Happy Smissmas 2017!

What? It’s the 25th of December already? What happened? It felt like it was September about ten minutes ago! And now all of a sudden it’s Christmas? Where the fuck has this year gone? Well clearly all that time went somewhere. While the rest of the planet has been all over the place and potentially going to shit, at least we have some nice daily video game articles. I definitely kept that promise. Even if WordPress fucked up and didn’t publish an article on the 24th of November until nearly midnight for some reason. Well, it was published but for… [Continue Reading]

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A Series of Unlikely Gaming Stories 7 – The Smissmas Soldier

They’d been at this custom Mann VS Machine mission for an hour now. A Heavy, a Scout, a Medic, a Demoman and an Engineer. A pretty standard team, to be honest. The problem was, they were missing a sixth player, and the lack of that extra damage output was really screwing things over. There just weren’t enough of them to defeat all those giant Soldiers and their Uber Medics, while also staying alive. The more they tried and failed, the more frustrated the team got. Now they were all an inch away from arguing properly and turning their weapons on… [Continue Reading]

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