Escaping the Stalker

Volt hated Spy missions. He hated them with a passion. Not because Volt couldn’t hack, in fact, Volt had mastered hacking pretty quickly. He didn’t mind the sneaking either, he actively enjoyed being sneaky at times. No, Volt hated Spy missions because of all those stupid energy fields and sensors and cameras and stuff that the Grineer and Corpus always chucked around their stupid vaults. Why couldn’t they just be in rooms with locked doors that needed to be hacked, rather than stupid jumping puzzles that required Volt to stop running, slow down and start doing stupid backflips and stuff… [Continue Reading]

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6 Reasons Why I won’t play Competitive ever again

I was talking to my Overwatch-Competitive-playing sister who goes by the edgy name Skully. She’s totally not a Reaper main, can’t aim those guns for shit. She mostly plays… well, anything BUT Reaper. Mercy, Junkrat, D.Va mostly. That’s beside the point. We were talking about how competitive game modes just… aren’t that fun if you take them seriously. Which spurred me to write this article. It’s Too Serious Team Fortress 2 is a stupidly goofy game. On the flip side, competitive 6v6 is serious. Super serious business. It’s pretty hard to take the game seriously when you’ve got a Heavy… [Continue Reading]

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One of my most favourite Spy cosmetics, the Scarecrow, came out during the 2012 Halloween update. It turns the Spy’s head into a voodoo doll head. What I love about this is just how unsettling this looks. The button eyes with some of the stuffing poking out from the back of the buttons, the stitches across the mouth, the seams and patches on the Spy’s head (or rather, his balaclava), it just gives that uncanny valley vibe to the Spy. And it also reminds me of Coraline. Must be the eyes. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure at first… [Continue Reading]

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Some Article-Writing Standards

Hi everyone! I just thought I’d stop by with some more tips and guidelines for when it comes to writing articles, and how to get them looking nice and neat. As much as we let you write about whatever you want, there is a way missy Medic wants her articles to appear. Of course, I’ve written about this stuff before. But there’s always a few things I miss or change my mind on over the years, and since we have this newish site, I might as well make a new post. Just so you know, most of these… suggestions are… [Continue Reading]

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Complaining Across a Very Small Sea of Games

I have two siblings, both of whom are better at games than I am. Particularly platforming games and anything with precise timing, which I hate with a passion. They are both fans of first person shooters. They both started playing FPS games at the same time I did, starting with Left 4 Dead and Garry’s Mod. They’ve always played similar games. They both adore class-based shooters. They are Terroxy and Nommy. Nommy is the youngest of the three of us. She plays with a small group of friends. Mostly Overwatch these days. She’s gone off Team Fortress 2, because she… [Continue Reading]

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PlanetSide 2: Diary of a Little Aviator

Maidvette pushed hard on the throttle, the jets of the Reaver flaring to life as she trailed the damaged Scythe. With the crosshairs trained on the alien-looking ship, she opened fire, the Reaver’s main gun tearing into the Scythe. The Scythe, already damaged from flak, caught fire and exploded spectacularly as Maidvette broke off towards friendly territory. Smiling to herself, she remembered how many times in the simulations she had crashed the Reaver just trying to turn around just two days ago. ~Day One~ I’ve recently had the desire to try my hand at piloting in PlanetSide 2. Now, after… [Continue Reading]

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Spiral Sallet

In general, hats that you can earn (or “earn” if you are one of those lazy sc rather busy people that uses Steam Achievement Manager) without needing to trade for, get in a drop, or even being premium in TF2 tends to get a bad rep. It ties in with the prejudice some people have towards the F2P players, since they are the ones that normally wear them as that is all they get. However, that doesn’t diminish my liking towards the Spiral Sallet. The Spiral Sallet was added in a small patch in June 14 2011, a day before the… [Continue Reading]

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Co-Op Conflict

The “Last Chance Trial” was a final demo before Nioh’s full release. In case it wasn’t obvious, I played the HELL out of it and enjoyed every second and did everything you possibly could once again. After I’d done that I decided I wanted to help as many people enjoy Nioh as possible. So I jumped online to help those who desperately sought it, being summoned as a visitor to aid my invoker. I helped 15-20 players conquer the demo… I even helped one or two people who had previously died by my side succeed! Many claps, bows and whistles… [Continue Reading]

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In Skyrim, Doing Nothing at all…

Whenever I’m pissed off with another game, whether it’s Team Fortress 2 and having experienced most of it, or me being a whining baby when it comes to Warframe, I always come back to Skyrim. Unless Skyrim is the thing that has pissed me off. But normally, it isn’t. Skyrim is the sort of game one can spend hours upon hours playing in and manage to not really do anything. Unfortunately for me, ever since I lost most of my saves, I haven’t really done anything at all. Well, I say nothing at all, I’ve done the main quest, and… [Continue Reading]

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Update the Damn Tutorials

Tutorials are great. I like games with tutorials that help explain things. The best sort of tutorials are ones which make hints pop up and fit with the rest of the game, but you have the option to turn off the hints in your options menu. Games with shit tutorials will put me right off, like Warframe originally did. Team Fortress 2 and its tutorials though are… lacking, to say the least. Well, the Soldier tutorial isn’t THAT awful. It covers the barest of basics of the game – movement, jumping, switching weapons and shooting, before putting you in a… [Continue Reading]

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