6v6 – I might as well play Highlander…

Well, my first ever 6v6 season is finally over, and good fucking riddance. We won a single match, and that was at the beginning of the season, on Viaduct_pro, a really easy map. Every other match was either a forfeit or a complete steam roll. It really is not much fun, unless everyone’s dedicated on improving and is willing to scrim a billion times a week. Sixes is far too meta-y for my liking. “But Medic, what do you mean by it being meta-y?” I hear all three of you ask. Simple. If you don’t go along with the two… [Continue Reading]

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Medic does Competitive… or not…

At the start of UGC season 5 of 4v4 and season 18 of 6v6, I had a plan. The plan was to document my time playing through two seasons. It’d be full of ups and downs, interesting things and stuff I learned. The story of a Medic going from pub server nobody to competitive game nobody. And a bit of fun. As you can plainly see, that hasn’t happened. Originally, the reason I stopped writing was because I didn’t really want to write about our awful 6v6 losses. 6v6 was supposed to be the main focus of the series of… [Continue Reading]

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Retrospective 2, or what little I saw of it…

Retrospective 2 is a TF2 tournament, more like one we’d recognise, with eliminations and things like that. Normally, I see all these things advertised on the News section of the Team Fortress 2 website and I don’t honestly pay much attention to them. They’re tournaments I’m not skilled enough to play in, or they’re LANs which I’ll never be able to play in, or it’s an announcement about ETF2L. That’s pretty much it. I wouldn’t have given Retrospective 2 any further thought if it wasn’t for W0lk, the SPUF 6v6 roamer and 4v4… thing… asking me about it. You see,… [Continue Reading]

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Medic does Competitive – 6v6 and 4v4 week 4

It gets better and better! Actually that’s a lie, but compared to last week, at least for 6v6, it was a huge improvement. 4v4… Not so much, but I guess at least we actually got to play. Week 4 for 6v6 was alright. We had a team trying to get into Platinum (because UGC doesn’t have enough divisions for anyone but North America and just throws everyone else into a stupid pile, and because the season is only 8 weeks, there’s not enough time for proper matchmaking to happen) playing against a team getting their feet wet in a new… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Does Competitive – 6v6 and 4v4 Week 3

Well, it’s going from bad to worse around here, as this week left me not really wanting to play TF2 any more. It’s all too much for me, I’m far too inexperienced and rusty and I suck at 5cp. Really, it’s all my fault. With Confusion missing in action still, I had to organize everything again. But this week I have been caught up by real life too. I didn’t manage to organize a scrim or anything at all, so this week’s maps, cp_Sunshine and koth_badlands were both untouched. The biggest problem was trying to find a time for people… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Does Competitive – Week 2 6v6 and 4v4

Ah, matchmaking. A process in which you’re matched up with enemies of a somewhat similar skill level, in the hopes that you’ll have a nice, happy, balanced but challenging match. Except maybe not. This week’s competitive events were not exactly fun for everyone involved. So, the 4v4 team known as SCUD is no more. We formed a new team called SPUF EU, consisting of myself, Confusion, Sham and Davjo, with Keith and Jensen as subs and newcomer w0lk joining the ranks. Last season, we finished off in 9th place in Euro Steel, with a somewhat okay score of 6-3. This… [Continue Reading]

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SPUF does Competitive – 6v6 Week 1

Oh look, a new series of stuff! Yes, Confusion, Keith, Sham and I have been plotting something behind everyone’s back. Yes, we formed a 6v6 SPUF team. With Davjo (who you may or may not remember) and Wolk (who you definitely don’t know unless you’re Keith). I know, crazy, right? But we’re all totally game for this. We’re playing in EU Steel. Confusion had originally opted for Silver, I suggested Iron, we met in the middle. He didn’t want to have to deal with 1. rude Iron players and 2. Timmy, so he created the team. We’re SPUF EU, or… [Continue Reading]

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Conundrums of Philosophy

Crossposted from Steamcommunity guides For some time now I have played competitive TF2; primarily Engineer in Highlander. Not usually being on the front line has given me time to think, and time to observe the front lines. And now, I would like to share a few of those observations and beliefs. But, before I do, a quick clarification. This article is not meant to be an authority opinion on competitive play, but rather just an enthusiast. I seek to enlighten, not inform. This article is full of my perspective and opinion. Objectively speaking, none of it is right, nor is… [Continue Reading]

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So about that competitive matchmaking stuff…

At the same time all that crap was going on with Skyrim and its workshop, it turns out that B4nny (a.k.a the most popular Demoman ever) and a bunch of buddies went to visit Valve to ask about Team Fortress 2. After a tough journey, much hard work and a vast amount of sweat, blood, tears and over-exaggeration, it turns out that some of the things this crew of popular mercs asked for are actually happening. The biggest part? Talks of competitive TF2 matchmaking. Now, of course, everyone was happy. The TF2 community, the older and wiser part of it,… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s Sixth and Seventh Ever Competitive Matches – I don’t know any more!

As the season is now over and there’s no more matches, I’ve decided to combine these two articles, as a quick overview of both week 8 and week 9. Both somewhat interesting, both pitting teams of hugely varied experience against one another. Week 8 was the last official match week, and week 9 was the start of the playoffs. The skill levels are all over the place, man! All over the place! And so is the ping. Also included is week 7, which was stupid. Week 7 was a blow out, the other team forfeited. They messed us around, unable… [Continue Reading]

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