Why you should buy a Strange Filter

So I just added some money to my Steam wallet. And, like every Hat Fortress player, I couldn’t resist buying a key or two to uncrate some of these new crates that just came out. I also bought a game, and a few other things from the Steam Market to calm my natural item addiction. A few minutes later (that’s how long it takes  me to chew through ten Euros) I had a bit over a Euro left, enough for a Nametag or some other Tool Item That I Would Regret Buying. Somehow, I stumbled upon the “Maps” section of… [Continue Reading]

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Offline Team Fortress

If you’re as unlucky as I am, not having internet connection for a while is a regular occurrence. Sometimes it lasts no more than a few minutes, other times, you’re detached from the interwebz for a good couple of days. While I generally have other things to do, such as studying, working, cleaning or making weapons out of cardboard, some of you might be desperate to get your TF2 fix. Here’s some hints and tips for you.

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Why the Ball-Kicking Boots Is My Favorite Cosmetic

My two favorite cosmetics are Archimedes and Giddeon, but if you ignore the birds then my favorite wearable has to be the Ball-Kicking Boots. Generic-looking, yes, but they spawn a soccer ball for your team. In my opinion this trumps any possible visual bonuses from anything else. A free soccer ball has a whole host of uses, almost none of them combat-oriented. Here are some opportunities no other cosmetic will give you. 1. Give your whole team something to do while stuck in spawn. If you’ve played TF2 for any amount of time, you’ve probably gotten bored while confined to… [Continue Reading]

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SPUF of the Dead: Chapter One

SPUF OF THE DEAD Chapter 1: Is There Anybody Out There?           As the old, dust-covered phone jangled off, two men turned around in surprise from their desks and gazed at the spectacle; the two detectives had not received a single call in a while. “Shall I?” One of the detectives asked, receiving affirmation in return. His name was Donald Stamda, or more commonly referred to as “Don” or simply “Stamda”. He bounced up and walked towards the phone in a relaxed manner, yawning in the poorly-lit room. Stamda was a tall and handsome, smooth-talking man with a fitting pair… [Continue Reading]

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Κάποιος είπε να γράψω κάτι σε άλλη γλώσσα…

Δεν έχετε ιδέα τί έγραψα. Ούτε εγώ ξέρω ακριβώς τί έγραψα. Είμαι ο Γιατρός. Τα άλλα μέλη της ομάδας μου είναι ο Βαρύς, ο Κατεδαφιστής, ο Κατάσκοπος, ο Μηχανικός, ο Εμβρηστής*, ο Ανιχνευτής, ο Στρατώτης και ο Ελευθερος Σκοπευτής. Αχ, ψέματα λαλώ. Άλλαξαν το όνομα του. Τωρά είναι ο Ακροβολιστής. Όμως δεν έχουν αλλάξει το όνομά του σε μερικά, μικρά μέρη έξω από το παιχνίδι. Μην ανησυχείτε, θα σας δώσω μια μετάφραση μετά. Το παιχνίδι στα Ελληνικά δεν είναι πολύ διαφορετικό. Εκτός από το φόντο, φάινεται το ίδιο. Οι φωνές στο παιχνίδι είναι στα Άγγλικα, αλλά τα περισσότερα είναι μεταφρασμένα,… [Continue Reading]

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Why you should visit the Unofficial SPUF Server

So, the night before this article was written, (since we don’t publish articles immediately) everyone jumped onto the SPUF server and had a whale of a time. We had all sorts of fun and it was nice. It turns out, all we have to do is throw a couple of people in there and it’s lovely. I’m going to tell you why we should visit the SPUF server more often.

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Write Some Moar! 2 : The Results

Hello audience, welcome to the Rentz & Lasby Book Showing! Today I, Don Mister Argeon, am pleased to announce that our committee has finally to a conclusion on what stories we shall publish for you our Australian readers! Before I tell you the results, I’d like for each of you to pick up the surveys we placed underneath your chairs. Keep it close, as Rentz personally sold his last suit to get enough paper for the entire auditorium. Otherwise, let me present to you, the winners of this year’s Write Some Moar! contest! Out of a fine 54 stories, resulting… [Continue Reading]

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