5 Other Cool Warframe Melee Weapons You Should Try

There are tons of cool weapons in Warframe, but none are as varied as melee weapons. From massive swords to petite daggers, there’s something for everyone. But even among melee weapons, there are plenty of even cooler ones. Melee gimmicks that help a weapon stand out from the crowd. Here are 5 other cool melee weapons you should try in Warframe. Vitrica The Vitrica is a badass glass sword, once wielded by an ancient Orokin bastard. After defeating said Orokin bastard in the Weave, the Cephalon version of the internet, you obtain the blueprint for this cool weapon. While it… [Continue Reading]

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Ranking Exalted Weapons – Warframe’s Best and Worst Exalted Weaponry

Exalted weapons are awesome. The ability to suddenly summon a weapon of death out of thin air is just so cool. Even if you’re already armed with an explosive bow, the badassery of summoning another bow is too cool to pass up. But there are lots of exalted weapons, and they’re all definitely not equal. In today’s article, I’m going to rank all twelve exalted weapons. Note: this is mostly based on personal opinion. You can get HUGE damage numbers on all of these. In fact, properly modded, these are all insane. But I like to consider usability and coolness… [Continue Reading]

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The Importance of Ranking Up Serration and Hornet Strike and why you are probably dealing no damage in Warframe

The other day, I was browsing through Region Chat when I saw a message. Someone wanted help with a particular mission. I looked up the mission in question, Carpo on Jupiter. At first, I though it was either the spy or rescue missions. Jupiter’s new-ness makes it so these missions are harder than they should be compared to previous planets. But no, Carpo is an exterminate. Of course, I offered to help. This was a MR5 Rhino after all, and Jupiter is a hard planet. After we finished the mission, I asked him to show me his mod config for… [Continue Reading]

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On Glass Fish and Cat Statues

Ever since getting that John Prodman poster, I’ve been considering doing the little things I never got around to. Sure, I’m Mastery Rank 30, but I’ve never played a game of Conclave. Nor have I maxed out a Focus tree or made a really overpowered Kitgun. And I never got around to finishing the Somachord collection. Or collecting Kurias and Thousand-Year Fish. Those last three are less about actual Warframe things and more about finding and scanning tiny little objects. And, despite being rather similar, they’re all a pain in the ass to find. There’s actually a myriad of small,… [Continue Reading]

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The 5 Weirdest Warframe Bugs I’ve Seen

Warframe is a video game. Because it is a video game, it is sometimes hit by bugs. If you read through Reddit and the Warframe forums, you’d think Warframe is the buggiest game ever. It’s not, but it does have its fair share of bugs. After all, there’s an entire command, /unstuck, which is supposed to get you out of terrain you’re trapped in. Then again, Skyrim exists. You need official patches, unofficial patches and patches for the unofficial patches for that mess. So yeah, Warframe DOES have a few bugs, many of which are tied to hosting and peer-to-peer… [Continue Reading]

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Really, Every Operation Should Have Been Like Plague Star

Operation Orphix Venom is alright. It’s a very basic one-mission operation that’s somewhat easy to play. All you have to do is shoot little red things, then shoot an Orphix in the eye. But the cost of entry to do this mission is actually quite steep. If you want to do well, you need to have a properly modded Necramech and a properly modded Archgun. Two items that most people… don’t really use. Despite those requirements, you can still play the event. If you don’t have a Necramech though, the event is a lot harder. That being said, Orphix Venom… [Continue Reading]

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The Jupiter in Warframe Makes No Sense!

Jupiter is a weird place in Warframe. It’s the start of where things get serious. There’s a bit of a difficulty spike between Jupiter and CeresĀ  And it’s also the centre of a lot of strange lore. Jupiter is where you first meet Alad V and gives you a glimpse of what’s to come. But Jupiter makes no sense! In really any way! For example, physically. Jupiter is a gas giant. It is essentially a star that couldn’t quite make it. Jupiter’s outer layers consist of permanent storms of clouds and gas, and the only solid parts of Jupiter are… [Continue Reading]

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John Prodman’s Autograph

Despite me being Mastery Rank 30, there’s still a lot of… tidbits I haven’t done yet. Small challenges and hunts that I never got around to. While I did eventually get max rank with the Ventkids, I never bothered with Conclave. And don’t get me started on finding all the Kurias. But one of the slightly more challenging things on this list is quite simple really. That challenge was an hour in the Index. I had to spend an hour in the Index, so I could finally face the myth that was John Prodman. John Prodman is the Clem of… [Continue Reading]

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Not Sure I Like This Whole No Warframes Thing…

The other day I talked about the Warframe Operation, Orphix Venom. This event is really weird because it doesn’t involve Warframes. I mean, you spawn in as your Warframe, you run to the first objective in your Warframe, but that’s it. Orphix Venom is about one thing: Your Necramech. It’s also part of a growing trend where Warframes are, well, undesired. We’re completely removing the game’s namesake from the gameplay. Think about it. This game is called Warframe. The point of the game is to pilot biomechanical suits called Warframes and use them to slaughter our way to a better… [Continue Reading]

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The Issue With Space Mums in Warframe

It seems like we have a lot of problems with parental figures in Warframe. None of them seem to treat the Tenno as they really are. Every single Tenno is a child. Okay, sure, said child was forcibly grown up and trained to pilot a walking genocide machine. Sure, all the Tenno are basically immortal. And not all the Tenno are accounted for. But it’s definitely true that the Tenno are kids. Although they are growing up at a weird pace. However, the way they are growing up is being fundamentally altered by the multitude of parental figures wandering around… [Continue Reading]

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