Cards going completely out of bounds, game uninstalled and staying that way

OB64 PTS Update #5 is up. Cards now have ten levels, with the old Level 1 being the new Level 2, old Level 3 being the new level 6, so on and so forth. Players who unlocked cards before OB64 will receive those cards in Level 4. Everyone will get Level 1 (the new Level 1, which is half of the old Level 1) cards for the cards they didn’t have before OB64. For the old OB64 system, the number of duplicates required to level up your cards is as follows: For this new system, the number of duplicates required to… [Continue Reading]

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Cards Unbound, Game Uninstalled

Every player likes card customization. Thus, the first thing to go is meaningful card customization. Bravo. Implementing this five-points per card, twenty-five-points per loadout system, aside from causing hilariously broken and unbalanced cards that allows characters to deal around 23k burst damage when the maximum possible effective champion health is 5500 demolishes any meaningful customization. Now, just select the highest-leveled cards you have and you’re set for the next round. And once every card you own (or just those you cared about) is level 5, or you’re playing Ranked where every card is level 3, card customization is now almost as… [Continue Reading]

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