IT’S OVER 1900! Celebrating 1900 articles and 900 Medic articles – Giveaway!

I said I wouldn’t do milestone articles and stuff but I like the number 900 and the number 1900 has the number 900 in it as well, so double bubble. The 2000th article is still a way away, and it’s unlikely that the articles I write will coincide with the big 2K. Also I just kinda wanted to do a giveaway. But first off, let’s spend a moment thinking just how awesome we are, having published over 1900 articles on the Daily SPUF, one a day since our inception, and the fact that Missy Medic here, the person writing this… [Continue Reading]

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Satellite Reign and Eador: Masters of a Broken World Free Today!

Looking for an open-world sci-fi strategy game? Satellite Reign is a co-op isometric shooter where you and up to three friends can sneak, shoot, steal and sabotage your way through a massive cyberpunk city. Satellite Reign is true open-world; there are no limitations and you can go anywhere and uncover new missions while you explore the city. It sounds like the perfect cross between Rainbow Six and Agents of Mayhem, and I can’t wait to give this game a try. Said game is available for free on Humble Bundle for today and tomorrow, so don’t miss out! Update: Turns out there’s a second… [Continue Reading]

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The Darkness II Available For Free!

The Humble Bundle is having a two-day giveaway for The Darkness II! It’s been two years since Jackie Estacado used The Darkness to kill the men responsible for his girlfriend’s murder. He’s been unable to shake the memory of Jenny’s death since bottling up his supernatural power and now The Darkness wants out. A sudden, unprovoked attack by a mysterious organization known as the Brotherhood heralds the start of a full-scale war and opens the door for The Darkness to reemerge, setting Jackie on a journey to hell and worse. I haven’t personally played The Darkness, but I do know of… [Continue Reading]

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Major League Magic Tournament Results!

Thank you to everybody who joined in watching the first ever Major League Magic tournament! Everybody had a lot of fun, and we totally plan on having more tournaments down the line. The Major League Magic team learned a lot of valuable feedback that’ll help them refine their game going forward (they especially liked SilverWolf’s suggestions from the Twitch feed), and Joey and Ben loved their prizes! Ben is the asset director from Medical Necessity you keep reading about in our dev diaries. I had a blast shoutcasting, and a small cadre of the players (mostly JayZ, Pat, Ben, and Joey) shuffled… [Continue Reading]

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Friday Major League Magic Tournament, With Prizes!

You’ve heard a lot about Medical Necessity in my weekly dev diaries, but it’s not the only game being developed in my college Masters’ course! A large team led by Ahmet Terzioglu has been developing a competitive multiplayer game tentatively called Major League Magic, and at 3pm PST the first Major League Magic tournament will be streaming on Twitch! This is the first public opportunity to see the most ambitious project in our class, don’t miss it! Major League Magic is a 3v3 online brawler where both teams select their spells from over a dozen options and fight for three rounds. These… [Continue Reading]

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Your Royal Gayness – New Visual Novel Released on Steam

Your Royal Gayness was a successfully-Kickstarted visual novel that passed through Steam Greenlight. For the past few months, I’ve been writing quests for the project, and yesterday the game was finally released! All of my quests are random encounters, so you may see them whenever a daily event pops up to make your life more complicated. My personal favorite involves a national scarab-racing team. Have fun!

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Happy Smissmas 2017!

What? It’s the 25th of December already? What happened? It felt like it was September about ten minutes ago! And now all of a sudden it’s Christmas? Where the fuck has this year gone? Well clearly all that time went somewhere. While the rest of the planet has been all over the place and potentially going to shit, at least we have some nice daily video game articles. I definitely kept that promise. Even if WordPress fucked up and didn’t publish an article on the 24th of November until nearly midnight for some reason. Well, it was published but for… [Continue Reading]

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This is the 1700th Article? Really?

Apparently, this is the 1700th article. It bough caught me by surprise and didn’t catch me by surprise. I had planned to write a ton of articles so I could publish this on Halloween, but I kinda didn’t really get a chance to. Would have written like 12 articles or something silly and I was too tired to do that. Really, 1700 isn’t a great number. It’s 300 articles away from the big 2k. But that means that by next year, we’ll have reached 2000 articles, which will be cool. Rather than go on all cutesy like, today we’ll talk… [Continue Reading]

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The Daily SPUF Discord and other assorted things!

Good news everyone! Times are changing! We’re doing the same thing everyone else is doing and ol’Medic here has set up a Discord server! I mean, why the hell not? We could do with a place to properly chat and meet up and things like that! The server is open to anyone with a validated Discord account. The rules are simple and can be summarized in one sentence: Don’t Be A Dick. There’s some other minor rules as well (such as no spamming and no porn) but Don’t Be A Dick covers pretty much everything. Anyone who sticks around and… [Continue Reading]

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Jungle Inferno, the new Team Fortress 2 Update, is here!

I know, I was supposed to do write-ups for each of the days of the Jungle Inferno update, but considering how Team Fortress 2 updates work, with reveals on the first days and the actual event being released on the last day, I didn’t think there would be much point. So day two was all the new campaign stuff, like the old Gun Mettle update but with a twist. Now, rather than ending up with a billion stock weapons with weird (and often ugly) textures on them, completing part of the new campaign grants you a War Paint, that can… [Continue Reading]

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