Alolan Meowth Community Research Day?

On the 10th of October, there was a community research day that I very nearly forgot about. This event involved doing research tasks. Lots and lots of them. And the reward? Alolan Meowth. With a potential to be shiny. A simple event, easy to do and with an okay chance at a normally rare shiny. Simple, but repetitive. The event went as follows: Do research, get Meowth. The research tasks are a set order, which repeat once. There’s about… 20 tasks which repeat… so 40 tasks total? A lot of them are the same and all of them include “catch… [Continue Reading]

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Some thoughts on the Caves and Cliffs Update announcement, Part 1

In the most recent Minecraft Live event, Update 1.17, the Caves and Cliffs Update have been announced. The announcement video is right here: I’ll be going through the new stuff revealed in the update here. I won’t be going over everything in detail, just the parts that interests me. Lush caves are absolutely fantastic. The vegetation added in there allows so much more to be done when doing natural builds. One of the styles I really like is to have ruins that are being overtaken by nature, and the moss layers, moss blocks, glow berry vines and drip leaves gives… [Continue Reading]

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I made a Scream Fortress 12 Update Page and don’t know what to do with it.

So, uh, yeah. Team Fortress 2 had an update. I haven’t actually opened Team Fortress 2 to see what it was, but it’s here. In fact, it’s the Scream Fortress update. Weirdly though, the Scream Fortress update came insanely early this year. Normally it’s the middle of the month, stretching into the first week of November. This year though? Literally an entire month and then some! What’s actually in this update though? Oh, nothing much, just your standard Scream Fortress update. No fun update page like in the past. A bunch of cosmetics and war paints. Some new Halloween-only unusual… [Continue Reading]

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A Little Drive To and From The Capital

This is one of those weird articles where  talk about something really random. There’s not going to be much structure or anything. I’m just gonna talk. That being said however, I actually had to check and make sure I hadn’t written something like this before. So, today, we are going to talk about a random thing. The journey from the capital of Cyprus to the city in which I live. A journey that takes 1.5 – 2 hours, depending on traffic. Why am I talking about this? Well, it’s a trip I’ve made a few times in the last few… [Continue Reading]

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Hunting Yetis in Overwatch

Yeti Hunting was an old Arcade gamemode Overwatch released back in 2017. It’s now a recurring seasonal event that rolls out every Winter, which would also have been a much more appropriate time of year to write this article, but I don’t have the mental patience to wait that long. It was pretty much the closest Overwatch is ever gonna get to a Versus Saxton Hale gamemode, pitting five hapless Meis against a Winston who can temporarily turn into a ravenous killer Yeti by collecting 4 meats scattered throughout the map. I’m usually not a fan of Overwatch‘s seasonal game modes… [Continue Reading]

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Big Ol’ Farms

There was a period of time in Minecraft where I like building giant farms. I’ve built a few for the past months. I’ve built a gold farm (waited till 1.16 before I built it), a passive, self-harvesting mushroom farm (24 mushrooms after 6 hours, I hate myself for it), and a cactus farm. But my most favourite farms that I’ve built are my creeper farm and my witch farm. The Creeper farm, by design, is meant to generate a ton of gunpowder and nothing else. This is vital for me as I am absolutely addicted to Elytra-flying and thus need… [Continue Reading]

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A Glance At Destiny 2 From A Newish Player Who Hasn’t Played Recently and Is Completely Lost

I played Destiny 2 a while back. In fact, it was nearly a year ago! I played during the 2019 Halloween event and picked up some cosmetics, including a cool mask, which was equal to my power level back then. Afterwards though, I found Destiny 2 wasn’t really keeping me interested, so I moved on. However, I ended up getting dragged back this year, after the siblings started playing it. Honestly though, I don’t know why, but it all feels like a mess. Punched in the face with announcements. So, as soon as I log in, I’m treated to a… [Continue Reading]

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The End Needs A Nether Update

The Nether got a really nice update lately. What was once nothing but Netherrack and lava is now… almost a paradise. Alright, sure, the Nether is literally a hellscape. It’s designed to be a dangerous place full of scary, gloomy monsters. But the Nether at least now has some variation. The End could do with something similar. The original Nether was mediocre. Up until the Nether Fortresses were added, there was no real reason to even go to the Nether, aside from traveling. Distances in the nether are one eighth of that in the surface world, so you can use… [Continue Reading]

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What If We Had An Actual Helminth Frame? – My Idea to Build an Actually Broken Warframe

Xaku is intended to be this strange, broken Warframe made out of bits and pieces. It’s a cool concept, definitely. But I never felt that, aside from appearances, Xaku was really that broken. After all, having three abilities in one isn’t new. Ivara and Vauban have had that for years. Heck, even the stripping of armour isn’t new! Chroma has been doing that since his release, and Xaku had to have an infinite duration gimmick slapped on to make its version worthwhile. But, more importantly, Xaku’s theme could have been better used as part of the Helminth system. Xaku is… [Continue Reading]

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An Ancient Post on TF2’s Community Competitive Play

Now, there’s been some talk on the forums as of late regarding “comp elitists”.  Now, coming from someone who’s been on the forum’s UGC 4s team for both seasons, I have a bit to say, but I won’t be the most valid or most trusted compared to seasoned veterans (see what I did there? Anyone? No? Okay…) First off, let’s- … You find yourself hearing muffled sounds. Timmy is no longer here. Wherever he is now, you have no idea. He has been placed by a deranged German lunatic. One who seems somewhat angry. It seems that, after SIX YEARS… [Continue Reading]

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