
The Tuxxy is a very special cosmetic. It is one of the two all-class TF2 shirts, the other being the Dead of Night. In fact, it is the only TF2 cosmetic that is made to be an all-class shirt in the first place. The Dead of Night started off as a Spy-only cosmetic and was only made all-class three years later. The Tuxxy give every class a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. Every class except for Pyro, Medic, and Spy also get French cuffs with a gold cufflink on each cuff. The Enginner only has one cuff… [Continue Reading]

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The Exorcizor

It’s been a long time since I last talked about TF2 cosmetics, no? The Exorcizor is a shirt cosmetic added during the 2012 Halloween event. Originally exclusive to the Spy, a patch in 2016 made it available to the Soldier, Pyro, and Medic as well. It is a clergy shirt with a cross on a gold chain. The Soldier’s and Pyro’s grenades are removed with this cosmetic, and a zipper is added to the front of Pyro’s asbestos suit. The cross is specific for each class: the Spy’s cross is made out of two knives, Medic has a medical cross,… [Continue Reading]

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Cliche And Trope-y Fashionframe

There’s a huge amount of customization in Warframe. You can change the colours of literally everything you own, from your Warframes to your guns to your swords to the dangly bits attached to your swords… All the way to things like your companions and even your massive spaceships. We have a multitude of colour palettes to choose from, not to mention skins, helmets and syandanas. But of course, even with so much to choose from, you still have people using the same old, overused schemes. I mean, just look at me, I can talk, with my everything being yellow with… [Continue Reading]

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Ivara Skathi Skin and Other Metallic Models

Alongside the Kuva Lich 2020 Vision update (the update didn’t really have a proper name!), we got a few new weapons in the form of Kuva weapons and variants, and we also got a deluxe skin for Ivara. It’s not that uncommon to have a deluxe skin come out not long after a primed Warframe, since generally they take longer to do – while a Prime Warframe is the same base frame with a new helmet and some pretty dangly bits (and I assume the weapons take longer because they are new models), a deluxe skin is a completely fresh… [Continue Reading]

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The Scaling Level of Pointlessness When It Comes to Cosmetics

It’s funny how some things come to you. I’ve got a good 1500+ hours playing Team Fortress 2, and it took me a good part of them to realise that cosmetics are actually almost completely pointless since you never actually see them. They are only ever seen by other people, unless you use that weird console command that shows your body. But even then, your head isn’t visible and you don’t even get to always see unusual effects. Aside from one obscure console command though, you’re dressing yourself up so you can look at yourself in menus. Any cosmetics you… [Continue Reading]

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Never Finding The Perfect Animation Set

Animation sets in Warframe are a neat way to give individual Warframes a bit of personality, rather than them all being mindless heaps of metal and flesh. It’s not really a personality but something that makes them more relatable. The very feminine frames like Ember and Mirage will stand with hands on hips, in a vaguely seductive manner, more masculine frames like Rhino will stand tall and proud and some frames will toy with the immense power at their fingertips. In fact, the newer the Warframe, the more personality they seem to have in their animation sets alone. The newest… [Continue Reading]

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More on Warframe Armour Sets

I mentioned the other day how the Lodestar Armour Bundle looked really cool but annoyingly floated in mid air rather than being connected to your Warframe’s body, but frankly that article has gone and opened up a can of worms and 500 word rambles. The armour in Warframe is kinda weird and ill-fitting and quite often not armour at all. Let’s take the Avia armour set. Which amazingly has THREE variants: normal, prisma and solstice. But none of these pieces would provide actual armour, they’re just little shiny bits that hang off our arms and legs. There’s no protection to… [Continue Reading]

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1000 Days Logging In And All I Got Was This Armour Set

I finally hit it. The 1000 login milestone. Actually, I hit it about two weeks ago but got distracted by a bunch of other things and never got around to writing about it. But either way, Maroo (it’s always her or Simaris, my two least favourite allies) popped by, said some random crap then left me with the Lodestar Armour Bundle. Really, you’d think, after 1000 days, I’d actually call login rewards by their proper term, Daily Tributes, but oh well, they’re daily login rewards, that’s what I remember them as. The Lodestar Armour Bundle is the last of the… [Continue Reading]

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Toggle Prime Details

The other day, I hit Mastery Rank 26, currently the highest rank you can get. Feeling proud of myself, doubly so because I managed to finish the MR26 test in one attempt without even seeing what it was, I decided to treat myself. How? By buying myself a nice Tennogen skin. I’ve actually been considering buying a Tennogen skin for a long time. It was always guaranteed to be for Volt, because Ivara’s Tennogen skins aren’t that nice (even the Youkai bunny-like skin) and Khora doesn’t have any yet. In fact, I don’t really want Khora Tennogen at all unless… [Continue Reading]

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On Having Multiple Colour Schemes

With so many colour palettes, skins, armour sets and fancy syandanas, there’s so many ways you can customize your Warframes AND your weapons. And your companions. And your ship. And your Archwing. And your ship’s interior. In fact, there’s so much customization that I was originally very lost and confused, not sure what colour to make what item. In fact, in my very early days, I bounced around constantly on colour schemes. Even when I settled on yellow, I didn’t know which yellow to pick. Or what colours should go alongside that yellow.I went through a couple of colour phases,… [Continue Reading]

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