My Favorite Nude Mods on Steam

(Heads up, lots of butts in these screenshots. There’s only so NSFW I’m comfortable going in an article). As you may have guessed from some of my older articles (and the code phrase from AWOL&H 2), I’m something of a fan of nude mods. Video games are an escapist pasttime after all, and I’m a total exhibitionist. My side job as a nude model for the local university can only do so much. I’m also an English major, and that means I’m woefully computer illiterate. I don’t want to admit how long it took for me to install a laughably-simple nude mod… [Continue Reading]

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Dem Choppas continued

It’s been a long time since I wrote about my favorite custom model in TF2, the choppa. I’ve changed a lot as a person and my tastes have grown more refined, but nowadays if I again had to pick a favorite custom model, I’d still have to go with the choppa. It’s just the best. Hell, it’s even better than it was before! In late 2013 creator Bl8demast3r made some tweaks that included working killstreak sheens and a new golden model for owners of the Australium SMG: And while he didn’t add anything for weapon skins (how the hell would he?), that turned… [Continue Reading]

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Playing with the Creation Kit

Lately, I’ve been playing a lot of Skyrim. While Medic is still at the Throat of the World contemplating his life and what he should do next (Warning, spoilers – the beginning is here), I’ve been messing around with my second most OP character – Lokmahro, the literal Dragonborn. I say second most overpowered, simply because Medic was really powerful. I didn’t tell you this when I wrote Medic in Skyrim, but I had to redo the Alduin battle because my Syringe Gun killed him in 5 seconds. I wouldn’t mind, I hadn’t even leveled up Archery that much and… [Continue Reading]

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How to improve User/Moderator relationships

Ah, moderators. You can’t live with them and you can only live without them if you can endure vast amounts of flaming spam. Respect levels vary between forums, but moderators and users have never seen eye to eye. It’s an authority thing, and a tough nut to crack in the realms of the internet, the one place that doesn’t have a strict, 100% authority. But there are ways moderators and users alike can improve how they react to one another. But Medic, I hear you ask, what do you know about moderating? Well, I used to run a forum. Nothing… [Continue Reading]

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Leave Impracticality 4 Dead

Every single element in Left 4 Dead 2 is there for a reason. Its features, weapons, zombie types, etc are balanced between each other and have their own role to play. All unnecessary aspects of the setting have been trimmed out, boiling the zombie apocalypse into a polished and nuanced nutshell. It’s a great game for players new and old, as a standard normal-difficulty campaign can throw enough curveballs to keep veterans on their toes while also letting the inexperienced focus on reaching the next safe room and surviving. However, if you limit yourself to only the base game, you’re… [Continue Reading]

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What I do when I’m not playing TF2 – TESV Skyrim

I don’t play TF2 24/7. That’d be silly. And I’d get very sick of the game after not very long. Yes, the person called Medic does play other games. Most of the time, I play a healing passive role. Throw me into Dota 2 and I’ll find the most passive champion around and play that. Same with League of Legends. Borderlands 2 is slightly different, I basically become a pure healing Siren or a bullet sponge. My Berserker (named Heavy, heh), currently has, what, 10k health? And he’s not even on True Vault Hunter Mode yet. But yeah, normally I’m… [Continue Reading]

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Mod Showcase: Project Ghost

Welcome back to Mod Showcase. Brickinator again, here to chat about Project Ghost, a fairly new mod gamemode that’s part of the TF2 Tightrope community. Project Ghost draws many parallels with ghost-hunting TV shows; there’s lots of people in a cramped area, constant screaming and a complete lack of ghosts. Why the hell they chose the name ‘Project Ghost’ is beyond me. In fact, I haven’t got a ghost of a clue why they chose it! Comedy gold. Project Ghost is a plugin for Arena mode. Remember Arena mode? Me neither. At the start of each new round, the game… [Continue Reading]

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Mod Showcase: Jailbreak

Welcome to Mod Showcase. I’m Brickinator and today we’ll be discussing Jailbreak, the prison simulator that thankfully omits showertime. Unlike entertaining gamemodes, Jailbreak elects to do away with foolish notions of gameplay and instead dumps you in a server filled with pre-pubescent prison officers and criminals who have been detained for crimes against eardrums. The players are split between two teams; one team are the guards who get weapons and authority complexes. The unlucky sods get to play the hapless prisoners to bow down to the every whim of their overlords. One of the guards is designated as the warden.… [Continue Reading]

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Mod Showcase: TF2 x10

Welcome back to Mod Showcase. Brickinator here to tell you about the ‘TF2 x10’ mod, a plugin that cranks everything up to 11. Well, up to 10 really. I’ll try not to lie to you guys in the future. At its most basic, x10 simply multiplies every weapon attribute by ten. Each weapon has either been buffed to godlike status or nerfed into oblivion and everything goes crazy like a monkey fight in a nightclub. The gap between which items have been improved and which have been worsened is pretty jarring. The good-bad spectrum basically boils down to Mother Teresa… [Continue Reading]

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Mod Showcase: Randomizer

Welcome back to Mod Showcase. Brickinator here. Today’s article is about Randomizer-  a plugin that combines the carefully crafted and immensely intricate balance system of Team Fortress 2 and defecates all over it. Any sort of tactics or strategy you had for each class has now gone out of the window because, in a Randomizer match, everything is down to chance. Using the word ‘chance’ to describe core multiplayer gameplay is like using the words ‘bloody and viscous’ to describe a urine sample, but Randomizer manages to pull it off. The first thing you need to realise with Randomizer is… [Continue Reading]

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