Battlefield 1

Happy Armistice Day SPUFers, fast video today, just wanted to quickly inform anyone who hasn’t played a Battlefield game, like myself until recently, that Battlefield 1 is amazing and one of the best multiplayer experiences I’ve had in recent memory. The animations and textures are gorgeous, sound design is immersive, and there are so many little details that other game ignore. There are first-person legs and shadows and reload animations that use the right number of bullets, they put so much effort into the experience around the gameplay and it absolutely pays off. Getting into the actual gameplay, which is… [Continue Reading]

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The Problem with Riven Mods

When the War Within came out, it introduced Riven Mods, often just called rivens. The idea was that you’d receive a veiled mod with a challenge on it. Equipping this mod on a weapon and completing the challenge would unveil the riven and produce a mod for a specific weapon with randomized stats on it. These mods would cost about the same as rare/gold mods to upgrade and would ideally be a huge buff to unpopular or bad weapons, since the randomized stats included would give you more space for other mods, allow you to experiment more and try out… [Continue Reading]

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Ōkami, Last Scroll

Despite the game being one of the most highly-rated games of all time, it didn’t do too well in terms of sales. Clover Studio, the group behind this game, was dissolved. The Wii port, which is what I played, was done by Ready at Dawn Studios. It was almost a whole year after I beat the game when I heard about Ōkami’s original ending credits, which Capcom had decided to cut out from the Wii port. The reason, from what I gathered, is due to legal constraints. Which is complete nonsense since the HD remake on the PS3 has the credits… [Continue Reading]

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Ōkami, Third Scroll – Playing God

The land of Nippon, lovingly depicted in Ōkami’s sumi-e-inspired artstyle, is the backdrop for the events of the game. There are puzzles, collectibles, people and levitating Demon Scrolls for Amaterasu to interact with. Her main method of interaction, aside from headbutting people, is with the Celestial Brush. The Celestial Brush is a collection of skills that Amaterasu sought after throughout the story, fragments of her divine self that was splintered off from her presence when Shiranui died. The techniques, taking the form of divine gods, hid among the heavens as constellations waiting to be summoned and to aid Amaterasu. When you… [Continue Reading]

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Ōkami, Second Scroll – People of Note

The characters of Ōkami, major or minor, deserves a mention for how they’re written. Below are a few characters that I like to talk about. As usual, spoilers ahead. Last chapter, I talked at length about Susano’s growth throughout the first arc. But I feel that I need to make a note here about Kushi. She displayed a strength of character that was not present in what people expect of damsels in distress. She sacrificed herself to save her village, but she also held out hope that she can survive and tried to do her part to fight Orochi. Having lost her… [Continue Reading]

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Ōkami, First Scroll – Tales and Legends

The first game I ever played to completion was Ōkami on the Wii, and it was one of the best experiences I had. It was fantastic throughout, and I enjoyed it a lot. Amaterasu the wolf god and his companion, Issun the one-inch-tall artist, brought me much emotion and fun as I roam the land of Nippon.  By the way, there will be spoilers in this article. I mean, I am discussing my favourite part of the game’s plot here. Also, this game was released in 2006, so cut me some slack. Ōkami is one of the best games I… [Continue Reading]

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Blizzcon 2017 Announcements!

There’s a thread on reddit right now called “Blizzard literally gave us everything we wanted” and that’s pretty much how I’d sum up this cavalcade of announcements we just got at the beginning of Blizzcon. Blizzard is pulling out all the stops with a host of new Overwatch improvements on several fronts. First and most important, we’re getting our first evil healer! Moira is an Irish geneticist who appears to have something to do with Reaper’s necromantic resurrection, and she specializes in medium-range healing and damage-dealing. She’s got several different beam attacks for defending herself and also fueling her healing… [Continue Reading]

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This is the 1700th Article? Really?

Apparently, this is the 1700th article. It bough caught me by surprise and didn’t catch me by surprise. I had planned to write a ton of articles so I could publish this on Halloween, but I kinda didn’t really get a chance to. Would have written like 12 articles or something silly and I was too tired to do that. Really, 1700 isn’t a great number. It’s 300 articles away from the big 2k. But that means that by next year, we’ll have reached 2000 articles, which will be cool. Rather than go on all cutesy like, today we’ll talk… [Continue Reading]

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Who The Hell Wants Only 1000 Credits Anyway?

The other day, I was watching Region chat scroll by when someone made a commend, asking if they could trade for a Continuity mod. I checked my profile and lo and behold, they were at Mastery Rank 6. I felt compelled to give them one of my Continuity mods for free, since I struggled for a long time without one. So I sent him a private message, invited him to my clan’s dojo and initiated a trade. Unfortunately, the guy didn’t have enough credits. You see, every trade has a trade tax applied to it, and every trade costs credits.… [Continue Reading]

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The New Eviction Notice

I once talked about the old Eviction Notice and how I used it. And below were the stats before the Jungle Inferno update: And after the Jungle Inferno update, here are the new stats: The “20% damage vulnerability on wearer” stat has been swapped for “maximum health is drained while item is active”. Right now, having it active will drain 5 Hp per second out of your maximum health. Holstering it will let you regain your maximum health at the same rate. The fact that your maximum health is being drained rather than you taking 5 Hp of damage per… [Continue Reading]

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