Oh Bullet Jumping, How Much I’ve Missed You

I’ve recently gotten back into Warframe, and I’ve been having fun. Even if Lua’s Prey was a weak update, it’s been nice just doing missions and Nightwave. But what really makes me feel at home in Warframe is the mobility. I have really, really missed how you move around in Warframe. Seriously, Warframe’s parkour is pretty damn cool. Most games will just go with a single jump, maybe a double jump. Warframe has both, AND the bullet jump, a magical spiral through the air in whatever direction you are facing. With a series of slides and bullet jumps, leaping past… [Continue Reading]

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What’s Wrong with Niantic’s Pricing Lately?

Something is going on at Niantic HQ. For the last few months, they have been doing weird experiments with things in the shop. We’ve had new boxes come and leave the store, with weird contents in all their boxes. Originally, boxes in Pokemon GO tended to do several things. One would be dedicated to hatching eggs, the other gives gear for raids. Then there would be a smaller box with a mixture of both. The smaller box would cost around 400 coins, which was often an alright deal. However, we’ve recently seen some very weird boxes in the shop, including… [Continue Reading]

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15 Minutes of Pokemon GO Adventures

Recently, a new type of incense was added to Pokemon GO. This little blue incense doesn’t last very long, but if you go on a little walk, then you can catch some nice Pokemon. It’s called a Daily Adventure Incense, and it is a neat little addition, especially since you get a free one every day. 15 minutes of luring Pokemon to you. The incense is pretty simple. It spawns a Pokemon a minute, if you are walking or otherwise moving. So you get 15 Pokemon at most, assuming you catch them all. However, I find I mostly just shiny… [Continue Reading]

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The Power of Sloops

When you are off sailing in the Sea of Thieves, what would you think is the best ship to use? Surely the galleon, with its impressive size and cannons, right? Or what about the brig, with its sleeker body and less levels to repair? Nope, not at all. The best ship in the Sea of Thieves is the humble sloop. By quite a lot. But why is the sloop so powerful? Oh, there are many reasons. Some of which are quite surprising. Speed and movement are everything Sloops are small ships, but they can really travel. Their smaller, sleeker bodies… [Continue Reading]

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The LOOP: a loopy board game through time

The LOOP is a board game released in 2020 and only recently bought to my boyfriend, as part of his board game collection. As neither of us had played the game before, we decided to give the game a try. The LOOP’s premise is simple. A meanie called Dr. Faux has made a time machine and is planning on using it to become the master of the universe, but in doing so, is somewhat destroying the universe in the process. Of course, we have to stop him and his army of clones, before space-time collapses on us. The game is… [Continue Reading]

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So I made a Cheese Cake

A while back, when my boyfriend and I were planning meals for our next visit, we both decided we needed something sweet. A pudding was in order, but what sort of pudding? Cake? Brownies? Ice cream? All three? Well, kinda. In the end, boyfriend requested to be surprised by a pudding of my choice. As long as it wasn’t fruity. So I made a cheese cake. Now, cheese cake is a rare treat for me. After all, you need cream cheese, and that’s always a bit expensive. Plus you don’t really get that much cheese cake as a result. You’re… [Continue Reading]

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Lorem Ipsum

You’ve probably seen Lorem Ipsum text before. It looks like a vast amount of random Latin, but when translated into English, it’s mostly just gobbledygook. It’s still technically Latin, since some parts of it can be translated, it’s not all fake. But Lorem Ipsum’s use has been floating around for centuries pretty much. What do you use it for? Lroem Ipsum is not really real text, but it’s most common use is to be used as placeholder text. Whether it’s for an art project or a website, the Lorem Ipsum text can be used to test out how something looks,… [Continue Reading]

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Loading Screen Tips for Pokemon GO

When you load up Pokemon GO, as you watch the loading bar slowly creep across, there’s always a tip, a little “did you know” sort of thing with some useful advice. There are only a handful, and while they are quite useful, there could definitely be more tips. So I’m going to give Niantic a hand and list out some other little tips. Maybe they can put these on the login screen too. Here’s a bunch of random tips that hopefully make the game easier for you. Not in any particular order though. Pokemon turn to face you when you… [Continue Reading]

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What even is a Cinnabon?

Okay so, a while back, I was working from a coffee shop on my laptop. We had finished a meeting in this cafe, and I decided to stick around as everyone else left. I mean, screw it, I can just get a couple of drinks and make them last. However, as the day trickled on, I got hungry and my blood sugar got low, which meant I needed something sugary to eat. My food of choice? Well, there were some Cinnabons on display, so I decided to give that a go. I’d had something similar years back, back when I… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon You Should Use Elite TMs on

Elite TMs are rare items in Pokemon GO which allow you to get moves that are otherwise unavailable. The only way to get them is by reaching level 20 in the GBL, or in timed research. Most of the time, you see them in the 12000 coins box in the shop on a Community Day. Getting a good number of TMs isn’t particularly easy, and require a lot of your time. Because of this, actually using an Elite TM is actually a pretty difficult choice. So here are some major options for when it comes to using Elite TMs. Mewtwo… [Continue Reading]

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