The Incense Shuffle Event Was a Sentret Event

On April 19th, Pokemon Go had its first genuine stay at home event! It involved the magical Incense and various types of Pokemon. And Sentret. Lots and lots of Sentret. From 11am until 5pm, we would get spawns based on different types, changing every hour. If you are lucky, you’ll get some rare spawns. If you are unlucky, you will see a billion Sentret. Also, there were NO changed spawns. Only Incense Pokemon were affected by the event. The event is simple: Use Incense, get Pokemon The type of Pokemon were based on different types. For the first hour, we… [Continue Reading]

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Single Player Pixelmon is Bad

Whenever I play Pixelmon, a Minecraft mod that basically recreates Pokemon in Minecraft, I almost always do it in a multiplayer server. Pixelmon multiplayer servers can have their problems, but at least you can do things like trade between players and fight each other. Many servers also have options to give new players items like Pokeballs and easy access to Healers and PCs. There’s also always people around ready to help. Single player Pixelmon has none of that. It is by far the most awkward thing to play, by a long shot. At least in terms of Pokemon games. This… [Continue Reading]

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The Problems with Mobile Defense

Mobile Defense is probably one of the least-played mission types in Warframe. While it isn’t nearly as forgotten as things like Infested Salvage or as hated as Defection, Mobile Defense isn’t popular. On the surface, the mission type seems simple, but there’s more to mission types than being easy to do. Mobile Defense itself is fine. But it has issues. Let’s have a look at them. The missions are slow Mobile Defense missions are, by default, slow as heck. You spend your time waiting for the Lotus (or Ordis or whatever) to hack into a terminal while you stop said… [Continue Reading]

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Hey, Vsauce, Medic Here

I was chatting with someone the other day and they said they needed to clear out their subscriptions on Youtube. They were subscribed to SO MANY things that they didn’t watch most of them. All sorts of stuff, but mostly just video game stuff, or things related to the TV shows they watched. I shrugged and said I probably needed to do the same. After all, there are channels I don’t watch at all. There are also channels I probably watch too much of. Frankly, I can split my subscribed channels into rather predictable groups. I have quite a few… [Continue Reading]

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The Arbiters of Hexis are Sentients. Potentially. Maybe. Possibly?

Out of all the Syndicates we know nothing about, we know by far the least about the Arbiters of Hexis. While we have gained tidbits and even quests for other Syndicates over the years, the Arbiters of Hexis just sort of sit in their corner, being grumpy and justice-y. There’s almost no insight about them what so ever. So, because we have no Arbiters of Hexis lore, I have to make up my own theories as to what they are! I’ve come to the conclusion that they are Sentient spies. Or at least Sentient-related. Now, this seems like a very… [Continue Reading]

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Beekeeping in Minecraft

I’ve been really looking forward to having bees when I first heard of them. In the Realms my friends and I are playing in, I spent the second day exploring around the map alone. I decided against setting up the main base, since we haven’t decided where to put it yet. My friends were away handling some IRL stuff. I stumbled into a flower forest and found bees! I set up my compact base there and got to work. By the end of the day, I have three beehives and quite a few bees. We ended up setting our main… [Continue Reading]

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On Soloing Murex and Condrix

If you follow the SPUF of Legend, you may have seen that there was a sudden burst of activity. After a long drought, I managed to upload a bunch of videos, all about Scarlet Spear. While two of them were showcasing the new cinematic and the new simulacrum, two of them were about soloing the Scarlet Spear missions. Let’s talk about that. Now, I’ve already spoken about soloing these missions and how it’s not worth doing. Despite being somewhat easy, the missions are long and tedious. Playing them solo, as I mentioned in my previous article, makes the missions even… [Continue Reading]

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The Pokemon Go GBL Marill Event was Bad

I’m going to be blunt, the event we had on April 12th, an event where you could get a chance at shiny Marill, was awful. It was all-round bad in a lot of different ways. To the point that I actually didn’t manage to get a single Marill. That’s how bad this event was. The event was too short and hard to do You get 3 hours, from 11am to 2pm, to get your Marills. An event on Easter Sunday while most people are having lunch. On the Free path, the chance to get an encounter was made into the… [Continue Reading]

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Warlock’s Compact Exploration Hut

There are three games that I hold in extremely high regard. As games go, they are my Big 3. Team Fortress 2 is one of them. Ōkami is another. The last one, which I have never once talked about before until now, is Minecraft. I stopped playing Minecraft for a fair bit until the end of last year, and dropped right into 1.14 after stopping at 1.6.4 a couple of years ago. Not that I stopped playing by the time 1.7.2 rolled out, I just stubbornly stuck to 1.6.4 for quite a while. It was a newer and richer world… [Continue Reading]

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Primary Medic, Secondary Medic

I always like to play TF2 with two Medics in a full team. To me, it feels like the right amount of Medics in the team. One Medic, and the labcoat-wearing bugger will be overwhelmed. Three Medics, and the team’s firepower drops. I have played and won on a team with three Medics before (I’m one of ’em!), but that win is because the team comp compensated for the drop in firepower. We had one Scout, one Pyro, and no Snipers nor Spies. The rest are Heavies, Demomen, and Soldiers. That game was on Badwater Offense and we literally steamrolled… [Continue Reading]

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