The Only 5 Melee Weapons Worth Using in Payday 2

Look, I’m a busy man and you’ve probably got things to do, so today, in our standard amount of 500 words, we’re covering the only five melee weapons worth using in Payday 2. Actually, now I mention it, it’s a total of ten weapons. Because I don’t know if you own the Ultimate Edition or not, and some of these aren’t available without it. Anyway, without further ado: 1. Weapon Butt The first melee weapon you get in the game, the weapon butt, has the fastest swing speed and the fastest recovery time, which is great for heists where you… [Continue Reading]

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3 Free Programs That Will Turn You Into a Video Editor

I’ve been video-editing for most of my life, and these days I pay the bills making motivational-coaching vids for this YouTube/Instagram channel. And I’m here to tell you that if you have any interest, any predilection whatsoever towards even maybe learning video editing, you should absolutely do so. You know how everyone tells high-schoolers to become programmers? That programming pays well due to being a highly skill-based, in-demand industry with no threat of robots stealing your job? Well, all those perks apply to video-editing too. But where to start, I hear you ask? With these three programs. Pick your favorite video… [Continue Reading]

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The Deimos Isolation Vault Pillar Farm

Unlike Fortuna and Cetus, you need a LOT of resources to rank up with the Entrati. The Cambion Drift is much more resource-heavy than the previous open worlds, and constantly drains you of supplies. Not only do you need the resources to increase your rank, but you also need the resources to earn standing in general. While the token system is useful for not losing standing, you need to work a lot harder to level up and get what you need. And that means fishing, mining, conserving and doing bounties. Luckily, there’s a solution that combines… some of these tasks.… [Continue Reading]

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3 Basic Tips Every L4D2 Player Should Know

The other day I took an old L4D2 article and repurposed the topic into a Payday the Heist article. Well today, a Payday article is returning the favor due to a major L4D2 update coming out and bringing a whole host of new players to our favorite zombie shooter! I recently played through the new campaign with three friends, and we managed to beat it on Advanced Difficulty our first try. Despite this, there were a couple of basic mechanics I saw they could have been doing to drastically increase their survivability: Tip #1: Shove More. This is the single… [Continue Reading]

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Five Hidden Farming Spots in Warframe

There’s often so much to farm in Warframe that you don’t know where to begin. But after a while, you get bored of the same old spots. After all, how many times can you play Sanctuary Onslaught without getting bored? And I am sure most people are sick of playing the Index, right? With so much to farm, sometimes you need new, fresh, farming locations. Here’s five such farming spots, which should hopefully liven up your Warframe sessions. The Bit-of-Everything Farm – Profit Taker and Exploiter Orb It somewhat makes sense that the massive robots, build by a cult that… [Continue Reading]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Shoutcasting

I’ve been amateur shoutcasting for 3 years, and I recently got voted by League Zero to cast the grand finals, but I’ve also never peaked beyond low gold in my game of choice. So don’t worry about your in-game talent level, you’re fine! Shoutcasting has almost a completely different skillset from actual playing (just like how most chess commentators aren’t grandmasters) so don’t feel discouraged about your own personal heights. (This goes for other possible esport positions as well, there are tons of options other than playing for breaking in!) If you’ve ever watched a shoutcast and thought it would… [Continue Reading]

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Stupid Tips for Pokemon Go’s GBL

It’s pretty clear to me that I’m not the only person who hates the GBL. The handful of articles I’ve written about the Go Battle League constantly pop up with more views than average. In fact, my article about giving up on the GBL completely is one of the more highly-commented and viewed articles on the site. But enough negativity. the GBL is here to stay, so we might as well try and get something from it. Suck it up and use the same fucking meta all the fucking time. Just use meta Pokemon. Get yourself an Azumaril, get yourself… [Continue Reading]

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A Handy Guide to Every Baro Ki’Teer Ever – What Should You Buy from Baro?

Baro Ki’Teer is a snobbish bastard from Mars who visits one of the Tenno relays every 2 weeks. Each time he comes, he’ll appear on a Friday and disappear on Sunday. Baro Ki’Teer will bring various “treasures from the Void”, all of which require Ducats and lots of credits to purchase. Now, as a new player, or even as an old player, it can be difficult to decide what to buy. Luckily, you are currently reading a guide which should help you make the right decision! Before you buy Before you do anything though, you need credits and ducats. Credits… [Continue Reading]

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PSA: Always Stab Your Kuva Lich

There is literally no reason to ever attempt to stab a Kuva Lich now. With the Warframe Revision update, while we didn’t get anything particularly new or shiny, we did get a long list of changes. Funnily enough though, the Kuva Lich changes were mostly minimal. Most of the changes were simply bug fixes. But the major change was the most important. Stabbing a Kuva Lich and not getting the correct combination now grants murmurs to your entire squad. This is a massive change because it means everyone benefits from the appearance of any Lich, not just their own. And… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Ridiculous Guide to Rolling and Selling Rivens 2020 Edition

Riven mods are strange, multifaceted mods designed by Cephalon Samodeus (an otherwise unknown Cephalon), designed to fit into a single weapon and capable of having the mod’s stats rerolled by pumping thousands upon thousands of tons of Kuva into said mods. Riven mods are easily traded and can be incredibly valuable if you get very lucky. Alternatively they can just take up space in your Mod list, eventually accumulating to the point where you have to sell them or you can’t do Sorties any more. They also have the ability to make your favourite guns even better, despite their randomness… [Continue Reading]

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