A Series of Unlikely Gaming Stories 1 – The Lost Heavy

So I started playing Team Fortress 2 when the Free to Play update came out. I was never someone to just jump in to whatever everyone else was doing, I was always the guy who goes to random servers and messes around in their own way. I’d played a handful of maps already, a CP map and an obvious CTF map. And I played 2fort as well. There were tons of other, different server types, from ‘achievement’ servers to ‘vsh’ maps that I later found out stood for “Versus Saxton Hale”. One map type stood out. It was called surf_something… [Continue Reading]

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Seven Stories for Smissmas

Ah, alliteration, don’t you love it? Well I do. There’s something nice about how words all starting with the same letter roll off the tongue. Like poetry but nicer and simpler. And potentially less posh and snobby. What’s better than alliteration though? Stories. Well, not always, it depends on the story. A bad fan fiction about two characters who would normally hate each other somehow ending up screwing is always going to be horrible. And speaking of horrible, the holiday season just isn’t the right time for scary stories. No, I did that for Halloween. Actually, I did that twice.… [Continue Reading]

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