
Hellfire is a Mannpower map added during the Scream Fortress 2015 event. I may be writing this article on Hellfire, but I refuse to even play it because I find Mannpower stupid. For all I know it could be a great map for Mannpower, but that’s like saying “I bet nail clippers are the least painful way to snap your teeth“. I just genuinely cannot get into Mannpower in any way, shape, or form, and since Hellfire is the only map in the game that’s Mannpower-exclusive (the other maps all being remakes of pre-existing TF2 maps) it’s the one map in… [Continue Reading]

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So, that TF2 update…

I said I would write about the February 29th update, so I am. Luckily there was also a March 1st update which I can also write about, although most of that was bug fixes and the un-fucking-up of CP_Foundry. The important matchmaking stuff that you’re all interested in is available in video form here. Go on, watch the video! The biggest thing to point out was a very random Matchmaking Stress Test that happened late on the 1st of March. People of all sorts of flavours could suddenly go and play matchmaking. Unfortunately (and typically) I managed to miss it,… [Continue Reading]

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Administering Medication in Mannpower

This article is dedicated to typenter, one of the winners in the 900th article giveaway. Mannpower. The one game mode that no one is really sure about, and the only official one that can make people completely overpowered. But unlike Mann VS Machine, where you have to work towards your strength, and unlike custom community game modes where everyone is overpowered (Multiplied by Ten) or everyone works together to take down one overpowered enemy (Versus Saxton Hale or Freak Fortress), Mannpower’s overpoweredness depends on two things – who can get the power ups first and who’s got the best Scouts.… [Continue Reading]

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Why is this still a thing? – Mannpower

Hands up if you play Mannpower. Come on! Don’t be shy! Hm. Not a lot of you. But I’m sure if we check the server browser, we’ll fine loads of people playing Mannpower! Huh. Lots of people playing cp_orange, that’s a bit like Mannpower, what with its homing rockets and perma-crits, right? Um. No, apparently not. According to my server browser right now, there are only 10 not-empty Mannpower servers. Compared to the twenty five or so 2fort servers. Not looking good. The previous beta game modes, pl_cactuscanyon and rd_asteroid may have had similar numbers. But Asteroid genuinely brought something… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 update, 12/03/15

So, we’ve actually had a TF2 update. First off… THE CRIT GUNSLINGER BUG HAS BEEN PATCHED. Yeah. Only took them since the Gunslinger was made to fix that. In other news, the Strange Kritzkrieg was re-released, but the chance of unboxing one is the same as the chance of unboxing an unusual. We also got a Strange Buff Banner, Strange Cloak and Dagger and Strange Bison. Interesting. A couple of bug fixes here and there too. This update announces the start of the Taunt Workshop, so people can finally submit all their taunts, the same way they do hats. Three… [Continue Reading]

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Holy Grappling Hook, Fatman!

So, Smissmas came and went, and in my honest opinion, I thought it was a bit of a disappointment, to put it politely. The new weapons were meh, the Festive weapons(aside from Bonk and Shotgun) sucked and we only got 7 of them, most of the cosmetics weren’t really that interesting, and they nerfed the Tide Turner. Say what you want about End of the Line, but at least it didn’t ruin a well-established weapon. Oh, and we also got Mannpower, perhaps the most casual gamemode in existence despite nocrits. The powerups are so overpowered it’s ridiculous, not to mention… [Continue Reading]

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