Secrets of Rætikon Review (RRR)

In “Secrets of Rætikon”, (Ra-tih-kon, apparently, before you ask.) you play as this little feathered guy. (He’s hiding in the screenshot.) You traverse the world through flight and subtle tutorial messages as you search for small triangular pieces. These are used in conjunction with towers. providing you, for a nominal fee, of course, with Shards. They are the crucial pieces of the game, serving as keys to unlocking what I presume to be a vault. The game is, for the most part, calm and charming. But the fight for survival is still very much a part of the game with… [Continue Reading]

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The Good and the Bad of Dynamic Queue

Season 6 in League of Legends has been a complete roller coaster, with a ton of highs and lows, buffs and nerfs, lovetaps and complete reworks. The biggest change though is how you get into a game. Now, there’s two forms of queue – blind pick queue and draft mode queue. Ranked mode uses the draft mode system. Each team gets three bans, then everyone picks a champion, one at a time (kinda) and locks in, then the game starts. Blind pick is kinda as it suggests, everyone just picks the champion they want, and this is used for the… [Continue Reading]

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A Quick Minecraft Thing

Hi everyone, Phovos here. I’ve recently gotten back into playing Minecraft. I normally play in multiplayer servers, but I’ve been messing around with the Custom Map type, which allows you to create all sorts of craziness. This video is taken from a freshly created world and I thought you’d all like to see it. Of course, being a freshly made world, a lot of it is being generated on the fly. On my cheap laptop, it’s somewhat laggy, but a half-decent computer could probably run this world no problem. This world is pretty weird, even when we ignore the vast… [Continue Reading]

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The League of Legends 6.9 Patch

Hey, look! It’s the League of Legends 6.9 patch! Hahaha, 6.9, get it? Sixty Nine? Right? Yeah. Bad joke, I know. But it seems like Riot have taken the fucking around thing and have REALLY messed things up this update. Patch 6.9, also known as the Mid year Mage update and the time that Ziggs destroyed every tower ever, went and shook up the mages, giving some of them some unique boosts, others some unneeded buffs and others some nerfs for no real reason. Unlike the other updates, the Juggernaut and Marksman updates, the Mage update has worked me up… [Continue Reading]

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L4D2: The Campaigns Less Traveled

Recently my friend aDm soloed my favorite custom campaign in Left 4 Dead 2, Journey to Splash Mountain, on the hardest difficulty without bots. (In particular his amazing run of map 4 was quite cathartic, as we both learned in our personal solo runs that the Splash Mountain ride is undeniably the most difficult portion of the run. I also wish I’d noticed his trick to teleport gas cans to the generator when I’d done the finale.) In the Realism Expert Solo community, its rather rare to find people making use of the large and rich expansion of custom campaigns. Almost everybody sticks to the… [Continue Reading]

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Phovos reviews Overwatch – Getting into our heads!

Hi, Phovos here! And guess what? We’re finally playing Overwatch! After failing to get into every single beta so far, we’ve been playing the Open Beta that lasts until May 9th. Overwatch is a ton of fun. The characters look cool, the maps are amazing, there’s free loot and it’s overall a blast to play. Very chaotic right now, because of the influx of players who don’t know what they’re doing, but still awesome. The maps are the best part of Overwatch, they’re really nice, good-looking maps, even with their long lines of sight and large amounts of choke points.… [Continue Reading]

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First Experiences playing Payday: The Heist

One of aabicus’s favourite games is Payday: The Heist. He’s been pestering me for a while to get it and play it, and finally, one month later, in a spur of the moment thing, I find myself abruptly thrown into my first heist. While aabicus is streaming. Cue me asking lots of questions. But really, apart from asking what’s going on, Payday: The Heist is a lot, lot simpler than the sequel. All you do is choose weapons, a bag, a perk and some cosmetic stuff. Then you start the game and go on a big heist. Our first heist… [Continue Reading]

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Riveting Reviews of Randomness – a Daily SPUF contest

It’s that time again! Time for a Daily SPUF contest! With prizes and stuff! In out other contests, the theme has always been Team Fortress 2. Which makes sense, since we’re a blog that mainly focuses on Team Fortress 2. This time round, we’re venturing away from our comfort zone. Far, far away from our comfort zone. So far away that we’re lurching into undiscovered terrain, like going to Frostflow Lighthouse at level 10 in Skyrim sort of undiscovered terrain. In Riveting Reviews of Randomness, your job is simple. Play a game that you have never even installed before and… [Continue Reading]

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Jumping through hoops with League of Legends

I know I’ve done a thing recently about League of Legends, but that was mostly about the lore and backstory of the game. The footage used in the video is made from a chopped up recording of aabicus’s first non-tutorial game, playing against intro bots. Except it’s from my perspective – he was the Jinx in the game, and I was obviously the Terror of the Void. But when aabicus and I sat down to do a few more games and discuss how things worked, I realised how convoluted everything sounded. The first thing we did was look for champions… [Continue Reading]

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On the molasses-like progress of League of Legends lore

Hi everyone! Today, I’ll be talking about the lore of League of Legends. Around the time of the Shurima update, the League of Legends was abruptly removed from the lore of League of Legends. At the time, Riot’s Lore team said that the League and the Institute of War were holding them back creatively, as they had to give each champion reasons to be there. They promised that, with the League gone, they’d be able to expand into new territories, improve their writing and be able to come out with more content. At the same time, the Lore team removed… [Continue Reading]

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