Remembering the Sticky Jumper

Happy Jump Day! While SPUF itself may be long gone, the Sticky Jumper-themed holiday it birthed has survived six years, almost into the 2020s. Never forget the day they nerfed our Sticky Jumper! Out of all the cruel, heartless, and unneeded nerfs that Valve have levied on unsuspecting weapons in Team Fortress 2‘s long and checkered past, the Sticky Jumper nerf remains one of the harshest. Valve took one of the funnest and most unique weapons (it’s the only Demoman secondary that isn’t an explosive or a shield, creating an entirely new “scout with a grenade launcher” playstyle) and…um…well, to… [Continue Reading]

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Happy Jump Day!

For the last four years September 16th has been Jump Day, a somber holiday where the denizens of SPUF honor the 8-clip Sticky Jumper which was cruelly nerfed on September 16th, 2013. (Last year even reddit got involved!) We will never forget our fallen comrade. A weapon of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; it hath carried me through the sky a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is. A harmless weapon that once stood proudly among the few Demoman unlocks, a weapon that has seen its abilities gutted slowly but surely, a weapon whom Valve later updated… [Continue Reading]

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A Look at Junkrat’s Traps

I cannot stop playing Junkrat in Overwatch! He’s amazing, you can spam pills for days and almost everything I know about playing Team Fortress 2‘s Demoman ported over into Junkrat. His concussion mine is my favorite weapon in the game, basically being a single-clip Sticky Launcher that doesn’t self-damage, and his additional abilities such as the bear trap and the Riptire are new mechanics that perfectly complement his playstyle. Anyone who mained Demoman in TF2 definitely needs to try him out, though I hope you mained the grenade launcher like I did because it’s the cornerstone of the loadout, not… [Continue Reading]

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