On The Difficulties of Learning to Cook

I don’t have many strict opinions. In fact, I’m often willing to change my mind if I’m wrong, and have done on some major issues. But one of the few stances I remain strong on is that everyone should know how to cook some basic meals. Sounds simple enough, but, well nothing is ever truly simple. Turns out, like everything else, there’s some difficulties to overcome when it comes to learning to cook. “But Medic, we have the internet for learning everything!” Yes, we do, but not everything on the internet is accurate or true. Sure, someone posted their recipe… [Continue Reading]

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What’s New in Planetside 2

Every couple years or so I feel the need to boot Planetside 2 back up, just to see what’s changed in Steam’s pre-eminent Spandex in Space Simulator. Last time they added orbital air strikes and the whole construction minigame. This time around, nothing that drastic seems to have newly entered the fray. But there is one very-obvious addition you’ll see the first time you spawn into the map. New Neutral Spaceship! There’s now an orbiting spaceship called Sanctuary. It serves as a hub for all four factions to commingle peacefully before queueing into the active continent to murder each other.… [Continue Reading]

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The Ambulas Fight is Bad

I always seem to forget that Ambulas is a thing. It’s a boss fight located on Pluto, on a planet where very little normally happens. There’s no reason to go back to Pluto or Ambulas once you’ve done it. So the only time I end up fighting Ambulas is for Sorties. Of course, the second I start these missions, I realize just how bad the Ambulas boss fight is. It’s basically everything wrong with a boss fight. When you imagine a boss fight, you imagine a big, scary enemy coming to attack you, which you then kill. Typically in a… [Continue Reading]

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Just Cause 2: Agency Hovercraft DLC review

Despite loving Just Cause 2 and considering it among my top 3 favorite games, I don’t actually own most of the DLCs for it. Not counting the free ice-cream truck and turreted rickshaw, I only bought the Black Market Boom pack to get my hands on the amazing Air Propulsion Gun. All the stuff in the other DLCs don’t seem to serve any unique purpose, or add anything to the game that isn’t already done by base-game vehicles and weapons. But for no real reason, I recently decided to buy and review the Agency Hovercraft just to test how Avalanche… [Continue Reading]

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Poor Xerneas, a Pokemon with no real usable moves

Xerneas is a cool Pokemon. It’s a massive deer that has rainbow antlers whenever it’s in battle. It’s so stupidly powerful that it kicks the shit out of its fellow Legendaries. On top of being an amazing Fairy type, Xerneas has an ability that makes its fairy powers even stronger. Yeah, sure, Zygarde does have an aura-nullifying ability. But Zygarde is still a dragon type. And Dragon types get their asses handed to them by fairies on the regular. However, with Xerneas’s arrival in Pokemon GO, turns out things aren’t that bright and sunny for the pretty deer. Xerneas’s moves… [Continue Reading]

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100% Achievements in Warframe: DONE

Why do I do this to myself? What convinced me that I needed to get all 193 achievements in Warframe? I suppose, when you have everything else done in Warframe, you might as well? Either way, on a rather dull Thursday morning, when I was totally supposed to be working, I did it. I got the last Warframe achievement I needed, Race Ace. With that out of the way, I can finally claim that I have more than one 100% game. Skyrim was an easy game to 100%. Warframe has taken me over 4000 hours. So, shall we have a… [Continue Reading]

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Swablu Community Day

Swablu has always kinda annoyed me. People complain about other lazy Pokemon designs all the time. While Trubbish gets dumped on for being rubbish, I feel Swablu is also lazy. It’s literally just a blue ball with some wings made of clouds. However, Swablu is a pain in the butt in other ways. It’s the Magikarp of its generation but it just evolves into a bigger blue ball with wings. And gets the dragon typing. Swablu is still kinda popular though, enough so that it has a Mega Evolution. And here in Pokemon GO, it also got a Community Day.… [Continue Reading]

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On Playing Pokemon GO as a Free To Play Player

I won’t deny it, I’ve spent money on Pokemon GO. Not much though. For the perhaps thousands of hours of enjoyment, I’ve not spent much at all. I’ve purchased a handful of event tickets and the rare €5 coin bundle. But most of the time, I just use what I have, and if I run out, that’s it. However, I may have mentioned that I started a new account. That account is completely free to play. And mostly separate from what I normally do. It mostly just does community days, raids and the odd event if I can be bothered.… [Continue Reading]

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On Boiling Eggs

Eggs are great. Round, reliable and full of protein. Probably not the best choice for a vegetarian or a vegan. But you can do a huge amount with just eggs. Heck, the weirdly beloved deviled egg is basically a hard-boiled egg. You just scoop the insides out, mush it up with spices then put it back on top. Yet somehow, the process of boiling eggs is oddly… annoying. Somehow, something so simple can also be weirdly difficult. Also, boiling eggs always reminds me of a scene from Look Around You, a fake science show. Boiling eggs are tasty though. The… [Continue Reading]

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How I Would Have Altered the Call of the Tempestarii Quest

Gonna be honest, the more I think about it, the less pleased I am with Sevagoth’s quest. What started off as an interesting premise led absolutely nowhere. There was not much substance to the quest, and nowhere near enough time to actually, well, do anything. Now, I don’t claim to be a good writer. But I really feel like even an idiot like me could, well, do more. Heads up, there ARE spoilers in this article. There kinda have to be. But the Call of the Tempestarii is literally half an hour of quests and cutscenes. It’s literally a Spy… [Continue Reading]

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