Overwatch Goes to the Moon

Two days ago, everybody got really excited when the Blizzard Twitter account posted a link to this not-so-cryptic page shedding some lore on the Horizon moon base that Winston grew up in. Well, Blizzard didn’t make us wait long before revealing that the clues point to a new map set on this abandoned moon base! I’m super excited to play this. A few people are grumbling about it being a 2CP map (Volskaya and Hanamura being two of the most stalemate-inducing maps in the game), but Jeff took care to mention in his developer update that that focused on making the… [Continue Reading]

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I’m finding myself playing less and less Overwatch these days, and while part of it is the new workload from preparing for my Master’s program in game development later this year, another part of it is me getting pretty tired of a mechanic that seems to have been Blizzard’s answer to too many balance problems. I don’t think there’s a single element of Overwatch that’s been buffed as many times as the barriers have. When the game was first announced, there were only two barriers among the initial twelve characters, and Winston’s sucked. Now, it’s perfectly possible (heck, downright common) for the defensive… [Continue Reading]

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Complaining Across a Very Small Sea of Games

I have two siblings, both of whom are better at games than I am. Particularly platforming games and anything with precise timing, which I hate with a passion. They are both fans of first person shooters. They both started playing FPS games at the same time I did, starting with Left 4 Dead and Garry’s Mod. They’ve always played similar games. They both adore class-based shooters. They are Terroxy and Nommy. Nommy is the youngest of the three of us. She plays with a small group of friends. Mostly Overwatch these days. She’s gone off Team Fortress 2, because she… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch and Killing Floor 2 Updates: Both Games Got a Machine Gun!

March 21st brought big updates for Killing Floor 2 and Overwatch! Most of you probably already know about the new Overwatch hero, so let’s get that one out of the way first. Orisa is the newest addition to the Overwatch roster and the first post-release tank, intended to fill the role of ‘primary tank’ that currently only Reinhardt really succeeds at. While the forums can’t agree on whether she succeeds in this regard, I can say in practice that she is very powerful and I often felt quite safe hiding behind her and her disposable barriers. However, due to being a mid-long… [Continue Reading]

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Roadhog Time

As a Lucio main who offclasses Soldier 76, I’m pretty immune to the whole Overwatch concept of “competitive checks and balances”. Both of my mains are stupidly adaptable with self-healing, self-defense, mobility, and easy-to-use firearms rounding out their generalist kits. No matter who I’m fighting on the other team, its rare for any opposing hero choices to really cause me much difficulty beyond forcing me to play passively and maybe preventing me from easily doing my job. And then there’s this mother♥♥♥♥er. Roadhog counters both of my mains so badly that he’s now my tertiary main, for no reason other… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch, a few tips to new players

This article, as the title implies is going to be more of a guide than an article. If you feel like you already know how to play Overwatch really well than you may not need to read this. 1. Bastion (or whoever) is not overpowered. This is something I feel new players in Overwatch complain about for the same reason TF2 players complain about things like Phlog Pyros. Bastion for example is really good against uncoordinated, disorganized and generally newbie teams but is bad against experienced players. Mei is a total bitch and Roadhog’s hook is awful. But sometimes there… [Continue Reading]

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Helix Jumping – Advanced Soldier 76 Mobility

As a Lucio main, I enjoy offclassing Soldier 76 because he retains (admittedly far less impressive) mobility and healing-focused abilities, letting me actually kill people while still filling a secondary role doing what I love best. And over time, thanks to my mobility addiction, I’ve found myself comboing the pieces of his kit in unusual ways to make my way around the battlefield. Because of the minor self-knockback on Helix rockets and the way Blizzard coded his sprint, Soldier 76 has the capability to reach some unusual places with what the community has dubbed “helix jumping”. But before we get… [Continue Reading]

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Why You Should Make GIFs

It’s fun to watch the internet evolve. Back in the early days the best way for gamers to show each other sick plays was through screenshots or YouTube videos. The problem is that screenshots aren’t terribly good at displaying exciting events like headshots or near escapes, and videos often require the viewer to navigate away from their current social media of choice to go watch the video. I know when I’m surfing reddit I often don’t have the attention span to click a link to YouTube and wait for the video to buffer in order to see the content. So… [Continue Reading]

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Lucio Added to Heroes of the Storm!

Lucio is the single most fun I’ve ever had playing a support class in a multiplayer, and now he’s bringing his area-of-effect heals over to Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard’s mashup MOBA starring characters from all over their various franchises. He’ll be joining Zarya and Tracer as the third hero to represent Overwatch.  (Which does bring up the question, will the next immigrant be a Defense hero? My money’s on Torbjörn.) Most of his kit has been preserved, albeit molded to fit the MOBA gameplay. His wallride lets him bypass enemies and avoid stuns, his various healing and sound barriers are still as powerful… [Continue Reading]

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Widowmaker Vs. TFClassic Sniper: Who Would Win?

So I was talking with a friend about hypothetical cross-franchise class matchups, in the vein of Scout vs Tracer, Medic vs Sona, Engineer vs Nuparu, Heavy vs Braum, and Pyro vs Toa Vakama. It’s a pretty popular concept on our blog and I realized we hadn’t covered one of the most obvious, that of TF2’s favorite Kiwi versus Overwatch‘s favorite cheesecake. But after ruminating on the idea, I had trouble even starting due to the nature of TF2 Sniper’s unlocks. Do I treat TF2 Sniper as his stock class (which means Widow wins easily) or as an amalgamation of his unlocks, which turns him into a horrifying combination… [Continue Reading]

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