Holy shit this is the 800th article.

  Bloody hell. The time has flown! Seriously it feels like a few weeks ago that we celebrated our 700th article. And I spent most of that article writing about how much I love you all and how I can’t live without you all and all that sort of stuff. I guess I kinda have to do the same for this article, but eh… Thing is, lately, it’s been pretty rough for both me and aabicus. Dear old Aaby has had spouse-based health issues, job-issues and house issues, while I’ve been taking on all the responsibility of running the family… [Continue Reading]

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Godspeed, Satoru Iwata

It has been announced that on July 11th, 2015, Satoru Iwata, head of Nintendo Corporation, has died due to complications related to a bile duct growth. The gaming community, especially  Nintendo’s, has been wracked by this event, and has given their condolences. Satoru Iwata, born on the 6th of December in 1959, became interested in making video games early on, and eventually joined HAL Labratory, where he was responsible in the participation of many games, including Kirby, Earthbound, and Balloon Fight. Eventually, he was promoted to president of HAL Labratory, who became responsible for bringing the company out of bankruptcy. As the head of Nintendo, he… [Continue Reading]

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Conflicting Communities: Of Heisters and Mercenaries

So as most of you have noticed (though probably not) there has been a distinct lack of posts made by me on SPUF. You can tell from the lack of shitposts made by a certain PootNameHere. Why is that? Well, the answer is simpler than you think. I have become bored of TF2. My attention span for this game literally died out. Sure, I could blame EOTL for driving me away, sure, I could blame Valve for flooding this game with a never ending amount of hats, but no. The reason is, once again, simpler than you think. It’s all… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 Update – Map Workshop Beta

Hey, look, an update! With a blog post to go with it! It’s only been three months since we had the last announcement on the front page! Except that one was for the fricking Taunt workshop, and while that’s fun and all, we’ve not seen a single new taunt released. But now Valve have decided to one-up themselves while at the same time destroying the community-driven tf2maps.net site by announcing a map workshop! Yeah, a map workshop. In beta. It’s basically like the Garry’s Mod workshop. You find a map you like, you download it. If enough people download a… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 is in palliative care, and the signs are all there…

Original article by Sud, as seen here. As much of a downer subject that it may be, I get the feeling reading through threads around here that people are a bit in denial as far as hope for TF2 to receive significant future support, and I just wanted to sound out a bit about the topic. TL;DR is at the bottom if you don’t like words. Unfortunately, Valve is no longer the happy little company that it was when it was developing Half-Life, and Steam was a twinkle (or the beginning of a cataract) in Gabe Newell’s eye. Valve has… [Continue Reading]

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The 600th Daily SPUF Article

It seems like five minutes ago that we published the 500th Daily SPUF Article. I actually lost track of time. Plus other awful things happened, which meant that the 600th article came quicker than I thought. The last 100 articles have been yet another wild ride. If you can call it that. So yeah. This is the 600th article. Woo. For the previous hundred post milestones, I’ve done contests. I was going to do a contest this time round, but contests are, well, kinda lame when you don’t have any time to prepare prizes or a theme for said contest.… [Continue Reading]

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How to write for The Daily SPUF

In most cases I start my articles with an anecdote. Anecdotes are little stories from one’s past experience that they share to reinforce the main point of an article. For instance, if I were writing about heartbreak and food, I’d share the story of the time I was burned by a PopTart. Hot Fudge Sundae variety, if I remember right. This time I’d like to start by saying thank you to a very special person. You know her as Medic, the Almighty Editor of The Daily SPUF. She’s written just over 150 articles for this blog in her time. Lately she’s… [Continue Reading]

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Why you should visit the Unofficial SPUF Server

So, the night before this article was written, (since we don’t publish articles immediately) everyone jumped onto the SPUF server and had a whale of a time. We had all sorts of fun and it was nice. It turns out, all we have to do is throw a couple of people in there and it’s lovely. I’m going to tell you why we should visit the SPUF server more often.

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