How to Hunt an Eidolon

In light of the 23 minutes of raw footage of capturing Eidolons I posted on the SPUF of Legend Youtube channel, I should probably, you know, tell you how to hunt and capture an Eidolon of your own. Because that would be useful. Step 1: Complete the War Within. You NEED the dumb space kid for this. Step 2: Complete Saya’s Vigil, the quest for Gara, so you can talk to her pretending to be dead husband Onkko. Step 3: Speak to Onkko to get your Mote Amp, or better still, kill Vomvalysts and other non-Eidolon Sentients, steal their Sentient… [Continue Reading]

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Major League Magic Tournament Results!

Thank you to everybody who joined in watching the first ever Major League Magic tournament! Everybody had a lot of fun, and we totally plan on having more tournaments down the line. The Major League Magic team learned a lot of valuable feedback that’ll help them refine their game going forward (they especially liked SilverWolf’s suggestions from the Twitch feed), and Joey and Ben loved their prizes! Ben is the asset director from Medical Necessity you keep reading about in our dev diaries. I had a blast shoutcasting, and a small cadre of the players (mostly JayZ, Pat, Ben, and Joey) shuffled… [Continue Reading]

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Battlefield 1 – Turning Tides Review

Hi, this is aabicus with the SPUF of Legend! Battlefield 1 came out with the second half of the Turning Tides DLC earlier this month, and I’m loving every single part of it. Now I need to mention a few qualifiers just to be fair: I didn’t try out any of the new guns because they take a lot of time to unlock and I’m playing on a friend’s account (speaking of which, special thanks to Yessirreebirb for letting me use his account again), where was I oh yeah he’s saving up his warbonds for something else so I mostly… [Continue Reading]

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Payday 2: On Joker Cops

There are a couple reasons I frequently finding myself grabbing Joker skills in my Payday 2 builds; firstly, they’re under the Mastermind skill tree, which also comes with all the medic skills. The top joker skill, Hostage Taker, lets you regenerate health every five seconds if you have a converted cop. This works great with most of my favorite perk decks, especially my current love Stoic, which has phenomenal tanking potential but no innate way to regenerate the slivers of damage that will slowly wear you down throughout a heist. But even when I don’t spec all the way into… [Continue Reading]

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aabicus at College: An Update

Hi everyone! I’ve been almost completely silent on both the forums and this blog, and I apologize for that, but as I mentioned in this video, I’ve been attending a Master’s program in Game Design, and it’s been loads of work. Luckily it’s been amazing and enjoyable work, and I’ve just wrapped up my first (and supposedly the busiest) quarter. It has been so great getting to explore so many different elements of game design in an academic setting! This article is basically a compilation of what I’ve been doing the last four months, and a bit of discussion on… [Continue Reading]

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Battlefield 1

Happy Armistice Day SPUFers, fast video today, just wanted to quickly inform anyone who hasn’t played a Battlefield game, like myself until recently, that Battlefield 1 is amazing and one of the best multiplayer experiences I’ve had in recent memory. The animations and textures are gorgeous, sound design is immersive, and there are so many little details that other game ignore. There are first-person legs and shadows and reload animations that use the right number of bullets, they put so much effort into the experience around the gameplay and it absolutely pays off. Getting into the actual gameplay, which is… [Continue Reading]

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Blizzcon 2017 Announcements!

There’s a thread on reddit right now called “Blizzard literally gave us everything we wanted” and that’s pretty much how I’d sum up this cavalcade of announcements we just got at the beginning of Blizzcon. Blizzard is pulling out all the stops with a host of new Overwatch improvements on several fronts. First and most important, we’re getting our first evil healer! Moira is an Irish geneticist who appears to have something to do with Reaper’s necromantic resurrection, and she specializes in medium-range healing and damage-dealing. She’s got several different beam attacks for defending herself and also fueling her healing… [Continue Reading]

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On Running Too Quickly

So the other day, I was testing stupid builds on Volt and seeing how fast I could do low level capture missions. The best I managed was 65 seconds, achieved with a rather basic Speed build, but also requiring a lot of luck. The map I got turned out to be very small so I could get through it super fast. Unfortunately, Warframe is not a great game to speed run because the majority of maps are randomly generated. What I got for the 65 second Capture Mission was not normal, normally you’re looking at about 150-200m to reach the… [Continue Reading]

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How to Git Gud at Lucioball

The Summer Games are here, and with them Blizzard has brought back the best seasonal game mode Overwatch has ever had: Lucioball! A hybrid of Rocket League and Jet Set Radio, Lucioball takes my favorite character in Overwatch and builds an entire sport around him, and I cannot possibly be having more fun. I managed to place into high Diamond in the new competitive Copa Lucioball, and here are some tips for bringing your game to the next level: 1. Set yourself up for the cross. This is the single most important tip in this guide. When the ball is on… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch: Doomfist is Live!

Hello, this is aabicus with the SPUF of Legend! Doomfist finally went live today, the character everyone’s been waiting for. He’s not voiced by Terry Crews, as everyone seemed to be hoping, but thankfully the community seems okay with that because the voice actor they got just nails the character. Doomfist, as the name would suggest, is a melee-oriented Offense hero whose attacks all help him move throughout the battlefield while dealing close-range knockback+damage to foes. He’s a blast to play, but he’s got a really high skill ceiling, like Genji, just because of the reflexes and reaction times needed… [Continue Reading]

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