Poor Little Sinnoh Event

There’s currently an event in Pokemon Go right now, a three day event featuring Pokemon from the Sinnoh region, i.e. generation 4. But it’s a very small event, somewhat slipped in over a weekend, in the middle of a month that’s absolutely packed with a huge number of rather random events, everything from votes for a Community Day, a World Pokemon Day event and random mystery events as well, not to mention your standard Valentines Day event because of course there has to be a Valentines Day event. So this Sinnoh event is a thing and it’s… kinda small and… [Continue Reading]

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Fun Warframe Augments

Warframe augments are a funny bunch. Some Warframe augments are rather useless or are too niche to be able to use them most of the time, especially since we have limited space for mods. Some augments allow you to tweak the way you play a Warframe. Some augment mods are insanely strong and make a Warframe ten times better. Some augments are so strong that you wonder why they’re not a part of the Warframe’s default kit in the first place, especially on weaker and less popular frames. But some augments are simply… fun. Here are some of the augments… [Continue Reading]

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Minecraft, Sponges and Things I Think I Remember But Are Completely Wrong

I remember, when I was new to Minecraft, sponges were a thing. A sponge was a yellow and black cheese-looking block that would suck up any and all water in a 5x5x5 block radius, impressively having a “Moses Parts the Sea” feel to them. Sponges spawned in weird places, like up the side of mountains, and could be mined by hand or any tool. I used sponges to build a tunnel through a small sea to an underwater base in a multiplayer server, where I kept most of my stuff. Except half of that sentence isn’t true. Sponges only spawned… [Continue Reading]

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Things To Do In Warframe When You Don’t Have Anything To Do

Warframe is a funny game in which it’s never really sure where the end-point of gameplay is. Are you an end-game player when you’ve done all the quests? Are you done with the game once you’ve unlocked all the nodes on the star chart? Are things like Eidolon hunts and Profit-Taker deaths when you’re done with Warframe? What about mastery rank and getting every item in the game? Who knows? But despite all this, there are times where you find yourself without much to to, whether it’s in a lull between larger updates or you’ve just completed the MR28 test… [Continue Reading]

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Smoothing Down the Kuva Lich Grind

February brings with it a lot of things, like everything immediately being Valentines Day related and slathered in red. Warframe is kinda doing the same thing with a small Kuva Lich update, because those Liches sure do love being awful. Or perhaps not, as there’s a bunch of changes to Kuva Liches that make them far less awful to grind for. Yep, we got a Kuva Lich 1.5 update, and the changes are all round pretty damn good. To the point that I completely glossed over the fact that Ivara Deluxe is now available. The first and most important change… [Continue Reading]

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Learning About Minecraft Bedrock Edition

I have played Minecraft on and off since 2010, back when Minecraft was in Alpha and brother convinced me to buy it and play it. Back then, there was no hunger meter, there were no beds and there were far, far fewer types of biomes and hostile mobs, while friendly mobs spawned all the time, mainly because you couldn’t breed them. Breeding didn’t come out until the far end of Minecraft Beta and, when I started playing, Skeletons finally actually held Bows to fire arrows with and the Nether had literally just been released. And when I say the Nether… [Continue Reading]

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Minccino Community Research Day!

I’m never sure what these events are actually called. Pokemon Go itself calls these events “Limited Research Events” but that makes them seem not exciting at all. But calling it a “Community Day” makes little sense as well. I like to compromise and call it a Community Research Day. Rather than have a bunch of Pokemon spawn in the wild for you to scoop up in the hundreds, during these events, the Pokemon in question that has a chance to be shiny can only be acquired by completing research tasks in a small 3 hour window, a bit like a… [Continue Reading]

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The After-Mission Railjack Farm

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about Railjack and Empyrean missions, aside from the fact that it’s basically the same isolated mission over and over, it’s that everyone hates flying around gathering loot. Aside from maybe the first few missions I did with clan mates back when Empyrean came out and resource costs were impossibly high compared to the resources you received, no one ever stuck around after a mission. Most of the time, we fly out and catch any glowing gold or orange things that we can obviously see at the end of the mission while the timer ticks… [Continue Reading]

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The Tireless Quest for Ash Systems Blueprints

“You want to farm Ash parts? Specifically the Ash Systems?” “Yep.” It had been some time since Smolt had evolved into Smallnaros, and it had been even longer since Volt had seen the former newbie he had picked up and trained a while back. Things had clearly happened since then, what with Volt having switched away from his bright yellow looks and Inaros having finally gotten over his Kuva-coloured addiction. “Do you need help?” “I do.” Volt shrugged and headed over to the Codex on his ship, looking up a specific enemy which Volt knew horded Ash Warframe parts. “Hm…”… [Continue Reading]

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