue Reading]

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Smeghead’s Meatballs

You know I mentioned that bechamel sauce when I introduced SPUFood? Well there’s some meatballs to go with ’em. Definitely makes over 18 meatballs, but this varies depending on how big you make them. That’s about one meal for Smeghead. A Random Meatball Recipe by Smeghead 750g ground pork mince 1 egg 100g cheese 1 small onion 1 small, red horn pepper Salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika 1 tablespoon sweet chili sauce 1 tablespoon ketchup 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce (optional) 1 teaspoon siracha sauce (optional) Breadcrumbs Chop the onion and pepper as small as you can, but don’t grate… [Continue Reading]

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Introducing SPUFood

Here’s how to make my bechamel sauce, a creamy, cheesy sauce perfect for macaroni cheese and other pasta dishes. Basic Cheesy Bechamel Sauce 50 grams of butter Flour of your choice Approximately 200ml of full fat or semi-skimmed milk Seasoning – salt, pepper (optional: garlic powder, paprika powder) As much cheese as you want – cheddar is nicest, but as long as it melts, who cares? One egg yolk 1 teaspoon mustard, preferably English Melt the butter in a saucepan. Once it’s melted, take it off the heat and add flour, mixing until it forms a thick paste. Put the… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s Stupid Flapjack Recipe

You like oats, sugar and honey? Well this is for you. Medic’s Stupid Flapjack Recipe 400g oats 150g butter 150g honey 100g white sugar 50g cocoa or chocolate milk mixture Pinch of salt Extra butter and honey as required Optional: 50g black treacle (molasses), chocolate chips, walnuts, whatever you want, to give it some crunch. I recommend Smarties/M&Ms because they’re particularly crunchy. Preheat the oven to gas mark 4 / 180C / 350F Melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan over a low heat. Once that’s all melted, add the honey and cocoa and stir gently. In a bowl,… [Continue Reading]

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I’m in a bad mood. I’ve been looking up easy home-made cake recipes. I have been cheated. Half the recipes I have found have been instant cake mix plus the standard ingredients you need to make said instant cake mix. This is not baking. This is cheating. Now, I’m not saying that instant cake mix is evil and should be banned. Instant cake mix is a lazy, silly thing to have, considering that a cake 99% of the time is flour, sugar, eggs and a fat of some sort. Plus some baking powder. So spending money on a ready-made mixture… [Continue Reading]

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Little tiny changes!

Something magical has happened. As I was eating my awesome home-made vegetable soup the other day, I noticed something unusual. I suddenly had more power. I could change things I could not change before. Lots of magical, wonderful things. So I got to work and made a few… changes around here. First off, our wonderful sticky bomb favicon is back. Fuck yeah! Aaby missed the poor thing, and it’s technically our logo. Hence why it’s all over our social media pages. Then I went and made sure we had a proper mobile site. That’s currently not working very well, so… [Continue Reading]

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Cookies with the Mercs

Today, I decided to do something very different. I decided to reveal who I really am. That’s right guys, I am not really Medic. I am in fact ENGINEER! Just kidding. I simply moonlight as an Engineer, whenever Carnival or Halloween comes along. Or when I decide to do baking! Yes. Baking. You think Engineer leaves all those dispensers to idle when he’s not busy defending the intelligence? “Medic!” you ask. “What are you baking today?” I’m glad you asked. I’m making double chocolate cookies. The recipe comes from She Wears Many Hats, but I’ve modified the recipe to better… [Continue Reading]

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