Cards going completely out of bounds, game uninstalled and staying that way

OB64 PTS Update #5 is up.

Cards now have ten levels, with the old Level 1 being the new Level 2, old Level 3 being the new level 6, so on and so forth. Players who unlocked cards before OB64 will receive those cards in Level 4. Everyone will get Level 1 (the new Level 1, which is half of the old Level 1) cards for the cards they didn’t have before OB64.

For the old OB64 system, the number of duplicates required to level up your cards is as follows:


For this new system, the number of duplicates required to level up your cards is as follows:


To fully level up a Common card in the old OB64 system, it’ll take a total of 42 cards. For the new system, it takes 50 cards. For Rare cards, the duplicates required increases from 28 cards to 32 cards. For Epic cards, the number goes from 13 to 15. Legendaries: 10 → 10 (unchanged). More grind. Hooray.

And there’s this:

Gold Cap

… as far as I can recall, there wasn’t a gold cap before.

You can also acquire Champion Chests via Champion Mastery, first wins of the day with that particular champ, or buying them directly with Gold. That last one is new, arriving with this new PTS update. At this point, I wonder why they don’t just make it directly purchasable with Crystals, the premium currency. Seems like they’re heading there anyway.

And remember when I said that players who unlocked cards before OB64 will receive those cards in Level 4? That was the old Level 2. Which means old players have to grind more now.

The game is now more unplayable than before.

Welcome to the grind.

And I missed out one major thing in my previous article. Hi-Rez actually added Champion Chests which allows you to unlock champion-specific items which can be unlocked for free. There is still no option for unlocking specific cards though. Still, that was a rather large omission on my part, and I apologize, especially since I was speculating that Hi-Rez will start selling keys to unlock cards for a specific Champion.

I think Hi-Rez already made this patch look bad without my help. And inaccuracies should never be allowed a pass anyway. I am very sorry for that.

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