World of Peacecraft: The Neutral Pandaren Lifestyle

In both of my previous WoW articles, I claimed to have played only two characters for my entire on-and-off history with the game. This is essentially true, since the druid is Alliance and the warlock is Horde and that means I can interact with every part of the world between the pair. I’ve never really felt any urge to make more characters since leveling is my least-favorite part of the game. The only thing that ever tempted me to make a third character was learning about a specific quirk through which a player could theoretically reach max level without ever… [Continue Reading]

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Planetside 2 Breaks Its Own World Record

Last week Planetside 2 made a bold announcement. On November 5th, they invited everyone to connect to the Public Test Server and break their own record for “Most Players in a Single FPS Battle.” The current record, 1158, was already held by them and achieved in 2015. For anyone who missed that milestone, this was an exciting opportunity to play a part in Planetside 2 history. Now, despite playing Planetside 2 since 2013, I’d skipped the previous world record attempt and knew I didn’t want to miss this one. So I preloaded the test client and generated a PTS character in advance.… [Continue Reading]

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Elden Ring: First Impressions From a Total Beginner

Advance note: In no way would I consider this a full review of Elden Ring, as I’ve only played for a few nights and can easily tell I’ve barely scratched the surface of what the game has to offer. I know I’m not the only person who’s heard all the mysticism around the FromSoftware label. The Soulsborne ‘series’ has captivated a community and seems to hold a venerated place in the pantheon of gaming. Above all, its main reputation seems to be that of brutal, gut-wrenching difficulty that only masochists could enjoy. And it was for this reason I avoided… [Continue Reading]

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A Call of Cthulhu Tale: The Last Stand of Barnabas Nambly

A while back I wrote an article recounting my first experience in Call of Cthulhu. Those campaigns were all set in the default 1920s setting, but there’s actually a second available time period: the 1890s Gaslight era. After having a blast with roaring San Francisco, my group chose to rewind the clock. This time we wanted to face our next eldritch threat in London on the turn of the 19th century. For me, the first curveball came when generating stats for my new character. The online generator gave me one of the weirdest builds any of us had ever seen.… [Continue Reading]

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Don’t Trust the Milkman – A Call of Cthulhu Saga

This article’s a bit out of left-field, as it’s not about video games. Instead, today I wanted to discuss a tabletop RPG I’ve always wanted to try and recently got my wish. Except for a short one-off in my undergrad years, Call of Cthulhu has always somehow evaded my gaming tables. Like most social events, it would lay dormant and unable to find a group willing to get together to play. But thanks to the Covid-19 lockdown, my gaming group finally decided to give Call of Cthulhu a try via Tabletop Simulator. Since then, we’ve been hooked and played a… [Continue Reading]

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A Look Back At Pokemon GO’s Halloween Event

Pokemon GO always has pretty good Halloween events, and this year was pretty good as well. There were lots of nice bonuses, lots of Pokemon to catch and plenty of shinies to not be caught. We also had plenty of smaller events alongside the Halloween spawns, and there was plenty of things to do. Of course, though, there were some downsides as well. Amazing event bonuses I mean, who doesn’t like double candy? Even if it’s for things like Gastly and Misdreavus. Ghost types, particularly Gengar and Chandelure, are always helpful Pokemon to have. We also got double transfer candy… [Continue Reading]

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aabicus at College: A Conclusion

About a year ago, I wrote an article discussing my first quarter of my Master’s Program. I’d ended that article saying that first quarter was expected to be the busiest, but honestly each one had more work than the last. Not a complaint, mind you, but it turns out it’s not easy cramming two years of work into a single year. That article ended with me becoming Creative Director for a healing-based puzzle shooter called Medical Necessity, and that project took up the lion’s share of the following (winter) quarter. You can read about the progress we made by checking out… [Continue Reading]

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aabicus at College: An Update

Hi everyone! I’ve been almost completely silent on both the forums and this blog, and I apologize for that, but as I mentioned in this video, I’ve been attending a Master’s program in Game Design, and it’s been loads of work. Luckily it’s been amazing and enjoyable work, and I’ve just wrapped up my first (and supposedly the busiest) quarter. It has been so great getting to explore so many different elements of game design in an academic setting! This article is basically a compilation of what I’ve been doing the last four months, and a bit of discussion on… [Continue Reading]

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Every year the same damn thing…

Why do they do this to us? Torture us with nothingness and promises that never fade away and instead bubble in the depths of our minds, occasionally surfacing to torture us? It’s the exact same thing every damn year, year in, year out. Yes, I’m talking about the bloody early year update drought. The big updates every year are Smissmas, Scream Fortress and the Summer Update, which has a varying name. There used to be more big updates every year, generally with one or two big updates around Scream Fortress and the Summer Update, but as the game has grown… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s first ever official non-sub 4v4 match

Actually, technically it’s my second, but the other team forfeited in the first week. So Friday the 6th of February was the date. My first ever match. Part of me was nervous. Everyone said I’d be fine. I was fine. Perfectly fine. The map was koth_stallone. It’s a map set outside a hotel complex near a beach, where the mercenaries fight over a cafe area. Both teams start in the kitchens and work their way out to the sheltered, roofed control point. There are tables and chairs and umbrellas all over the place. And a swimming pool! Unfortunately, reflective textures… [Continue Reading]

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