How to Find the Age of Your World of Warcraft Character

During a content lull in Final Fantasy XIV, I temporarily reactivated my WoW subscription to try the new War Within expansion. I’ve had a long on-and-off relationship with this game, having first installed it sometime in undergrad after they added the free trial and taking multiple years-long breaks in between sessions. Nonetheless my two toons, a zombie pirate warlock and a werewolf druid, have pretty storied careers since they’re the only ones I ever play, and like most players I’ve developed something of an affinity for my little guys. So it’s always bothered me that I can’t see their age… [Continue Reading]

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3 Free Programs That Will Turn You Into a Video Editor (Updated 2024)

Three years ago I wrote an article on my recommendations for people hoping to try their hand at video editing without paying anything. After advising a friend on that exact topic, I’ve reviewed my old article and found it largely out of date, and in desperate need of updating. So here are my new suggestions for what you should get while breaking into this exciting and fun field of study: 1. Open Broadcasting Software The one software to survive from the old article, OBS remains the fan-favored way to record game footage or your own screen, if you’re going the… [Continue Reading]

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5 Basic Things a Newbie Should Do in Warframe

Being a newbie in Warframe is difficult. There’s so much to do, so many things flashing at you, so many urgent things. Once you’ve gotten past Vor’s Prize, you’re basically left to your own devices, in a game that feels very unfamiliar. Luckily, there are plenty of things a newbie can do to get themselves started. Follow the Star Chart Unlocking planets is your best bet as a new player. Unlocking planets unlocks new resources and new missions to obtain Warframes. You also unlock various quests as you travel across the star chart. This process is somewhat slow, but you… [Continue Reading]

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D&D 5e: A Complete Guide to Sidekicks

Pelor help me, I’ve fallen down another rabbit hole of obscure D&D mechanics. And these are even less likely than usual to ever happen in my actual games. But I don’t care because the sidekick rules are honestly really cool and revolve around one of my favorite concepts: playable NPC/monsters! Introduced in Dragon of Icespire Peak (and heavily fleshed out in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything), the sidekick rules are a system whereby a normally-unplayable creature can gain its own class levels that let it grow stronger alongside a party of regular PCs. There are three Sidekick classes (Warrior, Expert, and Spellcaster)… [Continue Reading]

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D&D 5e: A Guide to Throwing Weapons

There are a few playstyles in 5e that don’t really receive enough developer support, in my humble opinion. Strength-based unarmed builds, for one, as well as single-wielding one-handed weapons without a corresponding shield. But throwing builds are probably the most-maligned on the list. Unless you stretch all the way into archery, non-spellcasters unfortunately aren’t going to hold their own in ranged combat. In today’s article, I want to discuss a few of the reasons why, and what an enterprising player can do to mitigate the issues. Problem #1: Action Economy Martial characters (except rogues) gain more attacks as they level… [Continue Reading]

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CTF_Crasher, the Most Interesting New TF2 Map in Years

I’ve found myself occasionally leaping back into TF2 these days. I’m not sure why, maybe I just miss the mixture of arena shooter mechanics and incredible character design/writing. But anyway, with Scream Fortress 2022 in full swing, I’ve had a chance to play all the new maps, and I really really like ctf_crasher. Overview For those who haven’t tried it, ctf_crasher is the first ‘new’ game mode we’ve received in years. While nominally Capture the Flag, it’s actually ‘reverse CTF’ in that both teams are trying to deliver their bomb to the enemy camp. And whichever character carries their team’s… [Continue Reading]

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D&D 5e: A Guide to Playing Level 0 Characters

Did you know D&D 5e actually has an official method for generating 0th-level characters? The Adventurer’s League module “What’s Past is Prologue” stars classless characters, and you can view the rules for generating your own in the free preview. I was pretty excited to learn this, as the ‘level 0 session’ is a popular unofficial method for playing underpowered ‘commoner runs.’ Today I wanted to talk about this niche ruleset, its pros and cons, and whether you should use it. Should you use Level 0 characters? My first caveat is that you should not run level 0 characters for beginning… [Continue Reading]

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D&D 5e: How to Build an Effective Naked Character

Okay, you don’t literally have to be naked, but this article is about unarmored builds and how to craft one that doesn’t sacrifice effectiveness or survivability. I always find myself gravitating to unarmored characters because it fits my personal fantasy of a heroic protagonist. From shirtless barbarians to suit-wearing badasses to unlucky everyman survivors… Fiction is filled with characters who take on the world without a shred of protection beyond their skills and smarts. But unfortunately, D&D’s primary form of AC is equipping armor (heck, the acronym literally means ‘Armor Class.’) Which means you need to keep some things in mind… [Continue Reading]

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How to Easily Obtain the Hardest Achievement in Quake

“The Painless Maze” is one of the rarest achievements in Quake, requiring you to beat E4M6 “The Pain Maze” on Nightmare difficulty without taking damage. As one of the longest and toughest maps in the game, few people have done this. But today’s guide details how you can earn it without premade saves, cheats, or Nightmare-level skills required! A Note on In-Game Cheats As this guide notes, right now you can just use sv_cheats 1, toggle “god”, and get the achievement that way. But in case the devs ever patch this (or you want to earn it more legitly), this guide will detail… [Continue Reading]

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5 Ways to Farm Continental Coins in Payday 2

In October 2016, Overkill added a new currency to Payday 2 called Continental Coins. Borrowed from the John Wick universe, players could use these coins to upgrade their new safehouse and, when done with that, spend the remainder upgrading their AI heisters, optimizing or salvaging their CrimeSpree, and buying extra weapon mods. For such a valuable side currency, they sure don’t accumulate very quickly, which is why today we’re covering 5 Ways to Farm Continental Coins in Payday 2. 1. Side Jobs Side Jobs are the easiest way to earn a few every day. The Safehouse Daily side job will… [Continue Reading]

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