Rancho Story

I’ve never felt such an asshole. I wanted to buy a particular set for Engy today, the fat guy stuff. So I checked out TF2op and found the items I wanted at reasonable prices and added the people or sent trade offers and every single one of them were offline. Now I understand that trade offers are great when you can wait but I’m a ‘right now’ type of guy and was getting more and more frustrated as time went on and finally I had the 3 pieces and went in search of the Rancho Relaxo taunt (because you can’t… [Continue Reading]

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What do you think about the new price of keys in refined metal?

Brickinator: I don’t trade keys so I have no idea. aabicus: Sweet, I sold my strange festive Ambassador for 6 keys, and now those keys I’ve ignored are worth eight keys! Or something. I’m not a math major. Now of course I don’t like the rampant inflation, but it’s not like we haven’t seen it coming. This has been a steady uphill climb ever since Halloween 2012 when the keys rose as expected but then didn’t go back down. At this point, I find the most intelligent move is to either eschew key trading entirely or get as many keys… [Continue Reading]

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Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff

I’ve gotten some pretty funny comments about my Loadout cosmetics (or lack thereof) since my Loadout article went live. Some were wondering how I could justify spending $55 on in-game cosmetics, since unlike in TF2 I couldn’t possibly have prior backpack wealth to rely on. Am I one of those rich senator’s sons who can frivolously drop wads of cash like spy does in his newest taunt? Well, actually I sold almost my entire TF2 backpack to afford that birthday suit in Loadout, and I’m still selling most of what remains. So now I get to be nude in two different… [Continue Reading]

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A couple of useful sites…

For a change, I thought I’d do something different and sell my soul and advertise a few things point out some useful sites for TF2 players to use. Everyone’s heard about the official Team Fortress 2 Wiki, which I will not shorten to TF2Wiki so you don’t get the wrong idea, but there’s a billion other useful sites around. Today, I’m going to point out four of them. Gamebanana – tf2.gamebanana.com Gamebanana is heaven if you want to customize your game in any way. It’s got the majority of skins, textures and all sorts for pretty much every moddable game in… [Continue Reading]

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Are Unusuals Worth It?

The scenario is simple. You’ve just acquired your very first unusual. Or maybe it’s your second unusual. Or your third. Whatever. The point is, was it worth all the effort trying to get an unusual hat? Or is it all pointless? Let’s start from the beginning. There are only a few ways in which you can acquire an unusual hat. The first and technically the simplest way is to unbox an unusual, with that one-in-one-hundred chance to get something worth more than the key used to open it. Of course, this is a rare occurrence and it’s the only source… [Continue Reading]

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A Tale of Two Communities

Lately, SPUF has gotten a bit cabin-feverish, and I can’t say I blame them. The anger seems to be directed at Valve’s repeated promises of “great stuff on the horizon!” and the actuality of the extreme drought of new content for TF2. Recently, even the throwaway crap such as blog posts, cosmetics, and localization-file-only updates have dried up. I can understand why SPUF is upset. But I disagree with how a large amount of this anger seems to be directed at Dota 2, Valve’s newest cash cow and spearhead of the MOBA genre that is clearly getting the lion’s share… [Continue Reading]

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Mad Metal

  Welcome to today’s episode of Mad Metal! As always, I’m your host aabicus. Other blog posts are trying to be your friend, but THIS one only wants to save you metal. First on the agenda: botkillers. Yes, those chrome-packing strange reskins make another appearance on this program, as well as all over the place on the battlefield. I’m sure you’ve seen ’em as much as I have, dear viewers; every loadout from the Adam Smiths to the Ned Ludds have gold, diamond, and blood robo-heads waving around everywhere like the Dow Jones on a Friday night. MvM-farming and their… [Continue Reading]

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Phishing in Sawmill

So, lately, it seems that Team Fortress 2’s trading system has been full of ups and downs. But while no one can predict when the item servers are going to die or when the trading system will go down for the umpteenth time, there IS something you can protect yourself from. Today, we’ll discuss the recent phishing spree. What’s phishing then? Well, according to Wikipedia, it is: Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. In Team Fortress 2, it’s… [Continue Reading]

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