Pokemon that I am sick and tired of seeing.

Normally, when you get a new season in Pokemon GO, there’s a shakeup when it comes to Pokemon spawns. You get different Pokemon spawning in the wild, both common and uncommon Pokemomn. However, between seasons 10 and 11, well, not much happened. Here are a bunch of Pokemon that I am sick and tired of seeing, despite being in different seasons. Sandshrew When season 10 ended, I was hoping we’d see less Sandshrew. Sandshrew has been dicking around since before December 2022, in both its forms. Both Kanto and Galar Sandshrew have been spawning constantly. Whenever I use my daily… [Continue Reading]

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Five Pokemon You Should Consider To Have as a Buddy

In Pokemon GO, you rarely walk alone. There’s always a buddy Pokemon by your side as you walk around. But what is worth walking around? Here are some options. Magikarp You can never have too much Magikarp candy. Even if you’ve managed to complete the Evolve a Magikarp task in Mew’s special research, the fact that you need so much candy is always still there. After all, you need to power up your Gyarados as well. Gyarados isn’t the be-all and end-all of water types, but it is a very strong water type and it has a Mega Evolution, which… [Continue Reading]

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What Should We Use Elite TMs on?

Elite TMs are rare and valuable. They give Pokemon access to special and unique moves when they’d otherwise be unavailable. While you can spend €15 once a month to get an Elite TM, most cases of obtaining Elite TMs are rare, or require a lot of patience. You can get a free Elite TM by playing in the GO Battle League, but you need to wait for a season to finish to get your hands on another. On the other hand, there are generally a LOT of Pokemon that need an Elite TM. For example, back in February, Groudon and… [Continue Reading]

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Axew Community Day

Despite having a debut in 2022 during that year’s GO Fest, Axew Community Day is a welcome one. Axew has been a semi-rare Pokemon for ages, only really appearing in windy weather, and it’s been hard to farm candies for them. This Community Day finally allowed us to get our hands on a very popular shiny Pokemon. A fun day For me, I had a great day. We played in a group of six, which is actually quite a lot for a Community Day here, at least post-pandemic*. We wandered around town hall, making use of the plenty of shade… [Continue Reading]

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Spotlight Hours in Pokemon GO

Every Tuesday in Pokemon GO, we get a spotlight hour. During the spotlight hour, 99% of spawns turn into one specific species of Pokemon, starting from 6pm local time until 7pm local time. But are they worth doing? Or are they a waste of time? It depends on the Pokemon It really, really depends on the Pokemon. There have been all sorts of Pokemon in spotlight hours, ranging from Minun and Plusle to heavy hitters like Beldum. Generally though, the spotlight Pokemon is related to whatever event is currently going on. For example, during the last Rocket Takeover, Skorupi was… [Continue Reading]

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Cheap Alternatives to Expensive Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO

These days, Legendary Pokemon are most often the best choice. They tend to be just too good at what they do, which is mostly just killing things. However, here are some nice budget Pokemon for your raiding pleasure. Machamp These days, the best fighting type is Terrakion, who recently got Sacred Sword, a very strong fighting move. Before Terrakion though, we had the rather expensive and rare Lucario and Conkeldurr. Both of which were somewhat rare and a pain in the ass to get candy for. Luckily though, our old buddy Machamp is here to save the day. It hatches… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon I Like But Don’t Know Why

There are a huge amount of Pokemon to love and enjoy, but there’s also plenty of unusual picks for favorite Pokemon. For me, since most of my knowledge about Pokemon comes from Pokemon GO, I’ve got some odd favorites of my own. And most of them are shiny, since shinies are more common in Pokemon GO. Anyway, here are some Pokemon I genuinely like, but don’t really know why. Shiny Skiploom Isn’t Skiploom cute? I don’t really know why, but Skiploom is utterly adorable, it’s got four little stubby legs, big flappy ears and a flower on its head that… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon GO’s Season 10 Has Kinda Sucked

Season 10: Rising Heroes has sucked. It’s been an all-round mediocre season with not much going on. In fact,it’s been so boring that I’m actually writing about it. This season not only has been boring, but it’s also been limiting, and not much good has actually happened. But why? The seasonal spawns suck It’s been nothing but fricking Pidove, with a smattering of Starly, Weedle, Caterpie and the odd Patrat. Pidove seemed to take up most of the spawns. In windy weather, it and Starly made up most of the spawns, aside from the odd Drifbloon. And of course there’s… [Continue Reading]

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Purifying 1000 Pokemon

Quite a while back, I mentioned how I defeated an absolute ton of Team Rocket grunts. I did this for two reasons: one, it was fun, and two, I wanted the platinum medal for defeating grunts. At the time though, I also mentioned how I needed to complete the Purification badge as well, but that would be a long, dull journey. Well, finally, over two years later, I managed to get the platinum medal for purifying Pokemon. And boy, did it take a while. But I finally did it. I now have the platinum Purifier medal. I have purified 1000… [Continue Reading]

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Elite Raids Are Meh

Elite raids are a bit of a new feature. Simply put, they are designated raids that feature a specific Legendary Pokemon at a specific time. Currently, Hoopa Unbound, Regieleki and Regidraco are the Pokemon that have featured in these raids. They have special red eggs and appear at specific times. But how are they? Well, they had a rocky start. When Hoopa appeared in Elite Raids, the boss was insanely tough. Being only really weak to bug types, it took a lot of players to take down. But what made matters worse was how buggy the raids were. Connection issues… [Continue Reading]

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