Meta Weapons and some Alternatives in Warframe

There are a lot of weapons in Warframe. SO many, in fact, that it’s easy to forget that a lot of them exist. However, a lot of people focus on the most meta of weapons. It’s understandable, people want to use the best guns. This means that many guns fall by the wayside, somewhat unwanted. However, there are some sneaky weapons that perform just as well as the standard meta weaponry. Here are just a few of them. The Lenz The Kuva Bramma is a terrifying beast. When it was first released, it did HUGE amounts of damage. It was… [Continue Reading]

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A Casual Player’s Ramble About How Mega Pokemon Won’t Be As Game-Breaking As We All Think

Mega Pokemon have been confirmed for Pokemon Go for 2020, but we don’t know much about them. We don’t know how we’ll obtain Mega Pokemon or trigger their special evolutions or anything. All we know is that Mega Evolutions are coming “soon”. But, considering how powerful Mega Pokemon are in the main games, players worry that Mega Pokemon will get in the way of everything. That they’ll be game-breaking in some way. Honestly, I don’t think that’s going to happen. In the main games, these Pokemon are monsters. Mega Pokemon are insanely strong in normal Pokemon games. I mean, it’s… [Continue Reading]

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A Strange, Strange Criticism of the Warframe Meta

On June 25th, the Steel Path was announced for Warframe. Simply put, the Steel Path would be an extra option on every single node with added difficulty. Instead of, say, going to E Prime and fighting level 5 enemies, the Steel Path would let you fight level 105 enemies. According to the recent blog post, the Steel Path allows access to higher level enemies. And, of course, there’s a few rewards thrown in. And, amazingly, some mastery. But it’s been clearly stated that this is not an “end game”. In the conversations I’ve seen though, there’s this weird talk about… [Continue Reading]

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The Sudden Very Obvious Empyrean Meta

It’s only been like a week, and already a meta has evolved in Railjack missions. There’s literally no way around it though, due to the fact that each Empyrean mission is time-consuming and very hectic, even if you have a full crew of MR 27-28 players. With so much going on, you need everyone to do their tasks and do them well. Luckily though, it’s very easy to arrange a group into their respective roles. From what I’ve seen so far, there’s four main roles. One person focuses on flying; one person rushes around repairing things and occasionally shoots things… [Continue Reading]

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On Tyranitar

“Τί θα χρησιμοποιείτε για το raid?” (“What will you use for the raid?”) is a phrase I ask before most level 4 or 5 raids in Pokemon Go. I always ask my fellow players what Pokemon they will use to beat the shit out of some poor raid boss. The answer though is always the same. “Tyranitar.” “Τίποτε άλλο?” (“Anything else?”) “Μόνο Tyranitar.” Every time. Occasionally you will get the odd Mewtwo or Gengar, always with Shadow Ball. Sometimes one of the older players will have a Rayquaza or a Ho-Oh. Occasionally for a level 4 raid you’ll see the… [Continue Reading]

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The Trouble With Eidolons

Eidolon hunts are cool. You follow a massive, wailing monster across the Plains, breaking it down bit by bit until it screams, falls silent and rises into the air, subdued by your lures and dragged off into nothingness. It’s really… quite horrific when you think about it, as the Teralyst just wanders around the Plains mourning the loss of its family and doing nothing else until we attack it. Then we capture it using a bunch of horrible Grineer drones and the spirits of their own mini brethren. But the problem is, if you want to kill an Eidolon or… [Continue Reading]

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In Defense of Redirection and Shields in Warframe

After getting rid of one of my Riven Mods today, the person I traded with wanted to show me their collection of overpowered weapons that have been improved by their other Riven Mods. I wasn’t doing anything, so I happily joined them in the Simulacrum so they could show me their things. Honestly, I wasn’t that impressed, especially when they said “watch me survive these 8 level 130 Heavy Gunners” then proceeded to use Valkyr and her Hysteria. This person though freaked out when they saw my Volt Prime with my 1200 shields and only 420 health. They screamed that… [Continue Reading]

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I’m finding myself playing less and less Overwatch these days, and while part of it is the new workload from preparing for my Master’s program in game development later this year, another part of it is me getting pretty tired of a mechanic that seems to have been Blizzard’s answer to too many balance problems. I don’t think there’s a single element of Overwatch that’s been buffed as many times as the barriers have. When the game was first announced, there were only two barriers among the initial twelve characters, and Winston’s sucked. Now, it’s perfectly possible (heck, downright common) for the defensive… [Continue Reading]

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Mods and Mechs

I don’t think Warframes are really mechs, more biomechanical constructs. But there is a lot of modding that goes on in Warframe. As in customization of your characters, not Skyrim-levels of modding. It’s all in-game. Modding is quite simple. You get mods as loot. You find a lot of mods on the ground, but some are mission rewards and some are… Dug up from the ground in Excavation missions. They come in three flavors, bronze, silver and gold, but these are rarity, not how good they are. Vitality for example ups your health but is a bronze mod. Continuity increases… [Continue Reading]

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6v6 – I might as well play Highlander…

Well, my first ever 6v6 season is finally over, and good fucking riddance. We won a single match, and that was at the beginning of the season, on Viaduct_pro, a really easy map. Every other match was either a forfeit or a complete steam roll. It really is not much fun, unless everyone’s dedicated on improving and is willing to scrim a billion times a week. Sixes is far too meta-y for my liking. “But Medic, what do you mean by it being meta-y?” I hear all three of you ask. Simple. If you don’t go along with the two… [Continue Reading]

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