“So What Happened To That Pokemon Violet Series?”

A while back, I started playing Pokemon Violet. I intended to do a complete playthrough, the same way I did with Pokemon Shield. However, it turns out that Pokemon Violet has a little too much to do, and, well, I kinda lost interest. To recap, I did do a bit of everything. I caught some Pokemon, I did some battles, you know the drill. The gyms I did were rather easy, but they weren’t particularly interesting. I also did one Team Star base, which I completed rather quickly, but I didn’t particularly enjoy. What did interest me was the Path… [Continue Reading]

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Taskmaster but International

Taskmaster is one of my favourite TV shows of all time. I absolutely adore it, and regularly spend lunch breaks and evenings watching Taskmaster. I’ve watched up to series 14 and am waiting patiently for season 15, which will have Frankie Boyle (a terrifyingly amazing comedian) on it. But did you know that Taskmaster has been done in other countries too? I’ll start with the ones in languages I don’t understand. Bast I Test is the Swedish version of Task Master, and it does have a good spin on the normal Taskmaster layout. The Taskmaster herself is a woman called… [Continue Reading]

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Dead End Stories In Pokemon GO

Back at the start of the year, Pokemon GO had some sort of plot point featuring a massive door, that Arlo from Team GO Rocket wanted to open. Apparently it contained some sort of mystical power and we had to, I don’t know, stop him? At the end of the season though, nothing actually happened. It was a dead end plot point. We hardly even got to see what was behind this magical door, we just know that we stopped Arlo doing whatever it was he was doing. Now, some of you are probably thinking that Pokemon GO doesn’t have… [Continue Reading]

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Togetic Community Day

On Saturday 15th, we had a rather odd community day. Rather than featuring a basic Pokemon, we got a first evolution. Togetic is an unusual Pokemon that has a baby form, Togepi. It then evolves into the Pokemon equivalent of a stealth jet. But was the community day any good? Well, it’s a yes and a no. When it comes to shinies, it’s a bit of a mess. Togetic’s shiny is actually very easy to miss. Several times I clicked on a shiny and nearly backed out because it didn’t look shiny at first glance. If it wasn’t for the… [Continue Reading]

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Good Luck with Disguised Pokemon

Back when I was new to Pokemon GO, I had a bit of a problem. I needed to catch a Ditto in order to proceed with special research. It took me a while, but I eventually got one when Meltan was first teased as a new Pokemon, just after the Chikorita Community Day. And later on, for another quest, I needed another Ditto to proceed. I actually got lucky and didn’t have to travel far, as I found a Ditto disguised as a Rattata, about twenty minutes after I got that research. However, most people aren’t that lucky. Most early… [Continue Reading]

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Little Tiny Things You May Not Have Noticed in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO has tiny little tidbits that you may not notice. Not so much easter eggs, more little details that are easily missed. Here are some of these little tidbits. • Your shadow moves with the time of day. This is actually a somewhat newer feature, but the shadow of your avatar and the shadow of your buddy will move according to the time of day, getting longer in the evenings and shorter closer to noon. • Pokemon you have tapped on turn to face you. If you tap on a Pokemon and don’t catch it, it will turn to… [Continue Reading]

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My Problems With Sea of Thieves

I love Sea of Thieves. It’s a unique game, perhaps the only real game of its genre, and I absolutely adore it. There’s something wonderful about roaming the waves, murdering passers by and getting huge amounts of treasure. However, I do have a few small problems with Sea of Thieves, and I think it’s worth talking about. Before I start though, there are definitely some things which aren’t the fault of Sea of Thieves. One of my bigger problems is loading times, but that’s because my laptop is a little weak. Sea of Thieves requires an SSD drive in order… [Continue Reading]

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D&D 5e: A Guide to Throwing Weapons

There are a few playstyles in 5e that don’t really receive enough developer support, in my humble opinion. Strength-based unarmed builds, for one, as well as single-wielding one-handed weapons without a corresponding shield. But throwing builds are probably the most-maligned on the list. Unless you stretch all the way into archery, non-spellcasters unfortunately aren’t going to hold their own in ranged combat. In today’s article, I want to discuss a few of the reasons why, and what an enterprising player can do to mitigate the issues. Problem #1: Action Economy Martial characters (except rogues) gain more attacks as they level… [Continue Reading]

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Costume Pokemon I’d Like to See

In the past, I have complained about costume Pokemon, and how there are too many of them. But it’s clear as day that Niantic won’t stop with the costumes and hats, so we might as well join in and think of our own costumes. Here’s a bunch of costumed Pokemon that I want to see. Party Hat Weedle We already have Party Hat Wurmple, so why not go a step further and shove more party hats on Pokemon? Actually, we don’t really need to do that. Still, Weedle has a horn on its head that is perfect for a party… [Continue Reading]

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On Turning My Brain Off

Sometimes, when I play video games, I want to turn my brain off. I just want to mindlessly play a game without really thinking too hard about it. Something where I can just mash buttons or hold down left click on my mouse and let everything around me explode. Actually, I say that, most days, I just want to turn my brain off and play some games. It’s my way of relaxing after a long day at work. But the thing is, not every game is compatible with the idea. Most games require some thought. One example of needing thought… [Continue Reading]

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