6 Things I Learned After 500 Hours of TF2

Team Fortress 2 is my latest obsession nowadays. Yes, this first-person shooter with cartoonish graphics may have been released in 2007, but this game still gives me fresh laughs and plenty of enjoyment today. I love the wacky lines, the teamwork you can foster, the griefers, the hats, the taunts, and all the other lovely (and not-so-lovely) chaps you can play with in order to win a round. In truth, I’ve spent the last 6 months or so accumulating around 500 hours of playtime in this game (in public servers alone). 500 hours may sound like a lot of time… [Continue Reading]

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A couple of little tips for all you budding article writers

Fun fact: I used to run a website called Budding Writers, back in 2011-13. A small bunch of people, mostly friends and family and people stolen from BZPower, came together and wrote a bunch of random things. The site is still online (with registration disabled), and should anything ever happen to SPUF, I actually made a skin mimicking the SPUF style, so we can just head over to there or whatever. It’s either that or the bat cave. I still go there occasionally for nostalgic reasons, and to delete the spam posts advertising kitchens. What does this have to do… [Continue Reading]

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Help me! The importance of knowing where everyone is…

Let’s face it, I am a spastic twat with all the coordination skills of a donkey wearing ice skates. I’m bad. And in organized play, this is multiplied tenfold in my awfulness. No seriously, poor old Jensen so rarely gets healed because I can’t damn find him. Okay, to seem less cruel to myself, Jensen is a good old Scout who never stands still, which makes even just locking onto him very tricky, but you get what I mean. Knowing where everyone is could be considered the second most important thing in the entire game, the most important thing being… [Continue Reading]

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Can we update the bots now please?

Your internet connection is broken. You’re bored. You don’t know what to do with yourself. You open up TF2 in the vague hope that it’ll somehow fix your internet connection. You’re wrong. So you play a bot game. And you realise how ooooold and tired they are. The first problem that’s immediately obvious is that bots don’t work on every single map. Actually, most of the new maps don’t seem to work with bots at all. Why is this? TF2’s bots work because they’re told where they can and can’t go by a navigation mesh. The game can automatically create… [Continue Reading]

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Even more things TF2 doesn’t have and still needs

This is what, the third article now? Yes, I think so, I wrote this and this in the past, but it’s a subject worth discussing. Team Fortress 2 is a very old game now, it’s slowly leeching players to Valve’s new baby, Dota 2, and it’s still in need of a few things to keep up with the burst of class-based first person shooters suddenly appearing around here. The first thing is the biggie. Competitive matchmaking. We should have had it years ago. It’s been 8 years now and we still don’t have anything like this. Yes, there is a… [Continue Reading]

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Medic plays Payday 2

Or, as my alternate title was going to be, “HOLY FUCK WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WHERE’S THE BANK WHAT ARE WE DOING HELP!” Kettlecamper said I’d write about this. He was right. I am writing about it. I’m very confused. There were explosions and drills and guns and hostages and people on the ground and jewellery and people making meth and perk trees and bad guns and cable ties and tasers and flashbangs and smoke grenades and fire and ammo kits and bags of stuff and body bags and I DON’T FUCKING KNOW. Okay, deep breath Medic. Deep… [Continue Reading]

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How to understand your Medic

Occasionally, a really good SPUF thread will pop up out of the blue. It’s up to us to keep these threads safe. One such thread is Understanding Your Medic by chibi_charon. While the thread covers the basics incredibly well, I felt it was worth expanding this concept a bit, especially since the thread is two years old. Although little has happened in that time, it’s always good to refresh people’s minds. Because I’m a sucker for homages, let’s stick to the question and answer thing. Here’s a bunch of ways to better understand your Medic buddies. Q. Why is my… [Continue Reading]

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Tips on how to defeat Minisentries

If anyone hasn’t noticed yet, I’ve been making a bunch of articles based off my very old posts. I never realised how many threads I used to post on a regular basis. But one that stood out was a thread I made when the Gunslinger hatred first started up and really got going (and when _Star used to go around saying how evil they were), back in 2012. It was about how to defeat minisentries. Maybe it’s worth looking over some of these tips? First things first, the Gunslinger DID receive some changes. The hitbox is larger and the minisentry… [Continue Reading]

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People need guidance…

People are stupid. We’re mindless drones who will do whatever the man tells us, unless it’s something dumb like telling someone to eat their own vomit. Most people will probably not go that far. But yes, people desperately need direction, because they’re often too dumb to work things out. It’s almost certainly the case in TF2. Like every other Free To Play game out there, Team Fortress 2 has its fair share of blatant idiots who refuse to learn. It also has a lot of geuine newbies who have no idea what they’re doing, because they are, in fact, new… [Continue Reading]

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Put Me In, Coach!

I was surprised the other day, when I was futzing around with my HUD, that the coaching button still exists. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use this to any sort of effect ever. Has anyone else? Share your coaching stories in the comments, won’t you? Now, we’ll get into the real nitty-gritty here. What did this coaching function ever actually do? It’s a fairly straightforward concept, actually. To be a part of this system, you need to sign up using the megaphone icon on the homepage. There, it will prompt you to sign up as a coach, and… [Continue Reading]

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