A Ramble About the Snyder Cut

I finally got around to watching the Snyder cut of Justice League. You see, I like super hero movies. But DC’s live action movies haven’t really been pulling their weight. The biggest mess was around the Justice League movie, which was filmed mostly by one person then put together by another person. It was all a horrible corporate-meddling mess. One that left us with a shitty Justice League movie that made even the worse animated movies flinch. Now we have Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Which is a 4 hour movie as Zack Snyder, the original director, imagined it. Normally ‘uncut’… [Continue Reading]

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Doom 64: Is it Worth Playing?

I’ve been craving more Doom since finally experiencing the original two games earlier this year. So imagine my surprise when I learned there’s a followup game that largely passed under the gaming community’s radar when it first came out. Having now blasted my way through the true third game in the classic Doom canon, I can comfortably say any Doom fans who haven’t tried Doom 64 should immediately grab it. It’s only $5 and it’s a really worthwhile experience. A New Experience. I didn’t play this as a kid, didn’t have an N64, so the 2020 Steam port is my… [Continue Reading]

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Starving A Lot in Don’t Starve Together

“Hey, I know dad gave us €20 to buy take-out, but why don’t we buy a game instead?” A simple enough premise. We had tons and tons of Christmas dinner leftovers, and didn’t need to buy takeout. The idea was to buy a pack of four games in the Christmas sales to play instead. Makes sense, right? What none of us anticipated was how long that would take. We spent two hours choosing a game. Seriously, we spent bloody ages picking things out. An early contender was Shadow Warrior 2, which me and brother already owned and only needed two… [Continue Reading]

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Cyberpunk 2077: First Impressions

Cyberpunk 2077 has had a…polarizing release, to say the least. We were all pretty much expecting that, given that all the pieces were there for a very tumultuous recipe. Massive overbearing hype, multiple lengthy production delays, a widely-trusted developer hoping to meet lofty expectations, and a suspicious lack of actual gameplay in the trailers. But even I was surprised by the extreme variance in incoming early reviews. Some people (myself included) reported pristine performance, others were experiencing barely-playable messes. Certain aspects of the game were incredible, often genre-forwarding improvements to the formula. Whereas other core fundamentals were lacking or downright antithetical… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays SCP: (Not So) Secret Laboratory

I have always loved the whole concept behind the SCP Foundation. The idea of this mysterious Men in Black-like agency, protecting Earth from all sorts of strange things, while hiding dark secrets from the rest of the planet. The Men in Black were always tied to aliens and space. On the other hand, the SCP Foundation covers pretty much anything, from the paranormal to aliens to C’thulu-types to just strange, extraordinary items. More importantly though, the SCP is mostly made up of community writing. It’s basically an open source government agency. One where pretty much anything and everything can happen.… [Continue Reading]

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An attempt at Art

Break Arts II is a beautiful game. There are moments in the race where everything blurred together into a whirlwind of colours, but throughout the game, the game looks stunning. Break Arts II is rather unusual for a mech game. While most mech games are either RTS games or action games, Break Arts II is a racing game. Imagine being able to build a race car from scratch, just that your “car” is a bipedal robot and you have the option to shoot your enemies to ruin their lead. That is Break Arts II in a nutshell. And speaking of… [Continue Reading]

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Dark Spooky Forest Week: Hunt Showdown

I had been looking forward to Hunt: Showdown for years, since it was first announced as Horrors of the Gilded Age back in 2014. The many comparisons to Left 4 Dead was the first selling point that caught my attention, and the unique 1860’s aesthetic was just gravy. But I didn’t expect how long I’d have to wait. The game labored in development hell for over half a decade, going through a massive rebranding into a pseudo-competitive Battle Royale with a new name that I honestly didn’t like as much as the original. The title Hunt: Showdown tells me almost nothing about the… [Continue Reading]

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Dark Spooky Forest Week: ARK Survival Evolved

I had the worst concievable opening experience with ARK Survival Evolved. I was grumpy at unrelated real-life things, so when my boyfriend created a private server and insisted I give the game a fair shake, I was hypercritical about not being able to instantly figure out how anything worked. How do I build a campfire? Why is it different how you gather wood from trees vs berries from bushes? Why’s it so bloody dark at night that I can’t see a damn thing? This game sucks! Flashforward two years later, and I have what feels like a lifetime of stories… [Continue Reading]

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Red Crucible Reloaded

Red Crucible Reloaded is, for all intents and purposes, an archetypical modern military shooter, and I don’t mean that in a good way. It has the bare minimum in every category to qualify as a multiplayer FPS, with almost nothing to give it any sort of identity beyond that. I first became aware of the game thanks to my brother, as its predecessor Red Crucible 2 was the first-ever online game he got really addicted to. So for me personally, my main motivation for playing was to spend time with him doing something he enjoys. The main perk for him… [Continue Reading]

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Trying EverQuest in 2020

Despite not considering myself an MMO kind of guy, I’ve somehow put in hundreds of hours in both World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14, mostly because they’re great games to play while plowing through my TV backlog on the second monitor. Both of them were highly influential games for their generation of MMOs, cornering the market by setting the standards many of their competitors would try and (for the most part, fail to) surpass. But they’re only two parts of the triumvirate. There’s a third game, one that first put 3D MMOs on the map. Most of the earlier… [Continue Reading]

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