K-Driven: 1,000,000 Meters of K-Driving

If you’ve been reading recent articles lately, you may have noticed a theme. I’ve been on a Warframe achievement binge. A while back, I realized that 100% achievement completion was in range for me. Both in Warframe and in my Steam achievements. In the past however, I’ve only ever managed to 100% one other game. And that game was the original version of Skyrim, which is no longer even really on Steam. Unfortunately, there is a massive roadblock to getting 100% achievements: the humble K-Drive. Specifically, the K-Driven achievement. The K-Driven achievement is hell. You need to right 1,000,000 meters… [Continue Reading]

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There’s No Reason Why Smeargle Can’t Be Shiny Any More

The Pokemon Snap event came and went in Pokemon GO. It was nothing special. Yet another timed research and a handful of spawns. Most  of the spawns weren’t particularly interesting. At least, not if you weren’t hunting for shinies. And even then, some of the spawns weren’t shiny-eligible at all, namely Metapod and Dodrio. Annoyingly, we couldn’t have had Caterpie or Doduo spawning as well. The one standout part of this event was the fact that Smeargle could be shiny. “Wait, Smeargle is in Pokemon GO?” Yeah, this seems strange, especially since Kecleon is STILL missing after all these years.… [Continue Reading]

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A Ramble About the Snyder Cut

I finally got around to watching the Snyder cut of Justice League. You see, I like super hero movies. But DC’s live action movies haven’t really been pulling their weight. The biggest mess was around the Justice League movie, which was filmed mostly by one person then put together by another person. It was all a horrible corporate-meddling mess. One that left us with a shitty Justice League movie that made even the worse animated movies flinch. Now we have Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Which is a 4 hour movie as Zack Snyder, the original director, imagined it. Normally ‘uncut’… [Continue Reading]

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More Adventures with Phovos the Excalibur

It’s that time of year again. Actually, it’s not. Normally, in March, Phovos the Excalibur would come back to life. The baby Warframe account would do the anniversary missions, claim its free slots then leave. But lately I realized that I was missing a bunch of Warframe achievements. And the only way to get them? I had to hop on my ancient account and play there. I’m not going to lie, it’s… a struggle. I take so much for granted. Mostly modding and Endo. I have so little of it! No matter how much I obtain, I am very quickly… [Continue Reading]

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Frost Could Do With Some Updating

The other day, I fancied a change. We were doing a sortie and one of the missions was Mobile Defense. Normally, I would grab Khora or Limbo and not worry about anything. But I decided to do something else. It had been ages since I last played Frost, so I decided to give him a go. Halfway into the mission, I realized why I stopped playing Frost. Frost feels very clunky. That’s kinda understandable though. Frost is a really old frame. In fact, he’s so old that he actually was one of the first frames to get Primed. And that… [Continue Reading]

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Two Weeks Without Team Rocket

In the middle of April, a Pokemon GO update broke Team Rocket fights. The bug didn’t affect everyone, but it would basically soft-lock the game. So, to keep the game playable, Team Rocket was disabled. Honestly? I thought this would be fine. I’d survive without Team Rocket, even if I was at 5/6 radar components. It’d be fine, right? Well, no. I kinda lost interest in the game. I was actually kinda surprised by this. Originally, I thought I’d be fine. But I quickly stopped opening the game as regularly. Normally, I’d use Team Rocket fights for the stardust and… [Continue Reading]

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I hate Wither Rose farms

Wither Rose farms are something I always wanted to build but am too intimidated by. Wither Roses are useful for mob farms since they can kill mobs with the Wither effect, and is one of the two farmable sources of black dye, the other being ink sacs. However, Wither Rose farms require having a Wither, and they are not the most cooperative mob out there. The most reliable Wither Rose farm design I’ve found so far is by Rays Works, and is almost foolproof. However, it needs to be built in The End. And honestly, I do not want to… [Continue Reading]

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A Cheap Coward’s Guide to the Steel Path

The Steel Path can seem intimidating. All enemies are over level 100, and they’re all heavily armoured. The Corpus have tons of shields and the Infested are… Well, actually, the Infested are fine, as long as there are no Swarm Mutalist Moas around. Because they give the Infested tons of armour. Either way, the Steel Path is not a place for casual players. However, you don’t need to spend forever formaing your gear and making super OP ultra umbral forma builds. In fact, you can get through the Steel Path very cheaply. But only if you are patient. Can’t hit… [Continue Reading]

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A Ramble About Adobe CC

The other day, on a whim, I decided to try out Adobe Creative Cloud. For a while now, all of Adobe’s products have been subscription-based, with a lot of cloud stuff going on. The idea is that it’s all online and you can access it anywhere. Also allows Adobe to offer advice every five seconds. I’ve considered trying out Adobe CC for a while, but I never got around to testing the free trial. So, uh, I tried the free trial. And I wasn’t impressed. First things first, the trial requires a card. You can’t get the free trial unless… [Continue Reading]

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8 Years of Warframe, 5 Years of Nice Stats

Sometimes the passing of time just doesn’t feel right. You sit there, playing your game and time can just fly. In Warframe’s case, it’s been 8 years of time just flying by. Somehow. No, I don’t get it myself. But since Warframe is celebrating and has released some cool stuff, might as well have a lookie ourselves. Anniversary goodies! Normal people tend to get given gifts on their birthdays. However, games aren’t really normal people. So instead they tend to give out stuff instead. In Warframe’s case, the Dex anniversary gear is making a return over the next couple of… [Continue Reading]

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