My Favorite Moments in TF2 History

TF2 was the first game I really immersed myself into, meaning that a lot of my earliest internet memories come from this game. And through all the years, all the updates, all the thousands of hours of playing this game, there are a few memories that stand out to me the most. In the spirit of Love and War Part 2, I thought I’d take an article to recall my fondest memories as a TF2 fan. Especially since my more traditional “what I love most” article already exists. In no particular order: 5. STAR_ wins Mixup 2013. It was possible for you to… [Continue Reading]

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Ode to the Sandvich

A delectable combo of lettuce and cheese, Tomatoes, an olive, and fresh bolognas. There’s no battle ailment you cannot cure When bestowed by the heavy whose heart is pure. The Sandvich might be the most famous weapon in Team Fortress 2. Like the Ubersaw, it has eclipsed its stock counterpart and become the unanimously-accepted default weapon of its slot. Outside of gameplay it has appeared as a Comic-Con collectible and as the star of its own Meet the Team video. And the whole team should love it; aside from the Medigun its the best healing weapon in the game, instantly replenishing the health of… [Continue Reading]

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“Where have you been sending it?” and other thoughts about Expiration Date

Welp, it’s been over a year since Expiration Date and the Love and War update in general was released. I know I should be looking at the Gun Mettle update, but I just don’t find it as interesting as the Love and War update. Gun Mettle came with a comic and a bunch of cosmetics and balance changes, Love and War came with a short movie, a bunch of weapons and some minor balance changes. It came with lore. Gun Mettle just had a stupid story involving Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale, and honestly I’m kinda sick of the pair… [Continue Reading]

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