Medic Speculates Again

I’ll be frank here, I’m a little obsessed with the TF Comic series. I really like most of it. I was not a fan of how Sniper ended up as a badly written Superman parody, since his now foster parents were REALLY nice people based on the humans in Courage the Cowardly Dog. I miss that show. But for the longest of time, there has been a lot of silence and speculation based on whatever’s happened in the past. Now we have a few more tidbits coming to light, such as an actual possible release date for issue 5. Come… [Continue Reading]

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So Miss Pauling is now gay…

According to the head writer of the TF Comic series, which probably won’t come out for another month or so due to them having been working on other things Valve-related, there’s some actual news. As for what they’ve been working on, it’s probably Dota 2 stuff. Frankly, all of Valve’s other games are getting tired of Dota 2 getting all the attention. It’s not even a proper Valve game. Anyway, as I was saying, they announced that Miss Pauling, the action-packed assistant to the Administrator, is a lesbian. Now, I’m not normally one to complain about these things. As far… [Continue Reading]

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Some interesting ideas – TF Comics

So, it’s been a month since the startling events in Team Fortress Comics #4 and already I’m wondering what’s going to happen next. Let’s be frank, the last bit of that comic was startling. Sniper really isn’t having a good time and Soldier’s girlfriend is having a hard time being the tenth class. Those other mercenaries are worrying and the Administrator looks like shit. Hey, don’t look at me like that, it’s hard writing an opening paragraph that describes what I’m talking about without spoiling the comics for those who are waiting for them all to come out! Anyway, yes,… [Continue Reading]

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The Rise of Mun-Dee

Blood in the Water is an awesome comic, whether it was six months late or early. Its accompanying blog post on the TF website reads, “This double-sized monster has got it all, folks! All the action! All the words we know! 113 pulse-crushing, revelation-choked pages!” They weren’t kidding. Perhaps the chokingest revelation of all, the one I’d like to comment on today, concerns the identity of the TF2 Sniper. For years he’s been scoring those headshots with his trusty rifle or bow. He’s been throwing insults and his own urine around in vast measures. He’s been the bane of many… [Continue Reading]

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Blood on the Water, almost – The new TF2 Comic

So, we FINALLY got the next issue of the TF2 comic, Blood on the Water. And it’s been a bloody long wait. Rather insultingly, the blog post writer said that it was early, as the comic is now yearly. I’m assuming that’s a joke but you never know with these guys. For all we know, the last issue will coincide with Half Life 3 or 4 or something. Anyway, if you haven’t read the new comic yet, read it now, as this article is FULL of spoilers and I wouldn’t want to SPOIL things for you. No sir. Click here… [Continue Reading]

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A Sudden Flurry Of Content!

Looks like we’ve finally got some new stuff on Team Fortress 2! An update on the 1st and a new comic! There’s also promises of a new map and new custom taunts. Warning! This post contains spoilers about the new comic! Please read it first! First off, the update. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Improved the Backpack UI Added page buttons for all pages Removed prev/next buttons Updated the drag/drop behavior to interact with the page buttons Strange quality items… [Continue Reading]

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