Phlogisticast Episode 2

Episode 2 of the Phlogisticast is out, officially making it longer than 99% of podcasts on the internet! *noisemaker* The episode is dedicated to Scout and all his charming weapons that fill a special place in our hearts (with lead). The guest star is, naturally, a Demoman/Medic main who I’m sure has lots of great things to say about his double soft counter. So what are you waiting for? Fill that Boost meter and speed on over to Youtube to watch it! And what’s that? Episode 3 of the Phlogisticast is out too! What’s episode 3 about? Why, SPUF’s least… [Continue Reading]

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The 400th Article, now with added prizes!

“So what do you have planned for this 400th article?” Since this is our 400th article, let’s have a look at some random stuff! There’s also a contest further down, so don’t go away! As of writing, we have had over 100,000 views, with over 100 comments. Not a lot of comments, but comments aren’t that great anyway. Most people comment in our SPUF thread instead. Most views in one day was 852, on the 28th of AprilĀ 2014. The article published that day was “Demoknight, thou shalt not increase thy turn radius” by Aabicus. Most referrals to this site come… [Continue Reading]

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The Phlogisticast

I’m selling my soul for advertising again but it’s for a good reason, really! You know that guy Dekky who’s been providing newbie-friendly articles around here? Well, he’s starting up a newbie-friendly podcast too! It’s also vaguely related to SPUF because I dunno, we all kinda wanted a SPUF podcast and we never got around to it. But with serial lurker Dekky, we might finally get one. And the best bit is that I’m in it, so you can all totally hear my horrible, completely-not-German-in-the-slightest, worryingly-not-Medic’s-gender voice. Oh, and you also get to hear the wonderful voices of Dekky and… [Continue Reading]

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It’s here. I’m late, I know. I think everyone expected the update to be much longer, like 3 days or so, instead of 2 days. Oh well, here’s all the fancy stuff from this update.   Love & War Update Added 5 new weapons, 15 new taunts, and 43 cosmetic items for the Love & War update Partner Taunts can now be performed with the opposing team Added a new Taunt Loadout with 8 slots so multiple taunts can be equipped at the same time Taunts are no longer equipped in the Action Slot Pressing the Taunt key in game… [Continue Reading]

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Subclass Birthday Bash Results!

Danthefinn’s Birthday Bash is over, and boy was that fun! I got to play Battle Medic on some hilariously kooky maps, and to my amazement, I found that I really liked the Syringe Gun. It’s actually a lot better then I thought at stacking up the damage if you just aim intelligently and know how to lead (and I think all that pulse-rifling in Loadout is what subconsciously prepared me for it). As someone who dropped a crossbow within minutes of playing TF2 and never looked back, this was quite a shock to discover. But enough of that, you just… [Continue Reading]

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Tick Tock.

Click naow. Admittedly, I don’t know what this is, since I’ll probably be asleep. What will it be? Bread? Trains? Moons? Moon bases? Train breads? Bread moon trains? Who knows? Either way, it’s a countdown and we’re all hyped! Here’s a few things to think about as this timer counts down: What is it? Will it be good? How many bugs will this possibly introduce? How many threads will there be on SPUF? New weapons? New game mode? Is Team Fortress Classic related to this? Bread?

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Birthday/500th Post/3-Star SPUF Event: Stupid Class, Stupid map, 6v6 Tournament!

Well hello, fine ladies and gentlemen of SPUF! My name is danthefinn (DiabetoDan on Steam) and I’ve been lurking around these parts since 2012. To celebrate my upcoming 18th birthday, as well as my 500th post and 3-star status, I’m hosting a little event on my very own TF2 server at 1 PM EST on June 16th. This will be a 6v6 tournament- but nothing like the 6v6 you all know and (at least some of you) love. This tournament will played over a series of 5 maps, with a best of 3 win rule. These maps will be the… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 To recieve new parachute

No, not a golden parachute. Though now that I’ve made the connection somebody will probably make a SPUF thread wailing “Could this be a sign Valve’s gonna retire TF2???” Well, they’re probably wrong, because this new blog post is pretty awesome and hinting at future content. Valve takes a bit of time to talk about some weapon ideas that were scrapped, and leaves us with a teaser regarding a potential new Soldier secondary in the works. I don’t personally understand why everyone is leaping on the assumption that it’s literally just a parachute with obvious parachute stats (slower falling speed,… [Continue Reading]

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Creating the Daily SPUF Steam Group.

As many of you may know, the Daily SPUF now has a Steam Group. We’ve posted several blog posts and have been discussing our thoughts on them in the Discussion forum.   But, I’m sure many of you may be wondering how it came into being. Why did I create it? Why not aabicus?   Well sit down and I’ll tell you a funny story on how it went that way.       In the middle of the night with nothing to do, I decide to browse Steam a bit. Out of sheer boredom, I decide to browse SPUF… [Continue Reading]

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The Future No More

To all stakeholders of the SPUFserver: It is with solemn regret that I must announce the indefinite suspension of operations for the SPUFserver, effective May 18th, 2014. For a while now, it has been apparent that the SPUFserver has not been receiving any significant traffic outside of specially organized events, and even that traffic has been minimal with waning community participation. Even with the cost optimizations that we have performed, server administration is still not a cheap venture, and there is no justification for keeping up a server which is not seeing any use. Thus, I have come to the… [Continue Reading]

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