The Lore-Based Reason Why Pyro is a Mediocre Character

I’ve talked about Pyro a lot in the past. While I don’t play much Team Fortress 2 at all any more, most of my friends do. And because of that, I hear a lot of… varying criticisms about the game. Mostly about Pyro. The Pyro has always been a pretty polarizing class, but also a somewhat spoiled class. While Pyro’s game balance may be all over the place, Pyro has by far the zaniest and most varied cosmetics and is probably one of the more popular characters. Despite being a short-ranged menace in a game that isn’t designed with close… [Continue Reading]

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I Completely Forgot To Do A Deadpool 2 Movie Review

I’ve seen Deadpool 2 three times and I haven’t reviewed it. Isn’t that a bit crazy? Isn’t it crazy that I saw the movie two whole times? Well that last thing not so much. Because my dad (big comic book fan) wanted to see it with me, so did my brother and so did my cousin on one of the last showings. Totally a family film. No, really. It’s a family film. As in the main theme of the story is family and having people you can fall back on and relationship stuff and things like that. All that being… [Continue Reading]

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A Distinct Lack of Comics and Love

I LOVE the TF2 comics. I really do. They, and by extension all the other non-game media we get for TF2, are all absolutely amazing, bringing a new dimension to what is otherwise just a cartoony first person shooter. Valve have said it themselves, comics and videos are a third way to actually give TF2 some sort of story, even if it is absolutely batshit crazy. But although I can understand delays in these things, sometimes there’s something… missing. Part of the reason why I’m writing this article is because Jay Dorris hasn’t finished his article. Jay Dorris is a… [Continue Reading]

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On Becoming a Parody of Your Former Self

I’ve been re-reading and re-watching a lot of TF2 stuff lately. While my desire to actually play the game has fizzled out lately, I’ve always been a fan of the crazy TF2 back story. Always will. But my recent reviewing of it all has made me notice a few things. Things are changing. In ways I’m not sure I like. It hit me when I read Gargoyles and Gravel Pits, the Scream Fortress 2015 comic. In it, Medic is depicted as a complete lunatic, while Engineer is pretty chill about everything. And I realised that Medic has gone more and… [Continue Reading]

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My Favorite Moments in TF2 History

TF2 was the first game I really immersed myself into, meaning that a lot of my earliest internet memories come from this game. And through all the years, all the updates, all the thousands of hours of playing this game, there are a few memories that stand out to me the most. In the spirit of Love and War Part 2, I thought I’d take an article to recall my fondest memories as a TF2 fan. Especially since my more traditional “what I love most” article already exists. In no particular order: 5. STAR_ wins Mixup 2013. It was possible for you to… [Continue Reading]

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A Love of Laughter

No matter how we look at it, Team Fortress 2 is an awesome game. There’s bits we whinge about and bits we complain about, as well as stuff that really shouldn’t be in it *cough*random crits and current autobalance*cough*, and a lot of us have gone and written about the things we all dislike, for our Week of Love and Hate. We’ve also written about a lot of things that we love too. Despite how simple that sounds, it’s actually a very hard subject to write about. I spent ages trying to pick a subject. At first I was going… [Continue Reading]

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Come on already!

I’m a very patient person normally. I’ll wait my turn. It’s part of my British heritage that I’m otherwise not very proud of. But now I’m starting to think that I’ve waited enough. I’m talking about the damn TF2 comic series. Quick note. I know there’s people who haven’t read all the comics yet, so spoiler alert. Seriously though this whole thing started in 2013. 2013, I TELL YOU! Deep breath, Medic. Deep breath. The original plan was 6 comics, published bi-monthly. One every two months, not one every two weeks, like some of us had hoped. After reading through… [Continue Reading]

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Valve Hype: The Long Game

Companies have different ways of generating hype. From the dregs of astro-turfing to the apex of ARGs, there are entire industries dedicated to stirring interest in a product and spreading a social media net as far as possible. Valve is in the lucky position of owning a number of long-standing franchises that have years and years of development time invested into them almost entirely in-house, and this lets them splurge on the most niche level of hype: the hidden foreshadowing. Whether intentionally or for testing/convenience’s sake, Valve has a number of  cases where they’ve added something into a game that seems innocuous… [Continue Reading]

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Daily SPUF’s FAQ Page is Confirmed Gay

Written by aabicus while the Log In Via Steam button is borked. In light of the recent reveal that Miss Pauling is gay, we here at the Daily SPUF thought the time has never been better to make a sobering announcement about a page that we all know and love. Yes. Our Frequently Asked Questions page, viewable here, is gay. We’ve never called it out. None of our readers have ever expressed an interest in knowing, or even reading it, because it’s a horribly outdated page I dashed out back when we were still a buggy mess on and… [Continue Reading]

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Popularity, Lore and Intrestingness

When you have a game with multiple characters, it’s hard to make sure that they all get equal amounts of usage, story and fun. Often one character will stand out ahead of the others, either because the developers like that character the best or simply because that character is the most popular or pliable. Or both. Team Fortress 2 is no exception to this. No franchise is. People need to sell this stuff to make money you know. The main character of Team Fortress 2 was always the Heavy Weapons Guy. Big powerful man with a silly Russian accent and… [Continue Reading]

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