Poor Ullapool Caber…

Poor, poor Caber. Once the proudest member of Demoman’s unlockable melee weapons, the only one that merged Demoknight and Demoman into a weird parody of both classes, the only weapon that brought the ‘Demo’ part of the class name to Medieval Mode…the mighty Ullapool Caber is a shadow of its former self. The old Caber will always hold a special place in my heart. It was undeniably, indisputably fun. There are few pleasures in life more satisfying than flying through the air with the Sticky Jumper, landing on top of an oblivious sniper and obliterating them with a single melee… [Continue Reading]

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Prey Demo Impressions

With the reboot of Prey on the horizon, I was pleasantly surprised to find out it had a demo available. I was curious about it after spying a trailer or two, but was hesitant seeing that the developer was Arkane Studios as I haven’t been a fan of their previous work, but I could look past that. You begin by waking up in your apartment with your brother telling you to get aboard the helicopter he has waiting for you. After a long-winded cinematic scene that feels like it was lifted from Mirror’s Edge, you finally touch down and can… [Continue Reading]

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Left 4 Dead 2 – Cold Stream

I had a really hard time deciding upon my least favorite Left 4 Dead 2 map. I’m so addicted to the game I can honestly play any of them, and they each have their own charm. In the end there were three that I had to decide between. Part of me wanted to say No Mercy just because I’m decently burnt out on it. People pick it WAY too often, especially in versus, and its one of the easiest maps in the game so there’s no real challenge in even playing it. That being said, it’s a damn good campaign… [Continue Reading]

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4 More Things I Miss From Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2 is such a good game! I’ve said it before, most Saints Row fans have said it before, but I honestly have never played a better open-world sandbox game, and I recently got Grand Theft Auto V. The city is vibrant, the tone balances gritty gang violence with tongue-in-cheek game-y action, the characters and story are solid and the gameplay is bursting with variety and unbridled freedom. Saints Row the Third does a decent job of carrying this over, I’d give it an 80% in all, and most of the big things it missed were detailed in my last article… [Continue Reading]

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Malicious Multiplayer

Rainbow Six Siege is a game I picked up on the promise of tactical, slow-paced gameplay and then I sold it for lying. But I’ll save my quarrels with its gameplay for another time, because instead I wanted to focus on a few things that curse multiplayer titles in general, and Siege is the perfect scapegoat for demonstrating those points. So without further ado~ Player Visibility and Colour Simply put, a player should NEVER fade into the environment. They should pop against their background, but with more games leaning towards the duller, realistic washed out colour palettes, this becomes an… [Continue Reading]

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Okay, seriously, it’s not a bad game. But I don’t like it and (again) that title was too damn good to pass up. Think of this as an extension to Medic’s article except written by someone far less competent. I wanted to like Overwatch, really, I did. (Lower your damn pitchforks!) I tried the beta, which for some reason would cause my router to crash and freeze every time I launched it, forcing me to play it offline. Even when it was in a playable state in the free trial after the full game came out, I tried to ignore my… [Continue Reading]

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Six Degrees of Movement and Motion Sickness

Archwing is a game mode in Warframe in which you have six degrees of movement rather than the standard four. By that, I mean there is no floor to stand on and you have to float and fight through space on your space wings, with your gigantic sword and your space gun. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Well, not quite… I normally actually avoid Archwing missions, because I get dizzy easily. I was only re-reminded of their existence after a conversation with SilverWolf, and accidentally doing an Exterminate alert that turned out to be an Archwing mission. Plus, I was going… [Continue Reading]

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Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle is a random game that I got from that Clickteam Fusion humble bundle that Aaby shilled out a couple weeks ago.  Its basically a puzzle game built around cards and deck building with a vague city building theme.  It’s fairly good, better than I thought it would be, and is currently the game with the most playtime out of the whole bundle.  Then again, half those games apparently don’t run on Windows 10, but that’s a rant for another time. CJ starts you off with a grid and a small deck of cards.  Each card is a building… [Continue Reading]

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Thoughts on Scream Fortress VIII

This is going to be a short article. Why? Because Scream Fortress VIII (8 for those who can’t read Roman numerals) is short. There’s not a lot going on with it. It’s a continuation from last year. There is actually very little to talk about. Actually, to show just how little there is to talk about, the biggest criticism about Scream Fortress VIII so far has absolutely nothing to do with Scream Fortress, but with competitive matchmaking. Badlands and Granary were both removed from the competitive pool, and replaced with Turbine and Badwater, two maps that simply aren’t friendly with… [Continue Reading]

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Battlefield and Me

I remember my first confrontation with the Battlefield series fondly. I was growing more curious of PC gaming and my big brother had recently set up his own rig with the help of a friend in his tiny, cramped room. As he booted it up he talked to me about a new game he’d bought and what it was like. I’d not heard anything like it, and console games of the time couldn’t hope to offer an experience on the scale of what PC titles were, especially with multiplayer. Then he launched the game saying I could play it… Seeing… [Continue Reading]

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