Heavy Weapons Frames – Archwing Guns on the Ground

“I am Heavy Weapons Frame. And THIS is my weapon.” When I first conjured up the title of this article, I had very little to say about Archwing guns being used on land. Mostly because I only had the Grattler available for use outside of Archwing missions and the costs to using Archwing weapons were way too fucking high. You see, Archwing guns were always “too heavy to use in an atmosphere” and were “designed for space use only”, but the Profit-Taker bounties gave us an excuse. All we had to do was install a Gravimag on our Archwing guns… [Continue Reading]

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Rock Punch Man

There’s really only one way to describe Atlas. He’s a rocky, punchy guy. He’s also one of those frames which are really fun to play but sit in my foundry, rather unused. I can see why though. Atlas isn’t hard to obtain. In fact, he’s pretty easy to get, but you need to have the right gear. Atlas’s blueprint is the reward for the Jordas Precept quest, in which you try to save a Cephalon trapped by the Infested, only to find out the Infested are using him to lure ships in and infest them. The quest isn’t hard, but… [Continue Reading]

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Fun Warframe Weapons You Should Try

While the majority of weapons in Warframe are either pointy things you hit people with or guns that do various amounts of pew-pewing, there are definitely some guns that you really should try. The Ogris There’s only one rocket launcher in Warframe currently and it’s the Ogris, a really ugly lump of a weapon that actually originally used to look like the Black Box. While Grineer Bombards use the Ogris to great effect, it’s… not very good. Sure, the Ogris does a lot of damage, but you will most likely blow yourself up. Still, stick Heavy Caliber on it (+damage,… [Continue Reading]

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Early Thoughts on the Profit-Taker Fight

The second part of the Fortuna update has arrived and it’s a bit of a doozy. Sure, there’s a new Warframe and a new Prime Warframe and some very nice new weapons, but the main theme of the update is the Profit Taker Heist. This is the first of three vaguely raid-like sets of missions, in which you take down a massive spider creature. The first heist involves taking down the mountain-sized Profit Taker Orb, a Corpus creation made out of a mixture of Corpus and Sentient technology. Anyone who knows a little lore about Warframe will know that Sentient… [Continue Reading]

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Fortuna 69

When you do a mission in Warframe, one of the four players in your squad (or one of the eight players back when raids existed) is the mission’s host. Your completion of that mission, your ability to extract and get rewards and also your ping and latency all depend on the host. This applies to all missions, including solo play (where you host) and things like the Conclave. The only exceptions to this player-based hosting are the social areas – the relays and places like Cetus, Fortuna and Iron Wake, which are hosted by Digital Extremes. As one server becomes… [Continue Reading]

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More On K-Drives

It’s been a while since Fortuna released and while I may be max rank with Solaris United and would be max rank with Vox Solaris if I actually remembered to go and rank up with them, I am still only on the second level with the Vent Kids. Because frankly, I don’t have much reason to use my K-Drive. The reason is pretty simple. No matter what I do, it’s easier and quicker just to use my Archwing. Right now I’m rocking Itzal, teleporting across the Orb Vallis like a demented Loki/Nova crossbreed with wings, but even Elytron, the slowest… [Continue Reading]

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Like Sentinels but Worse

One of the biggest draws of Fortuna is the ability to build your own MOA, the two-legged mechanical critters the Corpus normally throw at us and we massacre in droves. MOAs were said to be a cross between Sentinels and Pets, giving you the power of both, while also having their own powers and abilities. In theory, that sounds bloody amazing. But having used MOAs? I’m not so sure. There are currently three types of MOA and they all look cute and derpy rather than like killing machines. Even the bog-standard Shockwave MOAs look more menacing than the bulky, lumpy… [Continue Reading]

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Ways to Help Newbies

Ever since the Plains of Eidolon were announced, there’s been a constant stream of new players. Unfortunately Warframe does a horrendous job of explaining things, so a lot of these newbies need help. But you don’t need to be an MR20+ player to help newbies, anyone can give them a hand! Here’s a few ways to help new players. Because they genuinely need it. Hang around on Region and Recruitment Chat There’s always people asking questions, so why not answer some of them? There’s also always people asking for help with missions (often defense missions, which are pretty hard to… [Continue Reading]

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A Bunch of Lovely Electric Warframes

Volt couldn’t remember how he got there. He wasn’t actually sure where ‘there’ was. Either way, it was a very tight space, with only just enough room for him to stand up straight. What bothered Volt more though were all the needles sticking out of his metallic Warframe flesh. Every few seconds, a tingling sensation would run up his body then drain away, as if the needles were… sucking electricity out of him? Volt wasn’t sure. The last thing Volt could remember was being attacked by a literal ton of… No, they weren’t Zanuka Hunters. If they were, they had… [Continue Reading]

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The Problems with Region Chat in Warframe

Region Chat, Recruiting Chat and Trade Chat are all very weird things and very different beasts. Recruiting Chat is filled with the same bunch of people trying to get others to join their Rad Shares, sprinkled with the odd recruitment for clans. Trade Chat is mostly filled with people wanting to buy Prime sets for next to nothing or trying to sell their riven mods for huge amounts of Platinum (even if they’re not very good). Region Chat is… a different beast. Because that is where most of the moderators live. Most of the time, moderation in Recruiting Chat and… [Continue Reading]

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