All Legendary Raids Should Be Like How They Were In GO Fest

Legendary Pokemon are a horrible pain to catch. You have just kicked a Legendary Pokemon’s arse and now you have to catch the bastard. A Pokemon which will flail and jump around like crazy, constantly jumping out of Pokeballs. And you can’t even use nanab berries to calm the Pokemon down. If you’re lucky, you can use razz berries, but 99% of the time, you’ll have to use the golden variant, or use silver pinaps. This has been the way since, well, Legendaries first appeared in raids. They have always been a pain in the butt to catch. After every… [Continue Reading]

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Oddish Research Day

Oddish isn’t one of my favourite Pokemon. It’s a weird ball on legs with leaves coming out of its head. Pretty standard for a grass type Pokemon. And for some reason, it got a special research day. Not sure why, but this is Niantic and a Kanto Pokemon we’re talking about. But yeah, it was a pretty standard research day. Research Days are generally a bit annoying. Unlike Community Days and Egg-hatching days, Research Days are very limited and are completely restricted to where you are. If you only have 1-2 pokestops nearby, you get two attempts at a shiny… [Continue Reading]

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This Master Ball Research is Hard

In Pokemon GO, for the new season, there is a timed research that lasts for 80 days. If you complete this timed research, then you will be rewarded with a Master Ball. But Niantic will make you work hard for it. So how hard IS this research? I’d say it’s pretty damn hard. There’s a lot you need to do for this research. The first task is to catch 1000 Pokemon. Which does sound pretty difficult, but with the Paldea x4 stardust event, I’m nearly half way there. Because I want that stardust. There’s going to be multiple community days… [Continue Reading]

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A Lack of Galar

At the time of writing, we are having a Pokemon GO event based in Paldea, the region you visit in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This event is part of the Ultra Unlocks, which were, well, unlocked during GO Fest. Ultra Unlock events tend to bring out new Pokemon and large bonuses. During this Ultra Unlock for example, we had a x4 stardust and x4 catch experience bonus, which was pretty damn awesome. However, I feel like we’re missing something. We’ve missed out the whole Galar region. To me, this is a bit of a shame. I really enjoyed playing in… [Continue Reading]

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All The Commendations and Achievements

One of the more common sounds you’ll hear in the Sea of Thieves is a faint scribbling sound, the sound of pen writing on parchment. You’ll hear it quite regularly, especially if you are bringing treasure aboard your ship, are cooking and tinkering around your ship or you just happen to be eating something. The scribbling sound is the sound of things being added to your log. The log seems to track all sorts of stuff. It will track you as you find treasure, as you put the treasure on your ship, or even track your treasure if it is… [Continue Reading]

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On Luck and Catching

Just now, I saw a wild Hariyama. It was just sitting there, minding its own business, being a Pokemon and chilling out. Because I have a Hariyama I want to power up, I decided I was going to catch this wild Hariyama. Now, Hariyama is a big Pokemon. It’s big and wide. That means that it’s easy to get Excellent Throws on it. This Hariyama though refused to catch. I threw multiple Excellent Throws at this Hariyama, but it did not want to catch. It wasn’t even a particularly high CP either, so this was quite frustration. Until, that was,… [Continue Reading]

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Theories on Warframe: Whispers In The Walls

Warframe’s next major quest-like update, Whispers in the Walls, was teased as the first part of Tennolive 2023, and there’s a lot of mystery to it. We saw only a glimpse of what’s yet to come, and what we have seen is actually kinda terrifying. In an eldritch horror sort of way. So let’s theorize about what this stuff will be like. The very first thing I want to mention is the opening cinematic, with Albrecht Entrati getting into that machine, before his assistant whacks it with a hammer. We actually see Loid waking up from inside an almost identical… [Continue Reading]

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Getting Back Into Team Fortress 2, and the Power of Competent Team Mates

The other day, I found myself playing Team Fortress 2. We had planned to play Sea of Thieves, but we ran into a bunch of hackers, which spoiled our mood. So we played TF2 instead, because why not? Now, I haven’t played Team Fortress 2 in a looooong time, so I expected to be a bit rusty. And I was. But that’s fine, because I had players I could actually rely on. The previous times I’d played Team Fortress 2, at least in recent memory, I had mostly been solo. I played a little Mann VS Machine a while back… [Continue Reading]

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Steel Path is Boring

Currently, in Warframe, I am actually missing a few nodes. I haven’t been able to play Arbitrations, because there are nodes I haven’t unlocked yet. Well, there’s four nodes, three on the Zariman and one on Lua. But I also haven’t done these nodes on the Steel Path either. Why? Because I find Steel Path boring. The Steel Path, put simply, is the normal star chart except harder. Everything is 100 levels higher and has 50% more armour and shields. The missions though are the exact same missions you get on the normal star chart. The only real difference is… [Continue Reading]

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The Heirloom Collection is Straight Up Bad

During Tennocon, we were shown two new skins, one for Frost and one for Mag. These skins were really nice and came with a new type of accessory, a halo. However, we soon found out that these skins were cash only, and were filled with other items to pad out the price. The community wasn’t too happy. Now, we’ve had expensive items before. Prime Access, instant access to new Primed Warframes and weapons, is incredibly expensive. And if you wanted the Primed Accessories to go with your new Warframes, you’d have to buy the full Prime Access, which could easily… [Continue Reading]

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