On Ultra Beast Raids

The Ultra Beasts in Pokemon are a weird concept. They’re basically legendary Pokemon but not. All of them are from different dimensions and only appear in our real world via wormholes – Ultra Wormholes. These Pokemon have amazing strength, and, despite not being Legendary Pokemon, they have similar stats and details. And now these mysterious Pokemon are appearing in Pokemon GO as well. They’re pretty cool. I must admit, the designs for the Ultra Beasts are pretty cool. You can tell that they’re not normal Pokemon just by looking at them. There is one thing that does help separate these… [Continue Reading]

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On Solo’ing a Deoxys

When it comes to one-player raids in Pokemon GO, the average player can easily do one-star raids and complete three-star raids with little trouble. Unless it’s a three-star Shuckle raid. Those things are tanky. However, the idea of a solo player beating a level 5 raid is often out of the question. There ARE ways of soloing some raids, but they often require a full party of shadows, a Mega Pokemon or both. Over the years though, with better Legendaries, Community Days with strong moves and just better moves in general, the task of solo-ing a level 5 raid becomes… [Continue Reading]

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More Legendary Pokemon in the Wild Seems Like a Cool Idea

One of the more interesting things about the Johto tour was the appearance of Legendary Pokemon in the wild. Mimicking the behavior from the original games, we had the Legendary Beasts spawning in the wild, with a 99% chance to flee. However, that got me thinking. Why don’t we have wild Legendary Pokemon? Not all Legendaries, of course. We can’t have Mewtwos spawning everywhere now, can we? I mean, we could totally have Mewtwo spawning everywhere, but I don’t think the developers or the shareholders would appreciate that. However, other, somewhat lesser Legendary Pokemon could be interesting. After all, there… [Continue Reading]

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5 Legendaries You Don’t Need to Power Up in Pokemon GO

Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO are very expensive to power up. They require a lot of candy, and that candy is hard to come by. Not only that, but they rotate in and out of raids. If you don’t keep up, you end up missing vital Pokemon. However, thankfully, not every legendary Pokemon is worth the time and effort to power up. They may have some very niche uses in PvP stuff, but you shouldn’t see these Pokemon in raids and the like. Here are some Legendary Pokemon that you don’t need to power up. Virizion and Cobalion The Swords… [Continue Reading]

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Ultra Time was Great, Ultra Space was not

After GO Fest, there’s always some sort of Ultra event. The U-shaped Unown appears in raids and there’s an unusual theme surrounding the event. This year, after GO Fest 2021, players ‘unlocked’ three Ultra events. The first was Time, the second was Space and the third was randomly Gen 8 stuff. As events go, the Ultra Time and Space events were rather similar. But it’s clear as day that one event was better than the other. The big difference are in the wild spawns Time Week’s wild spawns were great. We had a mixture of actually useful wild Pokemon. Fossil… [Continue Reading]

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Legendary 1 or Mastery Rank 31

With the Sisters of Parvos update, we received a big chunk of new Mastery. Between the new Tennet weapons, three new Kuva weapons and a Warframe, we’ve been able to make huge gains. In fact, we got enough mastery to go past Mastery Rank 30. So now we have a new rank, with a new Mastery Test and more benefits. And, if you had everything leveled up prior to the Sisters of Parvos update, then there is plenty of new gear to master. Legendary 1 or MR31? Technically, this new Mastery Rank is MR31. But in-game, the new rank is… [Continue Reading]

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Legendary Pokemon You’ll Probably Only Need One of in Pokemon GO

Generally, when you catch a Legendary Pokemon, it’s pretty cool. In the main series games in particular, it’s part of the story. You tend to only get one of them in a single play-through, and they’re generally of great importance. If you wanted a shiny Pokemon, you’d have to reset the game countless times for a tiny, tiny chance. And that only applied to earlier games – newer ones are relegated to events. However, in Pokemon GO, it’s possible to get many, many of the same type of Legendary. Raids regularly cycle through Pokemon, and even with just free passes,… [Continue Reading]

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Poor Xerneas, a Pokemon with no real usable moves

Xerneas is a cool Pokemon. It’s a massive deer that has rainbow antlers whenever it’s in battle. It’s so stupidly powerful that it kicks the shit out of its fellow Legendaries. On top of being an amazing Fairy type, Xerneas has an ability that makes its fairy powers even stronger. Yeah, sure, Zygarde does have an aura-nullifying ability. But Zygarde is still a dragon type. And Dragon types get their asses handed to them by fairies on the regular. However, with Xerneas’s arrival in Pokemon GO, turns out things aren’t that bright and sunny for the pretty deer. Xerneas’s moves… [Continue Reading]

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You NEED to finish the “An Inter-egg-sting Development” Research!

After months of staying in hiding, Giovanni is back with a new plan. There are new shadow eggs that contain… honestly pretty basic Pokemon, and we need to, uh, liberate them from Team Rocket! Alongside these new eggs, we have a new special research! And unlike the old Team Rocket special researches, this one is important. It has some pretty damn good rewards. But you gotta work for them. I’m gonna cut to the chase. You can’t miss out on these rewards. The new special research gives two things: Firstly, at the very end of the research, it gives you… [Continue Reading]

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Why Do We Even Care About Shiny Pokemon?

A while back, Articuno appeared in raids, with a potential to be shiny. Brother really wanted a shiny Articuno to complete his collection, and I wanted one too. Between us, with four accounts, we probably had about 50 chances to get a shiny Articuno. Out of all the raids we did, the only person to get a shiny Articuno was my little level 28 account, which only just has the right counters to fight Articuno in the first place. We weren’t alone. During the Tuesday raid hour, we were in a group of 15 accounts and we did 5 raids.… [Continue Reading]

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