Killing Floor 2 Update: New Zed, Map, Multiperk Weapons

A new balance patch has come out for Killing Floor 2, and it’s awesome. First things first, the Gorefiend is the newest addition to the Zed hordes, looking like a Gorefast but with two makeshift swords instead of one. He’s got this helicopter attack that’s scarily effective at shredding through a player’s HP, he’s immune to being bashed, and he’s probably the most effective glass cannon among the Zed hordes. At the moment, he only spawns on Hard, Suicidal, or Hell on Earth difficulty, which I don’t like. Every other Zed spawns on every difficulty, and I don’t think he… [Continue Reading]

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An Unexpected Return from the Dead

At about 2am on the 19th of December 2016, something woke up. An old, angry, tired beast who hadn’t been working ever since the 12th of August of that year. This beast was pronounced dead on August 28th, and, after a brief mourning period, was forgotten by everyone but me. I’d regularly go to the beast’s final resting place, hoping that maybe it would wake up or something, but eventually, even I gave up. I’m talking about the old website for the Daily SPUF, Sometime back in August, when I attempted to create a backup for the website, something… [Continue Reading]

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Building a new friend for Volt Prime

In Warfame, you’re just some person with a collection of scary, metal suits. But in my head, each suit is actually an individual character with their own personalities, which you may have spotted in some of my recent Warframe fan fictions. Of course, the sort of person that I am, I realised that while my beloved Volt has a buddy in Frost, my precious Volt Prime has no friends at all. I needed Frost Prime. Problem is, Frost Prime is pretty rare. He was ‘vaulted’ (i.e. retired) a long time ago. Then December 2016 came along and Frost Prime, alongside… [Continue Reading]

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A Volt Guide Written by an Idiot

“Holy fucking Bahrag, Medic, do you play anyone but Volt?” Well, I do use Frost occasionally, and Titania has proven herself to genuinely be very fun, but no, I am normally playing Volt. Volt Prime, in fact, because he’s the only guy with a Focus Lens installed. Let’s just say, after a good hundred hours and several obsessions, I think I’m starting to understand this character, and I want to share that understanding with newbies who probably picked Volt and don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. Because I didn’t have a fucking clue what I was doing when I… [Continue Reading]

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Great Moments in Soloing Multiplayer Games

As I’ve mentioned before several times, I love watching people solo multiplayer games without bots, especially Left 4 Dead 2. There’s nothing more badass than taking on hundreds of max-difficulty enemies without even the developer-expected teammates backing you up, and some godly players take it a step further and restrict themselves to melee-only or pacifist runs or even invisible special infected with no HUD. But for this article, I just wanted to highlight some of the coolest moments in specific runs that I’ve watched, moments that really highlight how quickly a truly good player can react to a sudden threat and still… [Continue Reading]

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On Relics and Prime Parts

In Warframe, there are fancy versions of normal things. For example, there is Volt, and a fancy version of him called Volt Prime. Volt Prime is slightly better than normal Volt – he has slightly more armour and an extra V slot in his mods. He also has bright, shiny gold bits, exclusive to Prime items. All Prime items have these shiny gold bits, as well as either a black and gold or white and gold colour scheme. Now, Prime items are obtainable in-game, like most things in Warframe. You can buy new Prime sets as they come out if… [Continue Reading]

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Handgun Safety Course Simulator

With games only getting bigger and more refined as the years go by, it’s unsurprising we’ve gotten used to certain luxuries always showing up in our games. Taken for granted. Reloading is one of those. We press a button and our in-game avatar reloads their weapon perfectly each time. But Receiver is the game where that convenience goes to die. Each part of the gun is operated using different keys, meaning being able to reload efficiently is half the battle. For some, to reload at all. “Pffft… How hard could it be?” You retort, arms folded confidently, perhaps an eyebrow… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch and Payday Christmas Events are Live!

Today was a big day for gaming announcements! The 4th Annual Payday Christmas event was announced yesterday, and it involves the return of everybody’s favorite Escort NPC, Vlad’s drunkard step-brother who screws up another mission and requires the Payday gang to rescue him! In addition to the new heist, we got a new pulse-pounding song from studio musician OVERKILL_Bubba and two masks inspired by the Paycheck gang, a reddit in-joke making fun of the many, many bootleg clown masks from cheap third-party websites and dime stores. But wait…who’s that mysterious man looking away from the camera? We didn’t have to… [Continue Reading]

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KF2 – The Power of Modding

Much like a certain other zombie-based horde shooter, Killing Floor 2 has a thriving modding community that’s warmly endorsed by the developers. Its Workshop is full of modifications and skins and maps that exponentially increase the amount of available content, and today I wanted to talk about a few that really showcase just how much potential Killing Floor 2 has as a modder’s paradise. First we have the map “Insurrection“, which is currently the only map on the workshop that uses “Objective” mode, which adds goals for the players other than to just kill zombies. Objective mode was a thing… [Continue Reading]

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The Thieves Guild of Skyrim

The Thieves Guild of Skyrim mostly consists of douchebags.  There, I said it. I know it’s a weird way to start an article, with the conclusion at the start, but it makes oh so much sense. Okay, let’s backtrack. Let’s look at why they’re all douchebags. The first time you meet the Thieves Guild, it’s most likely via Brynjolf. He’s a shady but attractive looking guy claiming to sell miracle cures that people are dumb enough to buy, in the market square of Riften. He’ll always spot you and gesture about how much gold you have, before asking if you… [Continue Reading]

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