Surviving Scream Fortress 2013 as a Medic

“What? Surviving Scream Fortress? As a Medic? Surely that should be a piece of cake? It’s just like any other map!” You’re serious? It’s nothing like any other map. It’s an event based on one of the most deathmatch-y maps around, with more spam and confusion than you can shake a stick at. Throw in your normal Hightower threats like Mini-Sentries, and a whole new extra pit for Pyros, Scouts and explosive classes to launch you into, it’s nigh impossible to get around as a Medic. Well, not impossible, but it’s far harder than most Halloween events. Today, we’ll be… [Continue Reading]

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Scream Fortress 2013 is LIVE!

Well, the update is up. PLR_Helltower, based off Hightower. It’s the most horrific, nonsensical, spammy Halloween update ever. But at least Medics got something cool: Medic’s Crusader Crossbow now silently reloads when unholstered, similar to Pyro flaregun. In PvP Medics can now see the clip status of a patient’s active weapon Here’s the rest of the update info. About time, don’t you think? Anyway, there’s spell books, a haunted island, all sorts. Explosions everywhere. Fire everywhere. Spells everywhere. Skeletons everywhere… Everything everywhere!

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A New Comic!

Valve has released Grave Matters! It’s not the sequel to the bi-monthy comic (even though its been exactly two months since the last one), but a Halloween teaser for the upcoming Scream Fortress. Read the Comic here! SPUF is abuzz with excitement and speculation over the contents of the update, but all we know is that it’ll involve community-contributed cosmetics and they’ll all be Halloween/Full moon-restricted. There are so many unanswered questions. What TF2 map will be spookified this year? (Something payload race would be a safe bet, while others are suggesting Teufort!) Will Halloween Spells be released, allowing enterprising… [Continue Reading]

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