Tea Talk: Accessible depth for the solo player

This topic came into my mind some time ago. As someone who primarily plays alone, even in multiplayer games, this is actually something that should really have occurred to me considering how much it affects me. But I never really though about it until I saw someone talking about the merits of Overwatch over Fortnite. That person claimed that the depth of gameplay in Overwatch comes from the team’s hero composition, the maps being played and the whether you’re playing on offense or defense. Leaving aside the issue that every other team-based, class-based games have all of that and Overwatch… [Continue Reading]

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On Gold Weapons

Humans love to customize things. We want to leave our mark on the items that mean the most to us, and as a warrior culture we especially love to own weapons that have unique, stylized decals. In the programmed world of video games, where one need not worry about firearm maintenance or practicality, the sky is the limit for how many ways we can customize our guns. So why do so many developers immediately go for golden guns? When available (and they seem to be available in almost every game with weapon skins), a golden reskin will almost always have… [Continue Reading]

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Sharks and Minnows (aka You)

Unless you play on tc_meridian, TF2 has a depressing absence of sharks. This holds true for the rest of my Steam library as well. Luckily, Depth recently had a free weekend, and I got to fill this void, just like the sharks in that game got to fill themselves up with me. I’ve always had an intense fascination with underwater combat in video games, partly because I’m mildly terrified of water in real life. I dedicated a whole article to what little of it exists in TF2, I can’t resist leaping into bodies of water whenever my gameplay crosses them, and… [Continue Reading]

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