Why Would Anyone Nerf Incense in Pokemon GO?

After the Johto Tour and the Season of Heritage faded away, something went wrong. Incense, one of the most accessible premium items in Pokemon GO, was nerfed. In fact, Incense had actually returned to its previous state, before COVID and all that. Why did this happen? I have no idea. But no matter how you look at Incense, it’s definitely not in a good spot any more. Pre-Pandemic Problems Before the pandemic, Incense wasn’t a particularly good item. It lasted half an hour and spawned a Pokemon every 5 minutes or so, based on how fast you were going. If… [Continue Reading]

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Ash is Good, but…

I’ve been playing both a lot of Index and a lot of Steel Path lately. When I play the same things over and over, I tend to not want to constantly change my Warframe a lot. I also don’t often use specific Warframes for specific tasks, I tend to prefer a generalist Warframe over a specific one. After all, Volt and Saryn are both nuke frames, but I prefer Volt due to his versatility. And while both Loki and Ivara are higher on my most-played list of Warframes, Ash has always been my invisibility frame of choice. Ash is a… [Continue Reading]

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Covert Lethality – The Deadly Mod that Died a Horrible Death

Warframe isn’t really known for having scaling damage. Sure, there are abilities that scale to high levels in various ways. Some abilities, like Octavia’s Mallet, scale based on enemy damage, making them valuable for long survival missions. But most Warframes have some sort of limit. In fact, most frames lack endurance. But what if there was an item that could provide a way to kill any enemies, regardless of level? For a while, there was such a way to do just that. It was called Covert Lethality. Covert Lethality was a mod that could only be used on single Daggers.… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Thoughts on the Roar Pre-Nerf

As part of some desperate attempt to not break Warframe completely, some subsumed abilities will be nerfed. What does this mean? This means that, when the Helminth system comes out, some abilities won’t be identical. For example, Roar won’t have the same strength on other frames as it does Rhino. It’s only a handful of abilities, but it’s caused an uproar (no pun intended) in the Warframe community. Why? I don’t really know. But honestly, as a person with a blog, I really don’t know what the big deal is. Seriously, take a moment to stop and think about this.… [Continue Reading]

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Happy Jump Day!

For the last four years September 16th has been Jump Day, a somber holiday where the denizens of SPUF honor the 8-clip Sticky Jumper which was cruelly nerfed on September 16th, 2013. (Last year even reddit got involved!) We will never forget our fallen comrade. A weapon of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; it hath carried me through the sky a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is. A harmless weapon that once stood proudly among the few Demoman unlocks, a weapon that has seen its abilities gutted slowly but surely, a weapon whom Valve later updated… [Continue Reading]

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Four Things You Can’t Do With the Sticky Jumper

Migrating over from Medic primaries, I’m shamelessly stealing an old article format and focusing on another one of my favorite weapons in TF2, a much-maligned mobility tool that has been lumped in with the Rocket Jumper and Sun-on-a-Stick as useless tripe. I’ve long-defended the Sticky Jumper as a perfectly-viable unlock that created a whole new playstyle for aerial Demoman, but thanks to the many, many times Valve has redesigned this weapon, this time we’re going to talk about the things you can’t do with it. At least, not anymore. 1. You can’t plant decoy sticky traps. When the Sticky Jumper… [Continue Reading]

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Poor Righteous Bison!

Out of all the Dr Grordbort weapons, I think it’s safe to say that the Righteous Bison was considered the most balanced and the most loved. Of course, the Dr Grordbort weapons have always been notorious for being unbalanced messes with tons of unneeded particles and all sorts of nastiness, but you can’t deny it, the Righteous Bison is an unbelievably cool weapon. The odd thing about the Bison is the fact that it has an unusual role among Soldiers. While a Shotgun is more of a close ranged self-defense mechanism and a close range Medic-protector, the Gunboats are designed… [Continue Reading]

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Why Does Valve Keep Buffing Medic?

Do not buff Medic! No, seriously, don’t. That seems like an insane thing to say, considering I’ve been calling myself Medic, The Medic, BLU Medic and many other variations of the word for the past three or four years now, not to mention the fact that out of my 1700 hours of TF2, about 900 of them are as Medic. But hear me out for a moment. Medic is the most powerful class in the game. No one else has the pushing power capable of taking down sentries harmlessly. No one can stand in the way of an Ubercharged power… [Continue Reading]

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The Only Weapon Removed From TF2

I know I already wrote an article on this, but the Persian Persuader has become the first weapon removed from Team Fortress 2. I’ve searched my memory banks and the TF2 Wiki and I’m almost positive the Tough Break Persian Persuader is the first weapon ever to have every single one of its stats removed and replaced with new ones. (I’m not counting the generic sword stats that every bladed Demoknight melee shares, those are inherent in the classification.) For comparison, we went from this: +100% increase in charge recharge rate All ammo collected becomes health Cannot pick up ammo To… [Continue Reading]

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Pyro has been reduced to a W+M1 machine

When news of Tough Break broke (mind the pun) I expressed how excited I was. That was mostly due to the plethora of balance changes, some of which many of us have been whining about for years and years (Half-Zatoichi crits, for one.) On first glance it really did seem like a nearly perfect update. In practice, though, you’ll find pubs flooded with Phlog Pyros. That’s because this update destroyed Pyro as we know it. All-Class – Base weapon switch speed changed from 0.67 seconds to 0.5 seconds … Pyro – Pyros like to collect rainbows! Extinguishing a teammate will… [Continue Reading]

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