Erra Sucks

There are a lot of things that I didn’t really get in the New War. After all, it was a very large quest with a huge amount of stuff going on. But there is one character that I don’t get at all. Despite featuring many times in the cinematics pre-New War, Erra makes no damn sense. If anything, I’d say he’s one of the weirdest characters around. Warning, spoilers ahead! Turn back now if you don’t wish to be spoiled. Claiming to be Natah’s brother, Erra is a bit of a warlord, looking to finish what the Sentients had started.… [Continue Reading]

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There is more than one Tenno, right?

Something odd about Warframe is that we have no real idea how many Tenno are in-game. The number can fluctuate between thousands, hundreds and even possibly the tens, depending on how you look at things. Time travel, alternate universes and paradoxes could mean that there’s only one single Tenno who actually exists. Everyone else is an illusion. Please be warned, we have hints of spoilers in this article. Please read this article first. That being said, there definitely has to be more than one Tenno. After all, the Lotus has referred to us both in the singular and the plural.… [Continue Reading]

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A Lotus of Many Colours

This article contains spoilers from the New War quest. I really recommend playing the quest by yourself, before reading any further. If you are happy to (or want to) see spoilers, then come on right in! SPOILERS START HERE The image just above is an old image. It’s from a very short quest in Warframe, where Ballas takes the Lotus away, leaving the player with just her helmet. The time stamp on that image reads from 2017. So we are looking at a very long gap from then until now. During that time, the Lotus was simulated by Ordis, so… [Continue Reading]

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The New War and the Lying Teaser

This is a heavy spoiler article for the New War. If you haven’t played the New War and don’t want to see spoilers, then please don’t read any further. The New War is a complicated quest with a LOT of spoiler content. Of course, if you don’t mind spoilers, then come right in! SPOILERS START HERE There is a LOT of weird and unexplained stuff in the New War. This quest jumps all over the place. We go from fighting an army to everyone being mind controlled, all the way to the, uh … sun. Of all places. Lore-wise, it’s… [Continue Reading]

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Initial Thoughts about the New War

On the 15th of September, at about 7:30pm local time, I got a flurry of messages over Discord. The New War, Warframe’s new and biggest quest, was finally here. All we had to do was download it. So I closed Warframe and immediately opened the launcher to start downloading. Surprisingly, for a 5GB update, it went really quickly. But the Launcher itself had changed, playing the same video over and over. An Operator and Natah facing off against each other. Finally, Warframe finished downloading and I could jump into the New War… This article is spoiler-free. However, I heavily recommend… [Continue Reading]

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The Problem with Primed Warframes and Lore

Primed Warframes look awesome. They are more decorated than normal Warframes, and have pre-existing polarity slots, as well some small buffs. Primed Warframes however still share the abilities of their normal Warframe variants. While a Primed Warframe will often be shinier and laced with gold, the base Warframe can be seen underneath. This can lead to some curious questions. Are the Primed Warframes the originals, as originally planned by the Orokin? Or are our old, normal Warframes the older version, with the best among them being made into Primed versions. Are Primes the originals or not? At first glance, the… [Continue Reading]

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Forsaken Forsaken

After a long time of putting it off, I finally played the Forsaken quest. I’d kinda ignored it for a bit, despite having Forsaken gifted to me. At the time, I was more worried about finishing the season pass I had paid for. So I left most quests to the side. Unfortunately though, once I beat the season pass, I swiftly realized that I needed to finish the Forsaken quest. Because it will soon no longer exist. So I played Forsaken. It was fun. A simple quest about revenge, mostly. I played some of the quests alone and some with… [Continue Reading]

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An Assortment of Things I Hate in the Team Fortress 2 Comic Series

So, the other day, I was discussing Team Fortress 2 lore with a friend. Together, we thought about lots of cool ideas. In fact, at some point, we are considering working together to re-write our own version of the Team Fortress 7-part series. But while we chatted, a lot of things came to my mind. While I do love the TF2 comics, there are a handful of things that really piss me off. In this article, I am not going to use spoilers. The last issue of the TF2 comic series came out over 4 years ago. Why did TFC… [Continue Reading]

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The Tenno’s Forgotten Past

In Warframe, there is a very specific name used for our characters. Warframes are our suits, we are Operators. But, as a whole, we are called Tenno. Not only are we particularly strange, but we have vast amounts of powers. We are considered as saviors to some, terrorists and betrayers to others. Most of the time though, we’re rampaging around, murdering thousands, all because of our greed. The Tenno are somewhat hypocritical and cause a lot of destruction. In fact, you could consider the Tenno as bad guys. Or at least nearly as bad as the bad guys. Frankly, it’s… [Continue Reading]

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