Fallout 4, Beauty and Grace with Radiation

“I got you a game!” Brother says as he throws a plastic bag at me. “Noooo!” I scream as I stare at my overflowing Steam library, filled with unplayed games. “It’s Fallout 4 though! Game of the Year version! Only cost €15!” Brother counters, thrusting the game into my hands. “You like Fallout, right?” Actually, I don’t really like Fallout. It’s a cool world but it’s too slow and too close to real life. I’ve always been way more of a fantasy person, never been a fan of post-apocalyptic scenarios in radiation-filled landscapes. But Fallout 4 was a gift and… [Continue Reading]

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Misfit Eidolon Hunt

“We’re going on an Eidolon hunt!” Frost exclaimed as he rummaged through his arsenal, looking for weapons to take with him. “We’re gonna murder some monsters!” “No, we’re going to capture one monster…” Volt sighed. “Maybe.” “Mate, I haven’t really done this before, just been carried by others!” Frost exclaimed. “I mean, I have a tier 2 Amp for my real self from being carried but I kinda… just did nothing while they killed the Teralyst. Are we going to kill all three?” Volt sighed again. “I just told you. We’re going to capture the Teralyst and see how we… [Continue Reading]

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Major League Magic Attends The Mix and Sammy’s Showcase 2018!

This was an eventful summer for Major League Magic! We were able to secure sponsorship from UC Santa Cruz to attend two exciting gaming events. The first, The Media Indie Exchange, is a big expo dedicated to indie games, where a select group of indie game enthusiasts and industry professionals review and select the features games from a large list of applicants. The event took place in Los Angeles, on the roof of the elegant 1010 Wilshire Apartment Complex, and we were lucky enough to get the only air-conditioned room since our game needed an internet connection! All sorts of… [Continue Reading]

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The Problems With Sanctuary Onslaught

Sanctuary Onslaught is one of the best ways to level things up. There’s generally a lot of enemies around and they increase in level pretty quickly, meaning your weapons level up pretty fast. It’s a silly, mindless game mode. But it’s also a fucking infuriating game mode at times for various reasons. The first reason is actually reasonably simple. If you’ve already got one or two nuking characters playing, then you’re a dead weight to the team. There’s not enough killing to go around, especially when you’ve got a Saryn turning everyone into toxic mists and filling the room full… [Continue Reading]

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I Completely Forgot To Do A Deadpool 2 Movie Review

I’ve seen Deadpool 2 three times and I haven’t reviewed it. Isn’t that a bit crazy? Isn’t it crazy that I saw the movie two whole times? Well that last thing not so much. Because my dad (big comic book fan) wanted to see it with me, so did my brother and so did my cousin on one of the last showings. Totally a family film. No, really. It’s a family film. As in the main theme of the story is family and having people you can fall back on and relationship stuff and things like that. All that being… [Continue Reading]

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Boolet Hose

Reloading sucks. No one likes reloading a video game gun. Reloading places a massive sign on your head that says “SHOOT ME NOW, I AM VULNERABLE!” and makes you a walking target. So if you don’t like reloading, what are your options? Do you find a gun with a faster reload? I guess, but where’s the fun in that? There’s a better option: You find a gun with a massive magazine or clip, so you only have to reload once in a blue moon. Heavy Weapons Guy knows what’s up with his Minigun. But in Warframe there aren’t that many… [Continue Reading]

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Warframe and Destiny are nothing alike and I really don’t get the comparisons any more…

Ever since the Destiny 2 Demo/Beta I played ages ago, I have never understood why people compare Warframe to Destiny. The two games are very different. And the similarities are rather… superficial. Actually, we should start with the similarities, since the differences are a lot bigger. Well, both games are set in sci-fi futures for humanity, with space travel and more convoluted lore than you can shake a magic stick at. Visually the games are quite similar, made worse by the fact that they’re set mainly in our own solar system. But even the lore premises are kinda weird and… [Continue Reading]

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FortniteBR: Actually an alright game despite questionable meta

Surprising for sure, given it’s mainstream reputation as a game for kids and all… Wait… when was the last time I actually did an article here?.. Oh, right, two years… Anyway, I’ve been playing quite a bit of Fortnite as of late (a little too much, if I may admit), and it happens that I actually really enjoy both Save the World and Battle Royale, but today we’re gonna talk about the latter… You guys are aware that Fortnite did have a PvE mode though, right? A lot of people don’t seem to know that. Being Free to Play, it… [Continue Reading]

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A Warframe Tier List, or lack of thereof

“What is the best Warframe for Spy missions?” I’ve been asked as I cheese my way through a tricky Kuva Fortress vault, using Ivara and the Infiltrator augment, making almost all cameras, traps and other methods of detection obsolete. I don’t answer, mainly because I’m busy hacking terminals and dropping a Liset Air Support charge because a Loki followed me in and triggered the alarms. But afterwards? I still don’t have an answer. Why? Because anyone can do a Spy mission. All Ivara does is make Spy missions easier. But better players will instead take Limbo or Nova, tripping alarms… [Continue Reading]

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Saints Row 4: The game that should have been a DLC

I’m trying to hard to like Saints Row 4. I really am. I recently picked it up again to play with a friend of mine after struggling for an insane amount of time to even download the game. This sounds insanely weird considering that I’m a huge fan of Saints Row 3 and Saints Row 2 is an amazing game when it decides it wants to work. I even thoroughly enjoyed Gat out of Hell, even though it was an incredibly short game, especially once I’d upgraded flying. I actually asked for Saints Row 4 as a Christmas present, getting… [Continue Reading]

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