A Tennolive 2020 Article

So, I’m kinda writing this as it happens. It’s midnight on the 2nd for me, but it’s still the 1st in London, Ontario, Canada, where DE are located. Tennolive has just started and everyone is introducing themselves. There’s a lot to do, they’re starting with prizes and then they’re talking about charity things. I’m just going to write and see how this turns out, so apologies for this being not a normal article. 320k people are watching this video, just after the Tenno Trivia show has ended. How many are actually excited and how many just want Hydroid Prime, who… [Continue Reading]

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Hey, you know how I like Team Rocket battles? You know how much I like them? Well, I like them a lot. So Day 2 of GO Fest was practically made for me. Team GO Rocket has apparently taken over GO Fest and thrown confetti everywhere and it’s up to us to stop them! There were perhaps too many battles. Every single Pokestop had a Grunt on it, which would refresh every few minutes. And GO Fest players would get a Grunt in a balloon every 15 minutes as well. With a new balloon appearing not long after beating a… [Continue Reading]

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A Look at GO FEST Day 1 – Your Mileage May Vary

I know GO Fest’s first day was yesterday, but I need time to write these articles. And I spent most of yesterday catching a fuckton of Pokemon. The day was split into various ‘biomes’, with different Pokemon spawning in each biome. This would change every hour, and was accompanied by some sort of global challenge. If players beat it, they’d be rewarded with some sort of bonus, like double stardust or double candy. We also had constant raids all day, with shortened timers, as well as a Welcome to Go Fest challenge which rewarded various Pokemon, including Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard… [Continue Reading]

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The Incense Shuffle Event Was a Sentret Event

On April 19th, Pokemon Go had its first genuine stay at home event! It involved the magical Incense and various types of Pokemon. And Sentret. Lots and lots of Sentret. From 11am until 5pm, we would get spawns based on different types, changing every hour. If you are lucky, you’ll get some rare spawns. If you are unlucky, you will see a billion Sentret. Also, there were NO changed spawns. Only Incense Pokemon were affected by the event. The event is simple: Use Incense, get Pokemon The type of Pokemon were based on different types. For the first hour, we… [Continue Reading]

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Things the Scarlet Spear Operation Probably Needs

Operation Scarlet Spear has left an awful taste in people’s mouths. Despite being a long-wanted event, the amount of grind, the bugs and the all-round confusion have made the operation a pain in the butt. People aren’t enjoying the missions at all. But while bugs and the like will be fixed eventually, here are a few… quality of life features I think this operation needs. Better Reward Scaling on Ground Missions No matter how you look at it, it’s better to do Murex if you want credits. While Murex are slower missions, they are somewhat easier to cheese and give… [Continue Reading]

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Operation Scarlet Spear – A Simple Event With An Awful Grind

After a promise of “early March”, Operation Scarlet Spear has arrived, alongside a bunch of other changes. The other changes are numerous, mostly bug fixes, as well as a Nova skin and some augments. But the Operation is… something else. And not in a good way. For starters, it’s buggy. This is basically guaranteed for every new event that comes out these days. Scarlet Spear is no different. It’s full of crashes. Okay, sure, a lot of this is being fixed as we go along, but it’s a pain in the ass. Between people crashing and the bugs, not much… [Continue Reading]

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The Weird Pokemon Go Event No One Really Noticed

Over the weekend that introduced season two of the GBL and brought back Altered Forme Giratina, something strange happened. There was clearly an event, but no one seemed to… notice. It just happened. There was no real announcement, nothing. But it was there. It wasn’t a good event, but it was there. I didn’t notice this event myself until I bought the 1 coin Incense pack and used one. Because of the current pandemic that’s sweeping the globe, Incenses have been buffed. While an Incense used to last 30 minutes and spawn 5-8 Pokemon, increasing if you are traveling, walking… [Continue Reading]

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WAY Too Many Events In Pokemon Go – Are Events Becoming A Problem?

Editor’s Note: This article’s kinda weird now that places are locking down because of COVID-19, but the article does still apply because the raid events ARE still happening, despite lock downs. The major difference is that these raid events have also turned into PVP events too. Wow. This year has been absolutely jam-packed with events in Pokemon Go! We have had so much to do! In March alone, except for normal events like Community Days, we have had an event every weekend, with overlapping events too! In fact, it’s reached the point where I can’t keep up! What is going… [Continue Reading]

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Abra Community Day Postponed and other Pokemon Go Changes

It seems like the Corona Virus is currently hitting quite hard, with reactions from “seal everything off completely because this is highly contagious!” (a good thing) to “meh, it’s just a cold!” (a bad thing). Now, I’m no expert, so I’m not going to talk about things I don’t know about. All I’ll say is that you should wash your damn hands. But I DO know about Pokemon Go. And Pokemon Go is cancelling or postponing events left right and center. Yes, events are being cancelled. The first big cancellation was that all events in South Korea, Japan and Italy… [Continue Reading]

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Team GO Rocket Attacks Nearly Every Pokestop – the 2pm – 5pm Team GO Rocket Event

On March 7th 2020, from 2pm until 5pm, Team GO Rocket struck again! They attacked every single Pokestop they could find! For three glorious hours, Giovanni’s grunts, both male and female, took over every Pokestop around, while also giving up bonus stardust. There were also a handful of special Team GO Rocket research tasks. And frankly? It was bloody brilliant! In fact, this mini-event was so good that I managed to get my Shadow Entei in under 2 hours. That’s genuinely insane. I actually started today with just a single Rocket Radar, hoping to defeat one of the Team GO… [Continue Reading]

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