The Sudden Ability To Somewhat Reliably Throw Pokeballs

When the special research tasks for Jirachi came out, there was a little bit of panic as one of the final tasks was listed as “Make three excellent throws in a row”. At the time, that seemed like a pretty difficult task, especially for a Pokemon that no one was going to realistically use in any form of combat, was guaranteed just to be for the Pokedex and in a special research quest that was actually incredibly easy, compared to the previous quests. Luckily, it was quickly discovered that the task was in fact just “Make three excellent throws”, a… [Continue Reading]

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Thoughts on the Joker Movie

I went to see Joker at the cinema the other night, after not really seen any movies for a while, and frankly, it was worth the trip. The cinema was packed but everyone was pretty quiet throughout the whole movie. Understandably because Joker was a genuinely really good movie. The plot was great. The acting was great. The music was great. The cinematography was outstanding, with some really amazing and beautiful shots. This is a well-crafted world, even if it is anachronistic at times, with believable characters and scenarios. You can see this horrible transformation from a hollow soul clinging… [Continue Reading]

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On Blizzard and Hong Kong

I’m conflicted. On one hand, I really like Overwatch. It’s literally one of only two games I play nowadays (along with Borderlands 3), and it’s the current torchbearer of the “cartoony team-based arena shooter” genre that I’ve steadfastly followed ever since Team Fortress 2 got me into multiplayer gaming. I don’t want to give up Overwatch, and since there’s no subscription fee like World of Warcraft there’s nothing I could really cancel beyond uninstalling. But I can’t sit by and do nothing after seeing Blizzard supporting the Chinese government’s tyrannical attempts to overthrow Hong Kong’s government. [BREAKING] Hong Kong Hearthstone player @blitzchungHS calls… [Continue Reading]

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Being a Better Team GO Rocket Leader

While I’m a long, long way off from getting a gold Team GO Rocket medal for defeating 1,000 grunts, I managed to get the silver medal in record time and generally have no issue defeating these grunts, even if they throw a curve ball at me with a random Gyarados or Dragonite. Mostly because of Ty, my Stone Edge Tyranitar, because he’s so strong. Sure, I don’t have the higher level Purifier badge because stardust is expensive, but I beat almost all Team GO Rocket Pokestops on the first attempt. Sure, Team GO Rocket are trying. They even seem to… [Continue Reading]

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An Inability To Call A Dragon

I’m not very good when it comes to Skyrim modding. I can do basic things, like maybe making a follower or making a stupidly overpowered weapon. Heck, I can only just make basic shouts work. But according to Nexus Mods, the three shitty mods I have uploaded there have got over 1000 downloads combined, which means that I’m now a modder and have access to the Nexus Mods Skyrim modding forum. Most of those downloads come from the Summon Dragons – Durnehviir’s Necromancy mod that I made a really fucking long time ago. The mod adds a small portal which… [Continue Reading]

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Death is the Best Crowd Control

I’m having a bit of a problem with Warframe lately. There’s no reason to crowd control things. Like, ever. Well, maybe sometimes. But 90% of the time, it’s easier to just murder everything in sight, whether you’re doing a spy mission or an inteception or a survival mission. In fact, in a mission type like Defense, you do way, way more killing than actual defending. You really have to because each wave won’t end until everything is dead. Crowd control is only good from stopping the defense target (either a dumb operative or a stationary object) from being damaged, but… [Continue Reading]

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Never Finding The Perfect Animation Set

Animation sets in Warframe are a neat way to give individual Warframes a bit of personality, rather than them all being mindless heaps of metal and flesh. It’s not really a personality but something that makes them more relatable. The very feminine frames like Ember and Mirage will stand with hands on hips, in a vaguely seductive manner, more masculine frames like Rhino will stand tall and proud and some frames will toy with the immense power at their fingertips. In fact, the newer the Warframe, the more personality they seem to have in their animation sets alone. The newest… [Continue Reading]

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A Different Feel When You Play Multiplayer or Singleplayer in Borderlands

I’ve been playing far more Borderlands in the last few weeks than I’ve done so in a long time. Before Borderlands 3 came out, the last time I played was when the free DLC with Commander Lilith came out, and I did so in a group of four. We completed the story pretty quickly. But when I went back to replay that DLC content on my own, I struggled to get through it and eventually gave up. Maybe it’s because I took an old character who had just finished the main Borderlands 2 story, instead of a nearly maxed character… [Continue Reading]

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The Many Problems With Implementing Arceus into Pokemon Go

One of the more minor problems with Pokemon in general is that they never realised how successful Pokemon would be, and ended up introducing the literal god of the Pokemon universe in Generation 4. A Mythical Pokemon by the name of Arceus. Which a 10 year old kid can catch in a Pokeball. Now, you can only really meet Arceus in the Generation 4 games, and Arceus has a lot of special abilities. Most notably, Arceus can change its Type based on what special item it’s holding, and its signature move, Judgement, deals damage based on Arceus’s type. Now that… [Continue Reading]

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The Problems with Lilith

I’ve written in the past about how I dislike the character Lilith from the Borderlands series, mainly about how she’s the reason we have all these current problems in the Borderlands universe, but frankly, after playing only a little bit of Borderlands 3, I’m really, really struggling with having to deal with Lilith. Because she just feels like a massive hindrance to, well, everything. I’ll start off by saying that everything from the aforementioned article still applies. Lilith is the reason why Roland is dead and why Handsome Jack rose to power in the first place. Lilith also made Angel’s… [Continue Reading]

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